MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

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Version 2014.05010a.

- Added a hook in for macros so you can pull and it will pause the bot. This should allow you to run a pulling macro on a toon and then have mq2bot kick in once you are back to camp.

How to use in your macro:
/declare Pulling bool outer

In your macro, when you are running out to pull:
/varset Pulling TRUE
This will pause all mq2bot functionality pretty much.

When you get back to camp:
/varset Pulling FALSE
This will unpause mq2bot functionality

I may change the verbage and/or add another hook in or two if there are requests.

If you want to manually pull and just pause the bot, you type the following in game (doesnt require a macro to be running):
/declare Pulling bool global

Make a hotkey:
/varset Pulling ${If[${Pulling},FALSE,TRUE]}

Hitting that hotkey would pause/unpause bot on command. I suggest using mq2mybuttons if you are squirly about putting mq2 commands on eq hotkeys.

There are several pulling macros already created, but I may do some sort of custom/advanced job or just rip the pull routine out of bot.mac. Will take a look at it later.
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Version 2014.05010b.

- MeleeAt will now default to 100 instead of 0 for hybrids/melees and will remain at 0 for int casters and priests. It was annoying me.

This will only default to 100 on a fresh ini, existing ini entries will not be changed to 100.

This should allow for straight out of the box playing for any class with the exception of using netbots or autofollow still requiring ini modification. Any other changes are purely for your style of play.
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Thank you to all those individuals that have contributed with this.

Now that all the major routines are completed and the plugin is no longer crashing, I am going to start final touches on routines and remove this from beta status. For now, I am keeping the full/partial status and may adjust a couple routines for how many are allotted. Anyone that has provided what I deem as meaningful feedback on this thread prior to this post will have full access along with a few others from the alpha post and some people that have provided some nice donations. Thanks again!

I will be expanding HealAt= to have different settings for HoTs, delayed heals, group heals, and single heals. I will add a couple more variations like that to other sections.

I am now taking requests for additions/functionality and will weigh the gain/loss for each.

Any missing AAs or misused AAs will be adjusted if anyone tells me about them.

If anyone has an TLO members they would like added, just let me know. It doesnt necessarily have to be directly related to this plugin. ie, it could be Spell[].something related but I could add it into Bot.something. If you dont use the MMOBugs compile and would like one of the other custom ones moved to this plugin so that you can use this with vanilla compile, that is doable too. ie. Me.GoM or Me.Twincast.

I will write up a more in depth FAQ/How to on the wiki now that things are complete so that people dont have to read through 100 posts to find the info they need. Feel free to contribute best practices.
ok 2 days running without a hiccup on the bard and mage...getting brave gonna add it to shammy and cleric..will let ya know how that fairs shortly LOL.
Version 2014.05010c.

- Fixed timers. Timers werent checking. So Debuff/Dots were only casting once per mob and hot/delayed heals were only casting once per group member.

- Added splash spells being able to cast. If your mouse is on sky instead of player/ground, it will take more than 1 attempt. Nothing I can do about it atm. EQMule mentioned fixing /click left target to work from anywhere for splash spells but hasnt cracked that egg yet.

- Changed HealAt=80 to:

HealAt=80 <-- this is any heal not specifically broken out elsewhere
HealDurationAt=95 <-- This is all Heal over time spells
HealDelayedAt=95 <-- this is all promised renewal type lines
HealGroupAt=80 <-- this is all AE/group only spells

Those are directly tied to when you right click your spell bar and choose the category/subcategory of spells. if it is listed as Duration, it is a duration, if listed as Delayed, it is a delayed.

Ran through and updated authorized users to everyone that posted anything on either thread that provided any feedback.
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hey pete, how hard would it be to add a use aa on named only thing? shammy blowing thru all his special stuff on trash. just wondering if it would be dificult, if it is the mac still ownz on shammy so could continue using that.
hey pete, how hard would it be to add a use aa on named only thing? shammy blowing thru all his special stuff on trash. just wondering if it would be dificult, if it is the mac still ownz on shammy so could continue using that.

Default is to use any AAs that refresh in 10 min or less on trash. Anything above 10 on named only. Set that to 1 for example, and AAs only trigger on named.

EDIT: and so there isnt confusion. When i say AA, i mean stuff listed in Bot.AA, Bot.AA[1], etc. Not other routines that happen to be using an AA, like Turgur's Swarm as a debuff. That doesnt factor in the AACutOffTime.
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ok thanks pete you are the man !
Function Request:

An option that will slow down spell casts, have noticed, especially on a ranger, that they zoom through their mana really fast if your pulling hard, would be nice to limit them slightly (throttle if you will) the speed at which they go through their spell lists.
ok dropped chanter out of group to use bard for CC, but he keeps trying to mez the assists target, am i missing a setting here or bard only use ae mez atm?
ok dropped chanter out of group to use bard for CC, but he keeps trying to mez the assists target, am i missing a setting here or bard only use ae mez atm?
If you have your bard's XTarget1 set to your assist's target, then it should only mez others. Mez doesnt even check Bot.Add[1]}. If you had your bard XTarget1 set to autohater, it would be luck of the draw unless your assist is also using the plugin and autohater as XTarget1.

