MPG Single-Group Trials


Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
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This guide is intended as a spoiler to help groups pass through the six trials in the Muramite Proving Grounds (a zone off Walls of Slaughter). These trials yield excellent loot for even Anguish-level guilds, including hard-to-come-by slots like masks, rings, and shoulders. Also, completing a trial increases the maximum that your resists can be raised to.

NOTE: The lockouts on these trials are rather annoying to those that would like to farm them for the loot they offer. If you do not mind not getting credit for the trial, leave the expedition (everyone in the group opens the window with ALT+Z and clicks leave) just before the final mob dies (this only works in the trials where the event ends as a mob dies, which is all of them except Fear). Decide loot beforehand and loot quickly once the chest spawns, then allow yourself to be booted from the zone. You should end up outside the trial with no lock out, since you technically failed.

Trial of Destruction (Projection of Power)

Perfect group set-up:

2 tanks, cleric, slower, 2 dps.


Kill 20 mobs in 15 minutes, and then a final named.


Begin the trial with the group positioned on the east wall of the room. Make sure that througout the trial NO ONE moves up the wall, as this makes it difficult for the tanks to re-establish aggro if mobs chase others up the wall, as well as making it difficult for the damage classes to burn it down. Every 10 seconds or so the mobs will mem-blur themselves, so the tanks need to continually build aggro.

3 mobs rush the group the moment the trial is started, and spawn throughout the event around the room. The faster the group kills the mobs off, they quicker they will spawn. If the mobs do not aggro the group immediatly after they spawn, make sure to quickly pull them to the group for tanks to aggro and the dps to burn down. If they roam around the room too long without being aggroed they will despawn.

Every mob you kill after the required 20 makes the final named weaker. If your dps is exceptional and you manage to kill 25-30 mobs during the 15 minutes, the named is especially weak. The named will rush the group immediatly after the 15 minute timer wears off.

The dragorns are mezzable, although I don't suggest it unless the tanks have poor aggro. Damage shield dps is helpful. Use disciplines early during the 15 minutes, killing the 20 is the hardest part.

Trial of Efficiency (Projection of Arcana)

Perfect group set up:

2 tanks, cleric, secondary healer (druid or shaman), mezzer (enchanter or bard), dps.


Kill 4 waves of 4 mobs, and then a final named.


The mobs spawn in waves of 4, giving you 4 minutes to defeat each wave. If you do not defeat a wave in 4 minutes, the next does not spawn and you fail. A tank needs to be the LAST person to zone into the trial (the 4 mobs spawn with whoever zoned in last targeted, so someone with hitpoints needs to be able to take the first round of attacks by 4 mobs).

Each wave has 4 distinct mobs. The Elite muramite hits the hardest and has the most hitpoints. He is not mezzable and needs to die first. The Commander is the second most powerful, also not mezzable, and should die second. Finally, the last 2 mobs (muramite soliders) are mezzable and should be locked down by a tank or mezzer until the end.

Once you kill all 4 mobs, you have the remaining time in the 4 minute block to wait until the next mobs spawn, giving you med time. Dps strong groups find that they have 1 to 1.5 minutes to med up for the next wave. At the end of the 4th wave you have until the end of the 4 minute-block timer until the named spawns. He spawns right near the group and is rather easy.

Trial of Weaponry (Projection of Body)

Perfect group set-up:

Warrior, cleric, slower (beast lord preferrably), 3 dps (rogues and rangers are best)


Kill 4 nameds in 15 minutes.


Each melee class needs to make sure to bring weapons of all types available to them. For example, warriors/rangers/bards/rogues need to bring piercers, slashers, and blunt weapons (two 1hs or a 2hs, either combination is fine). Beastlords/monks need to bring blunts and hand to hand weapons. Nuking classes need to make sure to have their nukes loaded.

Position the group at the center platform. There are 4 mobs around the room that are lying down. They stand up 1 at a time randomly. Once you kill all 4 nameds, you win the trial. There is no final boss. Each named is weak to a certain type of weaponry and mitigates all others.

The dragorn is weak to piercing.
The golem is weak to blunt.
The bazu is weak to slashing.
The lightning mob is weak to nukes - this mob is not weak to hand-to-hand, but it does not mitigate it either, so beastlords/monks should use hand-to-hand against this mob.

