MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

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When I got home today the druid doesn't crash any more when snaring.
Made a bunch of minor tweaks.
-Bards should /bottwist off automatically when you zone or use the /invis command.
-Added /coth group, so that you can use the new group version. **note that MQ2Cast currently only lets you mem and use spells that have 14 seconds or less refresh timer. Group spell is like 16 seconds. I've asked htw to bump our version to 20 seconds to accomodate this. until it is bumped though, youll have to use the command twice. Once it is added in, youll only need one request.
-Dumped all stored spawns upon zoning. This should alleviate some crashing during zoning.
-couple other misc items.
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-Added /coth group, so that you can use the new group version. **note that MQ2Cast currently only lets you mem and use spells that have 14 seconds or less refresh timer. Group spell is like 16 seconds. I've asked htw to bump our version to 20 seconds to accomodate this. until it is bumped though, youll have to use the command twice. Once it is added in, youll only need one request.
-Dumped all stored spawns upon zoning. This should alleviate some crashing during zoning.
-couple other misc items.

Curious how high the recast threshold can be bumped, there are a couple of spells that have some very long recast times, i.e. some Sk spells, cleric DI etc. Of course, there are some spells that have 1.5min + recast times, but I meant those spells you wouldn't want to mem in and out and keep up, i.e less than 1.5 min recast timers, good example is the SK "steadfast stance" line, you can't really mem this in and out as you please, pretty much takes up 1 gem slot.
The threshold can be bumped up to forever. But there are obvious drawbacks because no casts will occur during that window. I could probably actually add in a custom setting to that you could pass.. like /casting "spell" gem1 -wait15s or something so you could wait specific amounts. That is something I can take a look at later (weeks to months).

My free time is about to swing wildly as I prepare to deploy next week. I will look at redoing mq2cast or at least making an internal /botcast because the more I have to deal with these outside plugins interfering with each other, the more frustrated I get. Plus I wouldnt need the full plugin, just the casting bits and last status. The interntal /bottwist is one of the shortest routines and was surprisingly easy. I would imagine that I could "multi-thread" it so that it still does other stuff while waiting for the first spell to mem.
Ah I am not using your bot yet Pete, but this was more so related to the recast timer issue in MQ2cast I could never get around, I reported about it couple of years back both here and on the macroquest forums.

Your explanation of nothing can be cast within that window explains it well. Yah, so basically there is no win either way if nothing can be cast during that time range you set. So, its more so fine tuning around 95% of the spells have recast time less than 14 secs most likely, so you want to cater to that, which makes sense why the threshold was set that low.

Hope I didn't derail this thread to much.
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Pete, still having the same issue with Bard not assisting/sticking to mobs in camp unless I nudge him with the keyboard arrow keys. I did load the newest version of MQ2Bot.dll. Again, only occurs when I have "UseStick=1", when turned off he works fine.
Oh I see what you are saying now. I didn't "get" what was happening. So apparently you are /sticking to a person, and when mq2melee engages, it doesnt issue a /stick off command, therefore you dont move from your original stick until you tap a key to break the current stick.

I added a /squelch /stick off prior to both melee and autofire engagement in this version. Let me know how it works.
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Pete, that version is working, but maybe I misunderstood what "StickSettings=" does. I thought it was for sticking to a certain range of, for example, the group healer, after killing mobs. Using "UseStick=1" would enable that sticking. Which seems to be what it is doing now, but maybe I misunderstood those settings, and instead they are related to following the healer when moving? My group/Healer(s) is/are stationary.
Correct. The more accurate name for it would be UseFollow=. I could probably change it to that.

So UseStick=1 means that you will follow the group leader using those StickSettings=30 healer. Whenever you engage a mob, stick will break, let you kill it, then once there is no more aggro, goes back to sticking to leader.

IF leader is also puller, it goes to next person in group. If it runs out of people, no sticking occurs.

So setting your healer as group leader and then putting everyone but your puller with UseStick=1 would mean that after every fight they would go back to within 30 range of your healer, if they were more than that distance away. If they were already within 30 range, they just stay where they are. Make sense?
Got it, thanks, and sorry for any confusion I may have caused.
I have updated the default cast max delay to 20 secs (20000 ms). Also the default memo max delay at 12 secs (12000 ms). Also, I added capability to read them from INI (it will only do it on plugin load, so if you change one or both, you need to reload the plugin). It would be in MQ2Cast.ini:

Where XXX = memo delay in ms, valid from 8000 to 80000.

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Freewilly I had the same problem with my bard... Change the stick setting from 30 to 5 . He will assist and move correctly
Build 6/18/2014 7:57:43 PM - crashing at /bot on. Occurred on clr, dru, wiz (all tried).

As is the most recent .dll in this thread.
Same here (DRU, BRD). Plugin loads, (shows NULL for account name for partial/full purposes), then CTD on /bot on.
Looks like todays patch borked something.

I get it to load fine, as soon as he attacks... CTD
yea were all in the CTD club. I love a good club
Besides the CTD when doing /bot on, bot.mac seems to have issues as well, at least with my bard, and to a smaller extent, my necro. Bard stops targetting and twisting and attacking. When this is occurring spell bar is greyed out. If I click on spell bar he resumes, or if I click target in Xtarget window and hit attack key he resumes. This happens with both MQ2Bot and bot.mac. Necro, with bot.mac, always seems to want to sit a mob every now and then prior to this update, but since todays update he seems to be nudged more often......still testing everything to be more concise.
Hey! I'll join the CTD club. That was a fun 3 toon crash lol.
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