Post your Holyshits and Downshits!


Here is my original (with your extra zone added), sorry for the edited version earlier:

downshitif=${If[!${Select[${Zone.ID},344,202,151,345,33505]} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Me.Buff[Resurrection Sickness].Duration}<38 && ${Me.Buff[Revival Sickness].Duration}<18 && !${Macro.Name.Equal[bot.mac]}!=TRUE,1,0]}

should be !$ I think?
how do I add a delay to battleleap? Here is what's happening.. The macro i'm running is turnign on attack. Melee then pushes batteleap. This forces the character to jump out of camp and engage the mob, preventing it from running inot camp. Countless times he dies.
No, the way i have it is correct. !=TRUE. the problem with Macro.Name.Equal is that if you ARENT running a macro it returns NULL and screws it up.
Ok i was using this:


on my cleric
!${Macro.Name.Equal[bot.mac]} will work fine.

If no macro running, result = NULL, !NULL = true
If bot.mac is running, !TRUE = false
If other mac running, !FALSE = true

So if bot.mac is running, you get FALSE, and if not (null or other mac), you get TRUE, which is what you want.

Either way works, but just wanted to point it out.

how do I add a delay to battleleap? Here is what's happening.. The macro i'm running is turnign on attack. Melee then pushes batteleap. This forces the character to jump out of camp and engage the mob, preventing it from running inot camp. Countless times he dies.
What you could do, is put some conditions on it.

For example:

battleleapif=${If[${Target.ID} && ${Target.Distance}<10,1,0]}

You don't need to check for any combat or melee state, as mq2melee is only going to use it once combat is engaged anyway.

Of course, tune the various If options, distance, etc. to what works for you.

I cant seem to find the ini file to edit for these to work. I played on a regular server and had them working there but now i play on test.. and cant seem to locate the ini i need to edit. Wondered if i am missing something.
I cant seem to find the ini file to edit for these to work. I played on a regular server and had them working there but now i play on test.. and cant seem to locate the ini i need to edit. Wondered if i am missing something.

The ini file is Server_Charactername.ini

So for a toon on Emarr it is "Erollisi_Fartmonster.ini"

Maybe now it is "Test_Fartmonster.ini"

So maybe it will be in the bottom of your folder assuming it is arranged alphabetically?
I looked everywhere in the macroquest2-test folder i can not find a server_CharName.ini file. Closest i can find is Slave_CharName.ini???
Did you look in the main Macroquest2 folder? Better yet, do a search for toonname.ini

then see if one with test in front of it shows up. That will tell you.
yup checked main folder and just did a search no luck... not sure why i dont have one. when i played on regular server i had one now the test version i dont...
Downshit to check merc and Revive if needed

Was hoping someone could help me out with Syntax needed to check if merc has died and Revive if needed. Had planned on using this in conjuction with this holyshit:

holyshit3=/if (${Me.PctHPs} < 10 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fading Memories]}) /multiline ; /stoptwist ; /aa act Fading Memories ; /end

havent tested this holyshit yet since I am at work. But my intention was if my bots were going to wipe I could save the bard using Fade, end the macro so it doesnt break fade and then revive the cleric to rez the others.

Anyone able to help out on this?
Thanks in advance
so, merc is always groupmember1 in group. you want the macro to fade, turn off all attacks, pause the macro, fade again just in case. wait until the merc is ready to revive. revive it. then wait until your entire group is rezzed and at 100%. unpause the macro. win.

So you need a series of 3 downshits to do that.
Fade, turn off attack and songs, pause macro, and fade again:
holyshit3=/if (!${Group.Member[1].ID}) /multiline ; /alt act 212 ;  /mqpause ; /twist off ; /attack off ;  /alt act 212
Do nothing, and wait to revive merc.. revive it as soon as possible:
downshit1=/if (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_SuspendButton].Text.Equal[Revive]})              /nomodkey /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton leftmouseup
Wait for everyone in group to get rezzed, be at 100% and unpause macro:
downshit2=/if (${Macro.Paused} && ${Macro.Name.Equal[[COLOR=Yellow]bot[/COLOR].mac]} && ${Group.Member[1].ID} && !${Spawn[pccorpse ${Group.Member[2].CleanName}].ID} && !${Spawn[pccorpse ${Group.Member[3].CleanName}].ID} && !${Spawn[pccorpse ${Group.Member[4].CleanName}].ID} && !${Spawn[pccorpse ${Group.Member[5].CleanName}].ID} && ${Group.Min}==100) /mqpause
In order to run this, you must have plugin mq2MMOTLO loaded. Then change bot.mac to whatever your macro name is. if you only have 3 members in group you can reduce that to the bare minimum on your downshit2.

I think you can throw in a ${Group.Member[1].PctMana}==100 check on there too on that second downshit to make sure the group is all good to go.

You may need a downshit that mirrors holyshit1 too, just in case fade didnt take.

Example of that downshit:
downshit3=/if (${Macro.Paused} && ${Macro.Name.Equal[[COLOR=Yellow]bot[/COLOR].mac]} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMAT]}) /alt act 212
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Thanks Pete, just loaded those and next time i get a wipe I will post the results
for holyshit3: i was missing a ;

make sure you have the current one.

The holyshit to fade didnt fire off and I was looking at it, do i need to specify a percent of HP with a > switch to set it off?
No, you dont need a PctHPs.

Do you have:

If that is correct, you may need to add a /timed 5 or something in between a couple of the commands to give it room to work. but /timed is touchy.

Alternatively, as far as i know, if your merc is dead, then ${Group.Member[1].ID} should be NULL or 0, if it is returning an actual number, that would be a problem. To test: when your merc is dead, type: /echo ${Group.Member[1].ID}
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Oh I misunderstood what you were doing with the Holyshit, I normally will die before the merc cleric... so I would need to be able to fire off /mqpause and fade based on HP<20 on my bard.
Eh? You said if merc is dead. Why would you fade if you are dead first? The thought process you are describing hurts my head. To heal if you are alive, but have less than 20% HP, try adding:
