Mayong is gone, where should I bring my services!


Gives pleasently suprises
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score

I am wondering which server would be best to transfer my PowerLevel and Boomerang gearing crew to. I am just looking for popular vote. If you would ever consider purchasing services or are somewhat interested, let me know which server it is and maybe i'll come =D

If you aren't or never will be interested in the services I provide, your vote doesn't really count so include that if you do happen to post. Also I will not pm you asking you to buy stuff if you do help out by posting lol. I am just looking for the best population of players who need services.

Also if anyone knows which servers are the least populated, that would be cool too.


Good Day!
I'd honestly just look at the marketplace and pic a server that doesnt have anyone, then there is no need to compete with prices/fight for business.

BTW dont business with MJ, stand up guy.
I always knew Tunare was full of hax0rz
Mayong isnt gone! Hell i'm having an enchanter powerleveled there right this minute! :cool:
Mayong isnt gone! Hell i'm having an enchanter powerleveled there right this minute! :cool:

sir i am aware, i am the one PL'ing it.

i do love my empty server though! its great for PL'ing, no newbs in my good zones!