Trial of Fear (Projection of Mind)

Perfect group set-up:

Warrior, cleric, shadow knight, bard, slower, enchanter/necromancer.


Stay alive for 15 minutes. There is no final named.


There are 2 types of mobs: Fear-able and Fearless mobs. The fearless mobs need to be tanked and burned down as you would any other mob. At times there can be 2-3 of these at the group at once, so the tank will need to be prepared to aggro all of them.

The light blue mobs can be feared, and while they are feared will undertake a tremendous DoT. If you keep the fear-able mobs feared, you will never have to actually fight them, so that the group can concentrate on the fearless ones.

It is very possible for the shadow knight and bard to handle all of fearing required for this trial, therefore a 3rd fearing class is not absolutely necessary. You may want to fill in a secondary healer or more dps.

Trial of Subversion (Projection of Tactics)

Perfect group set-up:

Warrior, cleric, intelligence-caster (wiz, necromancer, or magician), wisdom caster (another cleric, druid, or shaman), bard/rogue, enchanter/dps.


Open the chests that spawn around the room until you achieve 300 points, and then defeat a final named.


Once the trial begins you will need 3 lock pickers running around the room, using their spells or abilities to open the chests and loot the coins. There are 3 types of coins: gold, silver, or copper. The gold are worth 30 points, the silver worth 20, the copper worth 10. Once all the chests are opened you'll need to wait until more spawn, so opening faster is best.

Make sure to first sense the chest to determine if it is trapped. If it is, you'll need to cast the appropriate spell to disarm it, and then pick its lock. If you do not open it properly, an AE will go off that either DoTs everyone or makes everyone drunk. You can cure the AE if you're quick, but it typically signifies a wipe.

Throughout all this, 2 dragorn mobs will be roaming around the room. Since you can't open or loot the chests while these mobs are aggro'd on you, the cleric or other pacifier will need to keep these 2 dragorns pacified the entire time. If they do happen to aggro a person, you need to kill it quickly so you can get back to work opening chests.

Around the 270-280th point, the whole group needs to move to the east wall. When the 300th point is looted, the patrolling dragorns will despawn and the named and his 2 guards will activate on the center platform. Pacify the 2 guards and pull the named. The guards are mezzable if you do aggro them.

Trial of Ingenuity (Projection of Realms)

Perfect group set-up:

Warrior, 2 clerics, beastlord/magician/necromancer, bard, rogue.


Kill the named.


Position the group just on the inside left wall as you enter the trial circle. Throughtout this event the group MUST be very tight and not wander around. The tank must begin the trial by speaking to the Master at MAXIMUM RANGE. This is so that the Master does not aggro the group.

Quickly begin pulling the closest dragorns that are positioned around the room. They have low hitpoints and die quickly. Do not loot their corpse. Kill dragorns (allow the close ones to respawn) for 5 minutes. Hopefully you should have created a pile of 8 to 10 corpses. After 5 minutes, every melee loots a set of weapons (or a 2h weapon if applicable) from the dragorn corpses. These are bane weapons.

Pull the named to group. Both clerics will need to help heal the tank, typically by alternating complete heals. Keep the named pinned against the wall, but not too high so melee can't swing at him. Be sure to be using the bane weapons to attack the named. The weapons eventually deterioriate, so melee will need to loot more weapons as their's disappear. Weapons given to pets will never disappear, which is why pet classes are so powerful.

Every 30 seconds or so the named drops his "sheen." This reflective sheen makes it so that all procs and spells are reflected off him on to their caster. When the sheen is up, do not nuke him, as you'll only damage yourself. When it drops, nukers need to unload quickly. Melee classes can click their weapons, which have 6 charges of a 600 point nuke. You'll be able to get off 3-4 nukes every time his sheen drops.

Once the named is dead, the trial is over.
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Heres another version, one may have information that the other missed and visa-versa. Pick the one you like or read both and get a better understanding before your first trip.

General MPG trial strategy:

Trials take approximately 15 minutes before you either win, fail, or spawn the boss. They give either a +7 to resist caps the first time you do them or a ping if you have done the trial before. Divine Intervention, Panoply of Vie, and other situational buffs are very useful before the trials on critical characters. Trials can take up to 40 minutes to clear to them, but most buffs from a random toon won't fade during a trial, so call all your shammy, enchanter, beastlord, cleric, and druid friends. Trials can always drop a greater or glowing rune in additional to the regular loot, but people outside the expedition can't be added once the trial starts and can't zone in to loot anything. A fail on the trial gives you a two hour lockout on all trials and a success gives you a three day and two hour lockout on that trial and a two hour lockout on all other trials. The lockouts don't stack.

