New Account Measures by SoE


New member
Oct 26, 2006
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You now need the DoB/SQ on an account along with the usual last 4 on the cc and name.. to reset the pass.

If not you need all of the billing info on all previous registrations, and it helps to only have one CC on the account.

God help us all.
Why would you need to reset the PW? Just use the normal change pw feature.
Just transfer it off to a fresh account, then you won't have that problem. Safer anyways.

Lets say you bought an account and you call in to reset the info b/c it was stolen or somthing.

Or you let a friend on an account and he knows your sq or w/e and he changes everything.

You would potentially be fucked and not able to reest your own password.

The auto method is if you have the sq/dob/email that is currently on the account..

And before you would move it to a new account, you now need to use the automated method, before you could move characters off without the current login.

Now if you wanted to move it to a new account you would need the up to date password.

It just took me 5x as long to get a char on a new account and prepare it for the new buyer.

I would think it as an accurate fact to say that I know more about the current systems and the history of account moving and security then anyone else, and believe me.. this new system and these new rules are putting a stranglehold on the capability of generating an easy account sale.

Lets say as another example.. that you are banned for somthing like a pending account verification.

You no longer have the ability to log into ANY sony related systems if you are marked as banned ( eqlive,, etc etc ).

Its horrid.
It just took me 5x as long to get a char on a new account and prepare it for the new buyer.

I would think it as an accurate fact to say that I know more about the current systems and the history of account moving and security then anyone else, and believe me.. this new system and these new rules are putting a stranglehold on the capability of generating an easy account sale.

Its horrid.

Out of curiousity, did it dawn on you that they might want it to be hard for account sales? Sounds like they succeeded to me.
Out of curiousity, did it dawn on you that they might want it to be hard for account sales? Sounds like they succeeded to me.

Actually I have figured out measures around it, I was merely describing the difficulty it would portray to others.

If I recall this site is against SoE policy, which is why I posted my views on it Vladus.

I would think it is pretty clear that a move like this from SoE would have a predetermined scent of hostility.

So yes… I saw this as something to enforce the Eula..

They are far from succeeding on anything to me.

Seems like the ideas of morons to me, attempting to show some sort of short term control on a game that is doomed.

As long as I keep making money, putting in a little effort here and there fine with me.
I understand that you may loose your password because the one you bought the char from is scamming you and change the password. However first rule of account buying is move the char to a new station account) which only cause issues these days when you resale account instead buying for your own use

I heard that automated moving only works every 6 months, which means that you cannot move more then once per duration now.. which is pretty annoying.

On top of that.. the initial act requires you to fake the cc billing info if the account is not originally yours, which was also made more difficult.

This now bugs out somtimes when subscribing, I have been able to do it the old way however somtimes I get so annoyed I just enter my real info and hope for luck.

Alot has changed, but overall it is just usless bullshit.
i wouldnt say this site is against SOE policy.
i wouldnt say this site is against SOE policy.

Yeah.. Running dedicated hack software, building on automated macros, managing a buy/sell section, being constantly aware of SoE watched locations so that people do not encounter SoE officials, using exploits to our advantage and posting cheat and hacker guides are not in violation of any secitons of the Eula.

/sarcasm off
SOE policy is also against people stealing accounts, being rude and malicious in many ways. Guess we stand for that also.

Just because this site does not really agree with the use of 3rd party software or resell of virtual items does not make it against SOE policy.

Last those protections sound more like account saftey then trying to fuck account resells. As apparently you or someone you know has had an account stolen from a friend because they guessed the SQ. Tho if they guessed the SQ account reset should not work anyways as they can and should have changed your Email on file. So you would have to call and to verify the account you need more then SQ.

Sounds more like they are trying to look out for people then screw over account sales. If someone buys an account from me I give them the info they would always need incase something happend. Name first/last 4 of CC + date of brith + SQ. They can not do anything with that info but verify the account. Only reason not to give it to them is you might want to steal it back some day.
SOE policy is also against people stealing accounts, being rude and malicious in many ways. Guess we stand for that also.

