Need a snip to ck a group of mobs HP's


New member
Nov 1, 2007
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Any one have a snip that will check the HP's of a group of mobs in a defined radius and target the lowest?

Is in .. pulling a group of mobs and while fighting checking the surrounding mobs HP's, changing target to the lowest HP mob.
Its not a task that is really that easy or reliable.

It takes a second to update the hitpoints at least and you need to scan all of the mobs first to see if its the lowest so if you have like 20 mobs you are checking for 20 seconds on what mob is lowest.
Well, it's not very difficult if you want to do it your self, I would create 2 variables int lowHP 100 and int lowMobID 0, target npc radius 500 or whatever and then go check if target's hp is lower than lowHP. If so then lowMobID = and lowHP = target.pcthps and then add their ID to an alert so we don't target them again. If you can't figure out how to put this into macro code then guess you're out of luck =P
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Actually, you wouldn't want to add it to an alert list - if you did, you'd swap off that mob next run, even if it was lowest hp (unless you didn't recheck until it was dead, but then you still wouldn't need to do alert list).
Once the targets run out the loop could just start over and clear the list...