Corpse recovery:
If you fail during the timed part of the trial or in Fear, Weaponry, or Ingenuity, it's over and you are locked out for two hours. If you manage to spawn the boss mob after the timer ends and then wipe, you can still zone back in and rez everyone in. However, you can not invis back to the trial, so this only works if you have a rezzer that managed to zone out (cleric, druid, shammy, necro, pally). Mobs will typically tether to their bind points by the time you zone back in, but will still be kos, so hug the walls.

Trial of Destruction (Projection of Power):

This trial consists of waves of three mobs attacking the group, sometimes spawning in lesser numbers. They pop on the platforms and wander around on the ground floor and agro the group. You must kill at least 18 (or 21?) mobs, which hit for about 500 and are above level 58, in the time limit to get to the boss. Muramite, girplan, and discordling models enrage. After 15 minutes have passed, you either fail or get the boss to become attackable. The regular mobs will despawn if they aren't all dead. The boss becomes kos and fully slowable, but won't agro if you hug the walls. If you wait more than 30 seconds to med, it becomes partially slowable, but can still be killed reasonably well. It enrages at 10%.

You need a healer, tank, and slower, preferably a bard. The general strategy is to take either a good tank or two tankable classes, have one main tank, two mobs if there are three, and the other offtank. An 8k unbuffed pally was able to tank for the trial without being a huge mana drain. You'll want to slow every mob, so having an aoe slow or low agro slow is very helpful (hence the bard). Mezzing only works on certain models and is thus unreliable. An unstable element can be charmed, but it requires a charm for lvl 68 mobs or higher and the mob does not pop in every wave. Keep track of the time and hug the wall once the time is nearly up. If you have a caster heavy group that is low on mana, med up to full, otherwise agro within 30 seconds. The named is not very hard unless you are unprepared, but hits for 2kish. You don't need to save any dps discs for him, but defensive is generally handy.

This trial is the easiest of the six: I did it with two druids as dps, along with a mage that went linkdead five minutes into the trial. The trial can drop a 200 hp, 30 ac, 5 avoidance, 1% shielding, 2 mana regeneration, 20 attack range item for melee hybrids and pure melee. It can also drop a 200 hp shoulder item with an extended range focus up to lvl 70 and a 60 hp 60 mana and 60 endurance lore augment for all classes as the rare drop.

Trial of Efficiency (Projection of Arcana):

This trial consists of 4 waves, four minutes each, of four mobs. The mobs pop promptly every three minutes and will automatically agro. There will be Muramite Commander, an elite muramite soldier, and 2x a muramite soldier. Only the "a muramite soldier" mobs are mezzable, the rest are not mezzable and must be tanked. All models enrage at 10%. The mobs probably do not despawn after three minutes (confirm if you know for sure). There is a constant 3500 hp, mana, and endurance debuff which will automatically recast until everyone has it, and it can't be cured. After 15 minutes, the yellow con boss, Master of Efficiency, will spawn and automatically agro. It hits for less than 2k (confirm if you know more), but is still challenging due to the debuff and also enrages at 10%.

This trial requires two tanks, a cleric, and a mezzer. If you have bard mez, the trial is much easier with an additional slower. The mezzer mezzes both of the regular mobs, while the weaker tank tanks an elite muramite soldier and the main tank tanks the Muramite Commander. DPS on the Muramite Commander, then an elite muramite soldier, then the regular mobs. The Muramite Commander takes about 1.5 minutes with a decent group, an elite muramite soldier takes a bit under one minute, and a muramite soldier takes about 30 seconds each. If you have time, med between waves, but don't be sitting down when the next wave pops at the three minute interval since you will eat all the adds and possibly die. Spread dps discs out as needed between the waves, but save them for the named if possible, along with defensive discs.