Just because this site does not really agree with the use of 3rd party software or resell of virtual items does not make it against SOE policy.

Last those protections sound more like account saftey then trying to fuck account resells. As apparently you or someone you know has had an account stolen from a friend because they guessed the SQ. Tho if they guessed the SQ account reset should not work anyways as they can and should have changed your Email on file. So you would have to call and to verify the account you need more then SQ.

Sounds more like they are trying to look out for people then screw over account sales. If someone buys an account from me I give them the info they would always need incase something happend. Name first/last 4 of CC + date of brith + SQ. They can not do anything with that info but verify the account. Only reason not to give it to them is you might want to steal it back some day.

You are aware that it is against the EULA to even let somone other then yourself effect your account in anyway,.. right?

Ontop of that, mmobugs does support 3rd part programs and account sales.. So not sure why you stated that they didnt.

It is against SoE policy to use 3rd party software or buy/sell, I do not understand your post..

A secret question means nothing, I was simply explaining that they are seeking the DATE OF BIRTH OR SECRET QUESTION. Now, I would assume it is quite easy to find somones date of birth.. however when I make an account I put a random dob and sq, so it sucks having to reset an account when I dont have that information at hand.

You only need the last 4 of an early cc on the account, and now dob or sq.

SoE is not trying to help people breaking their EULA, they are trying to make it more annoying.

Listen, your post was everywhere.. frankly I did not understand the point you tried to make so it was difficult for me to respond.

Take it from me, noones account is secure.. When I sell an account I move it to a fresh account and set it up so that the buyer of the account is marked as the first and only subscriber.

You have no idea what is possible these days, these new systems have made it easier then ever to steal shit from people.

And btw, if you provide the billing address and cc's ( now available on the new system ), you can get past all of this added protection.

My post was simply to notify people of possible annoying times ahead, and I was hoping to have a convo with people who understood what I meant.
Because this site does not agree with 3rd party software or resell of virtual items/charters does not mean it is against SOE policy. Not sure what is hard to understand about that.
Just because you do not agree or ignore one policy does not mean you are against SOE policy.

You commented on needing up to date password to move an account.. Well no shit if you do not have the updated password you probably are not the account owner. So why should you be able to transfer anything off that account.

Again why bitch because they are trying to fix problems they made that made accounts more vulnerable?

But this site

DOES agree with 3rd party program usage.

Does agree with resale of virtual items , currency , and individual account sales.

JJ i want some of the shit youre taking! i know what you meant ( at least i think i do ) but it is not what you posted.
I think he was trying to say that we aren't against EVERY SoE policy.

But yes, we offer 3rd party tools, and provide a means to sell accounts. Just because we don't agree with it, doesn't mean we don't try to understand what they are doing. They are a company, if they get lots of calls from people getting their accounts stolen, they are going to do something about it, whether its against their policy or not. Phone calls/support staff is expensive. I was just trying to provoke a reaction when I suggested it was to stop account sales (I'm sure it is part of the reason).
He's saying the site itself is not against the EULA and he is correct. When you download from it and are using what you've gotten here, be it third party programs or a bought account - then you personally are breaking the EULA. No where does it prevent you from creating a community that discusses it. The law does not allow that sort of power. (not yet, anyways.)
He's saying the site itself is not against the EULA and he is correct. When you download from it and are using what you've gotten here, be it third party programs or a bought account - then you personally are breaking the EULA. No where does it prevent you from creating a community that discusses it. The law does not allow that sort of power. (not yet, anyways.)

Re-read the patriot act ;) /JK
He's saying the site itself is not against the EULA and he is correct. When you download from it and are using what you've gotten here, be it third party programs or a bought account - then you personally are breaking the EULA. No where does it prevent you from creating a community that discusses it. The law does not allow that sort of power. (not yet, anyways.)

this is Rule 9 of the EULA on SoE's site.
9. You may not use any third party software to modify the Software to change Game play. You may not create, facilitate, host, link to or provide any other means through which the Game may be played by others, such as through server emulators. You may not take any action which imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction) any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

sounds like the site could be held responsible /shrug