looking for help


New member
Mar 2, 2007
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first sorry for my english, im just a poor french

ok, so here it is, i'm looking for some help making a macro for a specifique place for my monk to kill at. in Pofire inside some building.

what i would like the macro to do is:
-target the nearest npc on the floor my monk is
-throw a stone at it and wait the mob to come
-start fight
-loot after death
-move to start point
-check for buff (aura and haste potion) and rebuff
-check for throwing item and sumon if none left
-check for merc mana
-restart over and over

my monk is 72 atm can kill there without many trouble with merc, dont have epic, stoneroot sumoned stone as pulling item.

i tryed modifiing the puller macro fry made, but not fluente enought in macroing for making it do what i want.

if you can help me for this little thing, thank you very much

I haven't used Fry's macro yet, but ideally I will be using it with modbot in the next few weeks provided I am intelligent enough(heh). Anyways, after trying to create some of my own macros from scratch, I would recommend spending some more time altering Fry's macro, and getting advice on how to edit it. Fry might even tell you which parts you should add and where.

Unless one of these kind guru's would write one up for you, that would be my choice.

I would love to write one up for you, but I'm not good enough yet.
Remember to take some time and search a bit before asking a question thats been asked already.


A link to Fry's AutoPull macro, he specifies which area in the code to change how the character aggro's the enemy. He is a brilliant man and also added a check for Z-axis and a range bubble from the start point to pinpoint which enemies you want. He also added a check for clickies, and I believe you can add a potion in there, and when it fades, it will be recast. The only thing it is missing is a check for mercenary mana, and if you find a decent spot to utilize this macro in, your mercenary shouldn't ever run out.
i am already trying to moddifie this macro to make it work like i would like, but it fail to do it correctly, for exemple, if i set the Z axis to the floor i am, it keep target other mobs and never aquire a new one , been stuck on "aquiring new target" "target above Z axis"

i will keep trying
Remember to take some time and search a bit before asking a question thats been asked already.
Mainly because I'm getting tired of people telling others how to search so GD Much...don't be a dick and actually read his post before you tell him to try searching. He specifically said that he was trying to modify fry's mac with no luck...which, suprise, means he searched.

I would recomend tweeking your Z Axis values a bit. Set them a bit above and below where you will be pulling. Just keep tweeking them till its working how you want it.

For the throwing part you can insert this subroutine,
Replacing Dreadstones with whatever your throwing item is, the bandoleer name to yours, and the range with whatever you prefer.

|SUB: Throwing
Sub Throw
/echo In Sub Throw now.
		/echo Activating Bandolier stone...
		/bandolier activate stone
		/if (${FindItemCount[Dreadstone]}<100) /call RangedSub
		/if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand
		/if (${Target.Distance}>133) /return
		/if (${Target.Distance}<133 && ${Target.Distance}>50) {
		/face fast
		/delay 1s
		/echo Throwing stones...
		/delay 1s
		/delay 1s
/keypress h		
		/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Distance}<50) {
			/echo Activating Bandolier NORM...
			/bandolier activate NORM
		/goto :ThrowLoop

To refill your throwing item use this subroutine, Replacing again "Dreadstone" with your item and "Pouch of Curses" with your item.

|SUB: Summon Ranged Items 
Sub RangedSub
/echo Summoning some Dreadstones...
/if (${FindItemCount[Dreadstone]}<3000) {
	/casting "Pouch of Curses" -recast|30
	/delay 1
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinventory
/goto :loop


The rest of your request is already done in the macro or you can set in MQ2Melee plugin.
thanks lot, that lota help

will lok at all this and see if that works as i would like it to, any way , thanks a lot
