MB Help

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Nov 2, 2005
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I used to use Autobot which of course was RD stuff mostly i think, but the past couple weeks / months I haven't been able to get it to function properly.

The spell_routine thing is a big issue and some other odds n ends .... mostly its my own fault for being dense, none the less i still love the program and macs ...

Does anyone have a set and ready shaman bot mac ... or would anyone be willing to help me directly. I donate what I can when I can to people and would be willing to donate to anyone that could really help me set up a bit better...

I used to play with half a dozen people but now most of them are gone to other MMORPG's or just gone, being disabled and at home 90% of the time EQ is my only real source of entertainment / social interaction... but to do anything takes me boxing a shaman / cleric with my SK ... then picking up random DPS.

If you can help let me know if you have easy pointers that you can reply to here that'd be great to.

I'm looking at the MB thing thats a part of the compile and am gonig to try and figure that out, if i win i'll let you guys know ... otherwise i'll be in need still hahahaha

I would like to thank all the people here who do help and do so much keeping all this up and working, as a tardstick of the first order i know its guys like me that annoy most of you with our retarded questions... just know that you helping us by being nice and answering us with big huge examples written in crayon so we can grasp things are greatly appreciated.


*** PS *** omg i opened my RD file on my shaman and changed a couple spells that i'd gotten upgrades for and tried it...so far no errors and its working just fine >< ... will see what happens from here on out haha..would still love to get some MB stuff up though the ACHeal and buff stuff just confuses me
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