prolem with bard mana regen

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New member
Sep 24, 2006
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i have a 65 bard, levelling up nicely.

but until recently i noticed that the mana regen is bad, when i sing a mana/hp song only the hp's start regenning and not the mana. that is with all mana regen songs.

anyone ever hear of this or might have an idea what to do about it?

i tried the songs on other people and they do get the mana regen
It's because you're a bard. Gonna have to sit on your ass and med it back slowly like the rest of them. And invest in a lot of FT gear.

You can't be twitched
KEI won't help you
Mod rods won't help you
Kitty crack won't help you
Bard song won't help you
Paragon won't help you
Chanter aura's won't help you

At least you get the benefits from the OOC regen now. With a permanent meditate skill of 1, sitting down had a negligable effect before.
Bards only mana regen came from worn items. You got 1 manaregen standing 2 sitting. No spell or song will effect this.
The new out of combat system for hps / mana regen makes bard mana regen a lot better now since Serpents came out.
Assuming the bard remembers to sit down :D
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