The trial is not too hard with regular COE dps, but losing one person will still probably lead to a wipe. It drops a 40 ac, 210 hp, 23 brass mod, 10% strikethrough, Sharpshooting 1 face item for melee hybrids and pure melee. It also drops a 260 hp, 64/39 2hand blunt weapon with 250 dmg proc for 2 handed melee classes that is probably not a main weapon upgrade but good in the weaponry trial. The rare drop is a 190 hp, 2% spell shielding pure caster belt with an 8 mana regeneration clickie buff that makes casters spam you with tells to do the trial.

Trial of Fear (Projection of Mind):

This trial consists of fearable and fearless mobs coming in waves of four at the beginning and throughout the fight. Fearless mobs, marked with the word "fearless" in their name, are dark blue, hit for around 500, mezzable and must be killed. Fearable mobs are light blue, hit for over 1k, fearable, and not mezzable. When feared, they take damage as if they were heavily dotted. They must be killed by fear for you to get credit for the kill. Fearless mobs enrage; fearlable mobs do not. The trial ends when 15 minutes are up and has no boss. If you have killed enough (exact number unknown to me) mobs during the fight, you will win, otherwise you will fail.

This trial requires one tank, a cleric, a mezzer, and a fearer. The mezzer and fearer should generally not be the same class (aka bard) and a resist debuffer is helpful to go with the fear class, although it is not a necessity. One bard mezzing and fearing without resist debuffs will end badly. There's bascially no chance to med safely, unless the waves are timed in a way that I don't know of. Assist the main tank while fearless are mezzed and others are feared. Only dps on the fearless mobs; you can toss a nuke on feared mobs if you have mana to spare, but the mob must die to fear, so don't nuke it below 10%. The fearable mobs have high hitpoints anyways, so it's not worth it to focus dps on them. This trial is rather hard at the beginning, since the tank is killing four mobs that potentially hit for 1k, but after that it is not as bad. Burn defensive at the start and don't be caught sitting down.

This trial can drop a 205 hp, 2% shielding, fury 1, 20 attack neck item for melee hybrids and pure melee, a 195 hp, increased duration dot focus up to lvl 70, 3 mana regeneration mask for pure casters, and a 24/21 1 hand blunt weapon with a 100 dmg proc for melee hybrids and pure melee, good for weaponry trial but probably not an main weapon upgrade for anyone doing the trial.

Trial of Weaponry (Projection of Body):

This trial consists of four mobs that pop on the ground one by one. There is a golem form weak to blunt weapons, a bazu form named Hulking Bazu weak to slashing, a dragorn form weak to piercing (bows are considered piercing), and a lightning form named Steelshock weak to spells. The lightning form is resistant to melee, which does 1/6 or 1/7 the normal damage, but spells do full damage. The other forms are resistant to other melee types, but their weapon weakness does 4x more damage. Spells do full damage, but are very minor dps on the three melee forms, which have many more hps than the other forms. The four forms must die in 15 minutes for a win, otherwise the group will fail.

This trial requires a tank, cleric, slower, and several melee dps classes. Only one mob needs to be slowed so a long duration slow is preferred. A ranger between 8.5 and 9k unbuffed was able to tank with shammy slow just barely. Although a rogue or ranger is not technically required, the heavy melee dps requirement makes a rogue or ranger very useful. Shammies are also useful because they have burst dps from their Panther line. There should be no more than one pure nuke/dot dps caster in the group ideally. Raid weapons are not required for every type of form, but one or two classes should have raid weapons for each form. Bazaar bought weapons are a huge improvement over raid weapons of the wrong type for those without raid weapons. All that matters when buying a weapon is the damage/delay; the proc does not matter for the fight except against the lightning form, and weapon procs are not usually a major source of damage on the three melee forms. DPS discs should be used when they are most needed, not necessarily when they would do the most damage; if the group is weak on blunt weapons, using the best rogue disc for blunt weapons can be a good idea even if the rogue has better slashing weapons. DPS casters should be at 80+ mana at all times except on the lightning form, since they will want to save their nukes for when they would do the most good. Casters should be meleeing on melee forms; agro is not a problem for casters since the tank will be doing much greater dps. Pets appear to do the same damage no matter what weapons they have, so equip weapons with a good proc for use on the spell form.

For a few specific tips... Bows are best used against the piercing form. Other throwing weapons are quite useful against the spell form, if you have a good assortment and dps disc, as they do full damage to all forms. Backstab is only useful on the form weak to piercing, so rogues should save frenzied stabbing for that form. Agro can be a serious problem if a rogue is using multiple discs on piercing, so don't disc right away. On the lighting melee-resistant form, equip your weapons with the best procs. The top end don weapons with a 250-300 proc or a time weapon with a 750 proc are very handy. Remember that in desperate times, clerics can melee/nuke and furious does extra damage (A wise group might combine both of these tactics...).

