MMOBugs Subscription Changes


Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Hello MMOBugs members,

During this new year we're going to start to make some changes to our subscription model. The model we've used since 2005 isn't generating enough subscription fees to support the time required by developers and myself to keep investing the majority of our time into improving the site. Last year for the first time since the site launched, I've had to take up other employment to cover my family's bills, but truthfully I'd rather be spending the time improving MMOBugs.

Last year we did lower premium subscription prices in hopes it would draw in more users. It did have an effect, but only a slight one. In hindsight offering lifetime memberships was a mistake as taking away from yearly revenue streams wasn't the smartest idea, but isn't anything we're going to revert. Enough about my mistake, time for the changes.

For the time being we have raised the prices of Premium membership again and removed 7 day, and 1 month options as I don't feel in that amount of time you can truly learn how to use MQ2. We will be making tweaks to it, but down the track the current plan is for Premium memberships to not be purchasable, and a new subscription based around safe undetectable hacks, with focus on safe botting of multiple characters will be introduced.

7 Days - Was: $4.99 - Now: Not Purchasable
1 Month - Was: $9.99 - Now: Not Purchasable
3 Months - Was: $24.99 - Now: $29.99
6 Months - Was: $39.99 - Now: $49.99
1 Year - Was: $59.99 - Now: $89.99

We are still debating the best way to handle this, but the idea is one price for safe plugins, another for active risky plugins. If you are already a lifetime or premium member you will not have to worry about this unless your subscription expires.

The hopes of these changes is for people to feel more safe using MQ2, we see less dumb-asses warping around in public giving MQ2 a bad name, and to show people better video tutorials on what plugins to use to get the most out of MQ2 to have a better time playing multiple characters at once in EverQuest.

Once I have more information about changes I will let you guys know. For those that I anger due to price increase, I deeply apologize.

Thank You.
That's a big increase, hopefully it doesn't backfire and people stop paying.

Do you know if the safer plugin sub will be cheaper than the prices you just quoted? or will the risky plugins become more expensive? or you haven't given it that much thought yet?
Those prices aren't really that high. It seems like a big increase, but it's only pretty much what they were less than a year ago before Fry lowered them
Those prices aren't really that high. It seems like a big increase, but it's only pretty much what they were less than a year ago before Fry lowered them

HEHE wonder how people would bitch if it was limited to 1 accounts per sub vs unlimited. Then they might start to have reason to cry about price increase.

How do the devs feel about bringing in a new game? Even an older games the increased traffic may help.
Whatever is required to keep MMOBugs up and running, I will support.

I have tried EverQuest without MQ2 and it's not something I'm interested in.
only issue i see is once and awhile i have to pay for the shorter times like 1 month at a time when money issues cause me to so no more monthly choice will be a bit hard for me and im sure some others at rough money times
only issue i see is once and awhile i have to pay for the shorter times like 1 month at a time when money issues cause me to so no more monthly choice will be a bit hard for me and im sure some others at rough money times

That is a good reason. I'll see about bringing back 1 month option.
Do you do auto-renewals?

If so, I think you'd make more money with a monthly option since some people are going to choose it and then just allow auto-renew every month.

I did this for years with EQ, stupidly for me, cuz I kept thinking a one-year sub wasn't worth the discount since I'd probably quit before the year was up. I don't even want to think how much money I wasted over the years until recently when I was able to sub my accounts long-term using discounted Station Cash!
Not that it affects me personally, but as it is now it's impossible to gain access to the lifetime forums. I thought it worked well as a "premium" thing but now that it is unattainable it seems a bit unfair.

I guess it could be chalked up to being a benefit as an early adopter.
Lifetime used to be earnt, not bought anyway. It was given away to people who put a lot into the community, and im guessing that is where Fry is going with it again, although i cannot confirm that.
Not that it affects me personally, but as it is now it's impossible to gain access to the lifetime forums. I thought it worked well as a "premium" thing but now that it is unattainable it seems a bit unfair.

I guess it could be chalked up to being a benefit as an early adopter.

Lifetime could easily go back to a perk for people who put forth a lot of effort to the site.
1 Month option re-added.

I was going to make 1 month option reoccurring but felt too evil doing it.
I don't really have a dog in the subscription rate discussion but I am definitely for anything that keeps this place running, pays Fry's bills, lavishes htw in booze, and generally keeps the lights on.

I've enjoyed my lifetime for a long time and I try to throw a few bucks to the guys here and there when I have it. I'd like to think I have contributed to the community in my time here, and I know that most of the time the guys I see jumping in to answer questions, or set people on the path of finding the answer, are generally speaking lifetime.

I'm sad to say that I don't think numbers are going to shoot back up in EQ, and thus in this site as an extension. I am supportive of opening up the possibilities of exploring other games. The D3 forum was great for that, although the game didn't exactly have legs. WoW has it's share of botting but the WoW forums here are slow at the best of times. Something that would provide a spark and generate interest would be awesome. I still remember when there was a whole games section and people could go play them. I never did learn why that went away.

I am currently playing TSW and DCUO with occasional dabbles into Champions, Conan, and LOTRO. WoW holds zero interest for me now, as does EQ. Steam gaming would be the other area I am heavy into right now. What keeps me coming back here is the community. I like the people here, generally, and I enjoy the discussions here, generally.
I'm sure offering a separate subscription/forum for eqmac or even p99 could bring you guys some extra business. Its worth a shot.
I think you're likely going to have to jump to different games. As much as I love messing around coding for EQ + MQ the general population is not growing and at some point your going to have to bring in new folks which to me means branching out into different games.
I will say there is definitively a market for in depth hacking programs like mq in other games...
I can't even remember what I paid for lifetime back in the day tbh.

Worthy investment though I'll say that, even though I don't play EQ much/at all anymore. It's still a great site to converse on.
I'm currently on a one month sub at the old prices. I don't intend to let this expire but under the subscriptions the only things listed are the new higher prices. Did I misunderstand because I thought current premium members could continue at old prices.