Also, i misspoke. AACutoffTimeTime=1 would make it so anything over 1 minute reuse would get used on name only. I explained it correctly, then gave you a bad example with 60.

vorpal: i mean.. i could.. but seems easier to just mem less nukes.
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ok thanks gonna try that again and see if it does the same all we need is someone to write a pull mac with radius and cast a spell, return to camp to go along with this sweeeeet plugin and win EQ!
ok thanks gonna try that again and see if it does the same all we need is someone to write a pull mac with radius and cast a spell, return to camp to go along with this sweeeeet plugin and win EQ!
I'll write a custom one that works specifically with the plugin when i get a chance. (no promises on a timeline, could be today, could be months from now). That way I can make use of all those TLO members. I think you can use the pull.mac that freewilly wrote for now.

Goals would be (off the top of my head, and basically what bot.mac already does):
I've previously allowed mq2advpath, line of sight, radius searches, and mq2navigation options and I would likely include all of those in any pulling specific macro.

It would have a PrePull skill like bot mac. a la monk AE mez, maybe harmony of adds in range. Multiple pull skill/spell options would archery/ranged/clicky/spell/aa/song.

You would be able to keep whatever the designated amount of mobs in camp at a time that you desire.

And a conditions line for what settings you would want to pull things. ie. your group min mana is 50% and group min hp is 90% and group min endurance is 10 and nobody is dead or something similar.

Then there would be the standard method type and radius/etc.
This isn't specifically MQ2Bot related, but what would be the commands/code to automatically set the groups main tank, main assist, and main puller in a macro. I quite often seem to forget to do that when I first start my group up and when the first pull doesn't go so smooth, sometimes leading to deaths, I can hear my kids saying "your old dad". If you want me to ask this elsewhere I will, I just know you can rattle that off pretty quick.

v/r Freewilly
How is invis handled? Does it have a break invis or do we manually have to remove invis before the bot will continue?

Also, whats the chance we can get some /commands added?

Personally when I bot I adjust a lot on the fly to adjust to the content and group.

/pet on
/pet off
/debuff on
/debuff off
/hot on
/hot off
/fightbuff on
/fightbuff off
/dot on
/dot off
/aa on
/aa off
/tankname "name of pet or tank"

Maybe a reload Ini like /melee reload has. I know we can do a lot with varset but making it easier for the masses, should increase usage.

Other than that with /holyshits and downshits, this is a total win. Much faster than the macro. Well done Pete.
Only clickys are ignored if invis right now. Everything else still fires as normal. I will probably add the autoinvis/autobreakinvis options like bot.mac. I was just thinking of the best way to do it. In bot.mac it used a simple npc radius check, but I can be fancy in the plugin and actually have it search for npc that are undead or not and quest mobs or not and only invis if the appropriate type comes nearby. Macros run a lot slower than plugins and trying that in macro format could get laggy.

The commands are a maybe short term and a yes long term. The way I have it coded right now means I have to redo it all using methods I dont fully "get" yet for that to work. Which, that isnt a huge deal, it would just take time. MQ2Melee was written by htw/sorcier/etc and they knew what they were doing and this is my first plugin ever. The code is bloated and sloppy compared to anything he would write because I just dont know wtf im doing for shortcuts.

As far as a couple commands equivalents go:
/bot on = /melee reload/load
Changing your group role main tank = /tankname
noticing that when Snareat is on / set for snareat=10 it will try to snare a PC corpse if there is one and will spam it. Happened for a 98 Wizard using Crystallizing Circle
Version 2014.05011.

- Added an additional corpse check to Snare even though it had one.

- Added auto invis by radius for authorized users

AutoInvisDistance=0 <-- If set to a value (x) and Bot.Invis returns a value, it will auto invis using that Bot.Invis AA if any mob that is not on the ignore list and is not a quest mob is within x distance of you. Invis is only checked when you dont have adds. So if you have an add, which then gets within 50', it wont invis.

AutoInvisDistance=50 will invis if a non-ignore/non-quest giver/vendor mob is within 50'.

It doesnt check undead yet. Should be easy to add later today though after im done working out~
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Missing self buff for sks. Voice of thule. Alt ability

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Also hates attraction as offensive threat alt ability

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