I did the trial successfully with a ranger tank, a rogue, a necro, a cleric, a shammy, and I, a bard, with maybe 5 or 10 seconds to spare. I was bazaar geared for half of my weapons and the ranger had I believe two attuneable/velium gemmed weapons (around 18/24 or 17/19). The rogue had all raid weapons, although one was vex thal. The necro had a time wand with a 750 dmg proc, and dot damage is actually very useful since it takes almost four minutes for each form to die.

This trial drops a 210 hp, 45% haste belt for melee hybrids and pure melee, a 205 hp, 22 wind mod, 2% dot shielding ring for all/all, and a 190 hp, 4% spell shield back item for pure casters.

Trial of Ingenuity (Projection of Realms):

This trial consists of 5 or 6 (confirm?) rooted mobs that hit for 500 with bane weapons scattered around the room. They are rooted, but not permanently, so a lone caster nuking is able to pull them. They typically drop two weapons, either two 1 handers, a 1 hander and a 2 hander, or just a 2 hander. The 1 handed weapons have a 800 damage nuke clickie, usable three or four times before it vanishes. The 2 handed weapons have the same clickie usable six times. A red unslowable named hitting for 2k immediately agros in the center. The named is immune to most spell damage and melee, but can be damaged by damage shields, bane weapons, and clickie nukes for 800 on the bane weapons. The named dispels any nearby pets every four minutes and periodically reflects all spells, indicated by a (reflective aura) in the mob name. The group must kill the named in 15 minutes or fail the trial.

This trial requires a cleric and a patch healer, a decent tank, a high dps pet or melee class, and a mediocre offtank. Slowers are not required and are not necessary at all with a good offtank. At the start, the main tank should hold agro on the red named while the offtank should hold agro on one of the minor mobs. Agro is fairly easy to hold with pure agro discs/procs, since even the bane weapon damage is relatively low. The cleric should ch while the other healer patch heals the main tank and the offtank at first. All the dps should kill the bane weapon droppers, then give the weapons to the best melee dps or the tank, then the next best and so on. If you have a tough pure caster you will want them to kill the trash instead of dpsing on the named, although they should still be using their click nukes on the named whenever possible. Bane weapons get steadily weaker the longer they are used or in inventory, so they should be used quickly. The nukes do the same damage regardless of the length of time that you have had them. They don't break or poof on a pet, which can do good dps with one handed bane weapons and one handed bane weapons only, but the main mob dispels pets approximately every four minutes. Once the bane weapons are used up, the person who needs them, excluding the tank, should go back to killing the trash mobs for the appropriate weapons. The weapons equipped are visible on the mob, so you can pick which mob to kill for whichever weapons. Any weapons that are unusable by the melee or pets should be given to the casters, preferably 2 handed weapons for the extra nukes. Nukes should be clicked only when the mob does not have the aura, and there will typically only be one chance to nuke, possibly two if you are very fast. Use dps discs right when you have fresh weapons to attack the named. Casters should farm a stead supply of bane weapons, and then use a weapon, preferably 2 handed, to dps on the named once there are plenty of corpses around.

This trial is hard, but quite interesting and doable with a good group. Main weapons hardly matter; the difference is from aas and attack bonuses on gear for melee. Casters will mainly be nuking, so foci are still very important. A magician, rogue, druid, cleric boxed by the druid, warrior, and bard were able to do this trial without even giving the warrior any bane weapons. If you are sure you will fail the trial the first time, kill some adds and loot the weapons just before you are going to fail. The weapons do not decay except during the actual trial, and you can go through your next attempt with fresh new weapons.

This trial drops a 200 hp, 10 avoidance, 15 attack back item as the rare drop for melee hybrids and pure melee, a 210 hp, +5% riposite, 5% dot shielding, 5% spell shielding shield for all/all and a 200 hp, 3 mana regeneration, 3% dot shielding neck item for pure casters.

