PayPal Drama


Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
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Hey Gang,

Today MMOBugs PayPal account was "permanently limited" by PayPal for "the sale of items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right under laws of any jurisdictions".

If you have recurring billing setup with PayPal you wont be charged again. PayPal can't be used as a payment option for MMOBugs any longer either.

For the past three months quite a few people in the EQ community have had the same thing happen to their PayPal accounts

One of them tried to fight it, and this is the information they got from PayPal.

For what reasons did PayPal place a permanent limitation on the account?

A limitation was placed on this account as a review of the customer's account activity shows that his sales activity was encouraging illegal activity as he is selling licensed products on his website. They are selling Krono for the game Everquest, which are in-game assets which can be redeemed to receive 30 days of All Access membership time.

They are sold in the marketplace for real money only, or they may be purchased from other players via the broker or private trade for in-game currency. Players may not, however, sell Krono to each other for real world money.

On what basis was this decision made (referring to specific section of the User Agreement).

Please see following excerpt from our acceptable use policy: You may not use the PayPal service for activities that: 2. (d) items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity.

MMOBugs has been using the same PayPal account since 2005. It's sad to see it go. It's really not a happy outcome.

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OK everyone write to Paypal asking them if they can recommend a good alternative because you're leaving PayPal.
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So I take it we will have to use a CC to pay for our subs now? Nothing surprises me anymore I just shake my head all day long.
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I hope they go out of business, they have their nose in everyone else!
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I hope they go out of business, they have their nose in everyone else!

Daybreak is obviously behind them with some nonsense argument that reselling kronos is illegal instead of just a violation of the games TOS. People use paypal for wow gold and ive never read of wow getting paypal accounts banned because of it.
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Can probably pay you using paypal debit/credit cards on stripe :)
I went ahead and canceled my mmobugs renewal thru paypal in case they try to take the money. Not sure how long it takes for the site to let me go put in a cc.
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I was having the same issue and contacted Fry, we have conversations about this and I got so disgusted with Paypal I delete my account and paid MMO manually, with no reoccurring activity going on (and me being OG...laff), I just got a desk calendar to remind me to pay MMO (because playing EQ regularly is like chewing on tinfoil)
I have cancelled everyone's billing with PayPal. You will have got a notification of this. You wont be able to resubscribe until your current membership has expired. It seemed like a good time to drop subscription prices too.

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how do we start a different pay with you i love mmobugs as noted
by the history of my account
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I really don't get paypals stance here. If Kronos are a licensed product and not a virtual item it is not illegal to sell something you bought from someone who obtained it legally right ? If kronos are a virtual currency/item then its not illegal its just a violation of the games user agreement which paypal should give 2 shit about right ?
Well, I kind of go back to paying for a Lifetime membership several years ago and then Lifetime being changed to something not Lifetime.