"Of the Truthbringer"


New member
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
last night I ran the mac to get faction up and not max ally, but i still dont have the suffix "Of the Truthbringer," Is there something else i need to do to get it?
As the author of the macro that most people use to get this title...I would actually recommend that you *not* use it. I didn't realize how popular it would be when I posted it...by the time I retired, a full 200 of the MQers on my list of hackers on Prexus were people that had first attracted my attention because they had the title. I'm not saying that everyone who has it is a hacker...but a lot of people who do are. The same goes for the other freeport faction title.
Ive only noticed a few people on prexus having truthbringer or fpm.
I know the couple with fpm were macroers, as the guild they were in was notorious for cheating.
But i figured much so, the people that did have this suffix were macroes as well, as the time handing in two gold for so long, is not worth it lol
Prexus is chock-full of hackers, heh. Every raiding guild has tons of them, even in the officer corps. The non-raiding guilds are even worse...people just go hack-happy on the server. But then again, what do you expect from a server that hosted me, Abyss and Crew, and a ton of other big names from these boards, RG, and others?
Is it just a title... Why bother with it whether macroing or not? To much other stuff my toon needs, like changing all my gear to LIME_GREEN so everyone will look at me...hehe
Suffix. You can be "Baron Buttius Munchalot of the Truthbringer". That appeals to people. That said...this particular suffix is used mainly by MQers, because of its ease to get (like 2h afk with the macro) for us.
Prexus is chock-full of hackers, heh. Every raiding guild has tons of them, even in the officer corps. The non-raiding guilds are even worse...people just go hack-happy on the server. But then again, what do you expect from a server that hosted me, Abyss and Crew, and a ton of other big names from these boards, RG, and others?

I find new MQers and GKers almost everyday now on prexus.
where is the macro for this? and whats the macro do? ive read about gold handing in....

That's all it does...hands in gold, for hours and hours.
this is only for ' .. Of The Truthbringer' i thought it also gained faction for the milita title lol. thanks anyways.

Btw...who do you hand gold too? i couldnt seem to find the NPC's name. allah is non to specific.
Read the comments that the link goes to. Or, do a search here for truthbringer and look at the third set, of the three available.

Since you don't seem to want to invest too much energy into this, Fabian in EFP should be able to help you.