Mq2melee request


Rog Adds:

Dirty Fighting
/aa 671
Note: Does not stack with Envenomed Blades. If that buff is active, you do not want it spamming.

Envenomed Blade
/aa 3515
Note: See aboce

Rogue's Fury
/aa 3514

Sleight of Hand
/aa 841

Accost Rk. I, II, II
Stun lvl Mob <=95

Delusion Rk. I, II, III
- aggro Rog, + aggro to targets target

Simple Mark Rk. I, II, III
+ damage to Piercing Mob <=95

Fleet-Footed Discipline Rk. I, II, III
Avoidance disc
/melee Fleet=HP% (Base this on health so it can fire if you are getting hit)

Pinpoint Liabilities Rk. I, II, III
+ % BS damage, + Piercing Damage %

Lacerate Rk. I, II, II
2nd Bleed
does 10k damage for two ticks
this can stack with jugular Gash, which already works with Bleed. Maybe make this /melee Bleed2

On a 2nd note:
Since Reprieve (Respite) and sixth wind are on separate timers, an we get Sixth WInd End regen added to all classes?


/melee bloodfury=90 is not working, he spams bloodfury.

does 14500 damage to zeker every time cast and does 1000 tick hp damage.
Don't want this spamming, only want it casting once if the buff is not up.
Can anyone help me with the following:

what is the bloodfuryif= ?????? so that it will not cast if my HP are < 90% and do not cast if I have Bloodfury (Song) buff?
one of my holys for it

/if (${Target.PctHPs}>40 && ${Me.PctHPs}>70 && !${Me.Buff[Steel Frenzy Effect II].ID} && ${Me.Combat} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Steel Frenzy Rk. II]}) /multiline ; /alt activate Bloodfury ; /timed 10 /disc Steel Frenzy Rk. II

but maybe something like if (${Me.PctHPs}>90) /alt activate bloodfury ? . u dont really need to check if its ready cause i think it always is? but if not look at another example of an aa check if its ready and put bloodfury there
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On a 2nd note:
Since Reprieve (Respite) and sixth wind are on separate timers, an we get Sixth WInd End regen added to all classes?

take the book for sixth wind and burn it piss on it then flush it down the toilet
all u need is reprieve, the timers for wind line suck ass.
Delusion Rk. I, II, III
- aggro Rog, + aggro to targets target
This is useful when you want the mobs target to get a boost to their aggro. It is a very bad idea for this to go off when the rog has aggro on the mob, unless they are tanking, as it will keep them on HOTT. So if the MA of a group gets on HOTT then it should fire, otherwise it shouldn't fire. I have it as a blocked buff to catch the times when i hit it and just then the mob happens to turn.

Simple Mark Rk. I, II, III
+ damage to Piercing Mob <=95
The piercing mod on this works for mobs above 95, just not the stun component. I usually use this on burns or named because it has a recast of 5mins.

Fleet-Footed Discipline Rk. I, II, III
Avoidance disc
/melee Fleet=HP% (Base this on health so it can fire if you are getting hit)
Actually, this is a tanking disc. For a 'saviour' disc I would actually use the Nimble Discipline - Increase Chance to Dodge by 10000%.

Pinpoint Liabilities Rk. I, II, III
+ % BS damage, + Piercing Damage %

Lacerate Rk. I, II, II
2nd Bleed
does 10k damage for two ticks
this can stack with jugular Gash, which already works with Bleed. Maybe make this /melee Bleed2
Pinpoint is already in there. Wound / bleed / lacerate are all on the same timer and I believe the current wound setting in mq2melee takes the highest rank / level of the line. (I hope, never checked).

I suggested something previously that I think would still be a good addition. For the opening attack using strike you need to be hidden for a certain period of time. If you haven't or if you are visible it would be nice to start with a jugular gash as the opener.
Wizard AA to reduce Hate.

Concussive Intuition

1m30s recast.

not sure when you'd want it to go off, maybe at like below a certain % HP? because you'd think by that time you'd have some hate built up.

For 1.5 min, that could fire rather often. I would say, If Target.named, &&/or Me.Buff(DPS Spire) &&/or other DPS AA buffs etc etc.

Why not fire often? it reduces aggro, which is what a wizard wants. Doesn't cost anything, i'd rather have that thing go off whenever possible when in a fight just to give that little extra buffer of not pulling aggro.
Pinpoint is already in there. Wound / bleed / lacerate are all on the same timer and I believe the current wound setting in mq2melee takes the highest rank / level of the line. (I hope, never checked).

I suggested something previously that I think would still be a good addition. For the opening attack using strike you need to be hidden for a certain period of time. If you haven't or if you are visible it would be nice to start with a jugular gash as the opener.

I'm pretty sure our Jugular Gash and lacerate are on seperate timers. Lacerate has a longer reuse time than our Jugular line.
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Well since your all working on the mq2melee... it might make sense, if atall possible... That if and when your under water, that battle leap or any other type of leaps be turned inactive. Since when you leap, its broke while under water and you jump up and out of the water, and it takes roughly 20 seconds to get back to your target swimming.

Its just not worth the damage bonus while under water, if you loose 20 seconds to get back. Not to mention it makes it pretty ez to see the mq2 users, from the non users.
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Well since your all working on the mq2melee... it might make sense, if atall possible... That if and when your under water, that battle leap or any other type of leaps be turned inactive. Since when you leap, its broke while under water and you jump up and out of the water, and it takes roughly 20 seconds to get back to your target swimming.

Its just not worth the damage bonus while under water, if you loose 20 seconds to get back. Not to mention it makes it pretty ez to see the mq2 users, from the non users.
Not a bad suggestion, but I would just put it in battleleapif.

