Mq2 Melee question


New member
Nov 23, 2010
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I am trying to get the plugin not to automatically turn attack on again when I attack off or get back on that target after switching.

I have searched forums and tried to play with the settings but I just cannot get it to stop acting like this.
I turn attack on manually hitting my A key, I checked the binds and there is no Attack line only a melee wich is setup on Z key.

The only fix I found was to type /target clear wich isn't the most convenient.
I have not found in any ini file a killthis mapping or option of any sort that I could turn off.

Also is there a way to turn off the auto stand up when feign death fails?

Any help be appreciated!
Normally, mq2melee will turn off attack if you change targets. Set this to off to change that behavior. Be aware that after killing a new target, it will swap back and continue killing the previous target.
Overide does not change the behavior for turning attack on again wich is my issue.
That is attacks off alone when I swap target is fine.
I just want to be able to click my A key to turn attack off manually without having to make a macro with /target clear.
Basically, what you want is a hotkey for: /melee reset
Or bind that in with the attack key, that will evaluate attack, and if on, will do a /melee reset

I went to point to the wiki for the reset command, and I LOL'd when I could not find it. That's been in there forever. I added it to the wiki. Go to the commands section, and scroll down toward the bottom of it, past all the configuration options (

You do want override on, that's the normal behavior. If you turn it off, the a melee reset will clear everything, then re-engage your target.

Oh, I forgot to answer the other part, about fd failure. That option is shown in the wiki, and is called standup, so to turn it off: /melee standup=off save

Make sure you update mQ2Melee, because when checking the logic in order to make sure I answered your question properly, this check was not being done after a broken FD, when it should have been. It now uses that same logic. standup must be on, and either aggro must be on, OR your hitpoints must be greater than the resume setting.

Another way would be to set bfeigndelay to some ridiculously high value, e.g., /melee bfeigndelay=200000000 save

That would be approx 55 hours, 33 minutes, and 20 seconds. :D

There are several FD type options that work with each other, you can read up on those in the wiki, but here is a summary:

  • bfeigndelay=[0+]
    Delay in milliseconds to wait after broken feign death (0=no delay).
  • falls=[on|off]
    (Monk only) Auto-feign to reduce aggro?. (obivously, only if aggro=off)
  • feigndeath=[0-100]
    Feigns death if your life percentage goes below this value. Will never feign if aggro=on. (only for SHD,NEC,MNK,BST)
  • resume=[0-100]
    Stand up and turn back attack on if your life percentage goes above this value. Used with feigndeath option. (only if aggro=off, and class is SHD,NEC,MNK,BST)
  • standup=[on|off]
    Will stand you if when you are feigning. Only used if aggro and/or resume options are on.