Trial of Subversion (Projection of Tactics):

This trial, only ten minutes long for the first part, consists of chests placed in front of platforms surrounding the room, with the named and two guards standing on the central platform. At first, they do not agro and are unaffected by spells or melee. Hexxt chests can be open by wisdom casters, spellbound chests can be opened by intelligence casters, and ironbound chests can be opened by rogues or bards. Guards periodically path in from the zone in and wander around the room, sometimes walking up to chests. They can be pacied by the old paci that works up to 65, but are not mezzable (I did not personally test this). The objective is to sense and disarm traps on a chest, unlock and open it, and loot the medallion inside. Bronze medallions are worth ten points, silver are worth twenty points, and gold are worth thirty points. If a group member has agro you can not loot. The group has fifteen minutes to get 300 points, at which point the three mobs in the center of the room become kos. If the group does not get 300 points in fifteen minutes, it fails. The final boss enrages at 10%, hits for at least 2.5k on plate tanks and can quad for 5.5k on silk casters and the two guard adds are very resistant to mez. The two guard adds are fairly easy to charm, but have the usual resistance to staying charmed.

This trial requires an intelligence caster and a wisdom caster with the highest level of LDON chest spells and appropriate reagents (i.e. many greater scrying stones), a rogue or bard with picklocks, a cleric, a good tank, a slower, and a class with indoor paci. Overlap is possible here, so a cleric or shaman or beastlord can open wisdom chests without difficulty. Short duration bard paci works perfectly fine, although it's safest if the bard isn't opening chests. Each chest opener needs to wander around the room, open the chests, and loot the items. One person needs to be on paci duty, standing on the center platform for the first part, and keep the wanderers permanently under paci. Old paci is required (that reduces agro radius); the new Omens paci does not keep the mob from agroing and will most likely kill your group. Paci lands very easily; with 292 charisma during a 10 minute trial I never got a paci resist over four trials. Mobs should be pacied once they are in sight of the room to avoid agro. If a mob agros, the group must kill it before they can open any more chests. Getting a chest trap or agro also means a nasty dot for 1500/tick (not sure about the exact damage or duration) that can only be cured by resplendent cure, a dot/snare that does about 350/tick and lasts at least 20 minutes, or an approximately -300 stat debuff that also makes you very drunk regardless of alcohol tolerance. All traps are limited area affect, hitting the opener and possibly the people in the center. Once you are one seal away from 300 points, have everyone move away from the named onto the wall, since it will agro. The two adds can be charmed if the pop takes the group by surprise, but paci is more effective on them if they haven't been agroed yet. Charming one for dps or tanking is generally a bad idea. You can also succor to zonein, zoneout, then zone back in, run in and you have a second chance. You must hug the walls for this to work. The named is difficult and it is best to use all the dps and defensive discs that are up. Odds are that DI given during the trial will fade by then, so if the tank wants it it must be recast during the trial. The named is very difficult and probably takes either shammy slow or a patch healer in addition to a cleric.

I got through the chest opening part with a magician, druid, cleric, warrior, rogue, and myself as a bard. Virtually any paci class should be able to handle the first part with reasonably high charisma; 292 was probably unnecessary. Healing the snare/dot doesn't burn up too much mana, but anyone without a chest opening role should try to call a chest and direction as they spawn. The other dot is extremely nasty and should take first priority for cures. The named was doable with a cleric, a druid patch healer, a 10k unbuffed warrior, and bard slow, although it was a tough fight.

This trial drops a 200 hp, 10 accuracy ear for all/all, a 195 hp, 4 mana regeneration, 2% dot shielding range item for pure casters, and a 205 hp, 10 accuracy, 25 attack shoulder item for melee hybrids and pure melee.

Please respond with whatever strategies, criticisms, or corrections you have about the trials. A complete listing of loot is available at Allakhazam in the MPG zone bestiary, which would be redundant to repeat here. Strategies came from many people, including Magusmaximus, Fentanyl, Juggahnaut, Galdraith, Glendor, and a bunch of other people who are hard to remember at 3 am. I used the guide from Casters Realm which is handy and taken from some enchanter forum for part of this, but all strategies come from personal experience seeing them in action, win or lose. I will probably edit this post many times, so feel free to double check it.
Can anyone verify if leaving the expedition right before boss mob dies, works anymore? Or does this count as a failure now? Since the original post date is almost 7 months old, I figured I would ask before I tried this. Most things like that would be nerfed by now.

Thanks for your answer in advance. :)