Launch Pad 4

I don't use Launcher to load up anyway. I use WinEQ. I only use Launcher to patch on days without MQ.
I don't use Launcher to load up anyway. I use WinEQ. I only use Launcher to patch on days without MQ.

Cuda, can you provide a bit more info on your post...I've never used WinEQ and am wondering what/how it works? What are the benefits? I'm a 3 boxer that runs all 3 accts on one system simultaneously if that makes a difference. Any Info appreciated.

Thanks for the kliky site to look at...Village, before I spend the cash for year membership/usage....what do you specifically like abt the software? Any "perks" in combination with MMo?...any thoughts you might like to share abt its interaction with the patcher and "tracking" that might be done by Sony? Thanks in advance!
So out of curiousity I called Sony...When asked for my Station Handle I told the rep I prefer to stay ANON, he sez np...explained to him that I did get my hands wrapped for using MMO in late 2011 (just like many of us) and I explained to him that I used the MMO for the gate/warp capabilities being that I'm a boxer....I explained to him that I was looking to enhance my game play being that I dont use MMO (ok, I lied, but thou I continue to use it I only use "passive" stuff) I was considering the use of a program such as "ISBOXER or InnerSpace" etc....the rep (Jim) I spoke to sez that he uses ISBOXER himself, but as I talked to him he checked their online chat service for a GM...No GM for EQ was available or responding, but he ended up asking a GM for EQ2, who came bk saying that any 3rd part software (Including ISBoxer) was a violation of the EUBA and could get a "ban" if discovered...NOW THE FUNNY Part.....The rep (Jim) comes back and sez that he didnt know himself that ISBOXer was a "violation" and he has been using it for sometime, and then he laughed as it would not look good for him to get banned for the same game he provides technical support to and is now going to remove the program....It was an interesting convo, pretty honest both ways, so I guess I'll just stick with the risk I know (ie. MMO) and stay away from the other stuff......Just posting this to this thread also for your FYI.
I'm not a great source on this, but I don't think bans are very likely from WinEQ, but I don't know if they monitor flagged accounts for things like this.

It basically allows you to name your EQ windows (something mmobugs can do), black out your inactive windows so they don't take processing power (something mmobugs can do), and manages your processing power a little more efficiently (perhaps saving your alt-tabbed tanks from extra hits--if that exists still).

Is there a way to patch without launcher using mmobugs? I was kind've curious if this added any risk since the new patcher.
Ok, so since the launch of the new launcher yesterday, When I open EQ through WinEQ it still opens through the launcher. How do i stop this? I want to load up through WinEQ only and not go through the launcher from Sony. That spooks me and I am out of tinfoil right now!
this is from piestro on the eqplayers boards on programs like isboxer and wineq2

12/04/2011 07:57:19
Subject: Re:Cheaters and Exploiters in EverQuest Put on Notice: Stop Now.

Community Relations

Joined: Jan 10, 2011
Messages: 1754

I'm not gonna create a list of approved programs, however I will say that common sense is more than enough to tell if you are cheating.

Parsing - Not cheating

Item Collectors - Not cheating

Program that has autofire button (and you are still in the general vicinity of the keyboard) - Not cheating

Swimming on auto-run into a corner to raise up swimming - Not cheating

Cheating - not allowed.

If it's reasonable and not unfair it's not cheating. If it gives you an unfair advantage and allows you to do things that can't be normally done in game it's cheating.
Report this post to a moderator

Jestical wrote:

Parsers: Is it a 3rd Party Program? Yes. Does it interact with game code? Yes. Does it give an advantage? Yes. Parsers give you information. What spells, discs, weapons, combinations, etc that do the most damage. Not everyone has access to that information, so it is clearly an advantage to use one. Are the cheat maps from evil 3rd party programs bad? Yes. Why? They give information not everyone has.

3rd party programs themselves are not against the EULA. Only those that "modify the Software to change gameplay." Parsers don't interact with game code. They read the log file after the game has sent data to it. Also, I'm pretty certain that people know which spells, discs, and weapon combinations do the most damage already, and everyone does have access to this's in the log file.

Audio Triggers: Is it a 3rd Party Program? Yes. Does it interact with game code? Yes. Does it give an advantage? Yes. With all the spam, information processing, lack of attention and given that one missed emote can wipe an entire raid the advantages are obvious.

Audio triggers (I am assuming you meant GamTextTriggers actually) also don't intereact with game code. They also read the log file only after the game has sent data to it. That players are able to use this information to make decisions almost instantly is irrelevant.

Autofire/Binds: 3rd Party Program? Yes Does it interect with game code? Definately. Does it give an advantage? Huge. Using autrofires and binds first of all removes human and game error, your toon in essence becomes a basic bot. It also removes some lag issues, and allows you to do things faster than otherwise possible.

Autofire/Binds: Close, but not quite. It does interact with the game as it is sending information into the game the same as if you were typing it on a keyboard, but it does not modify the Software of the game. That it allows for easier boxing is irrelevant.

I'll stop the listing there.

I'll keep going though. Programs like Lucy updater, EQItems Updater, and Magelo Updater actually DO interact with the Software, but they don't -modify- the Software, which is the key phrase here. They passively collect information about it.
I'd like to get back to Launch Pad 4 issues .. ))

Every time I try to run EQ from the launchpad I get

HTTP Status 404 - Servlet jsp is not available


type Status report

message Servlet jsp is not available

description The requested resource (Servlet jsp is not available) is not available.


Apache Tomcat/5.5.33

It doesn't let me even get to the patcher. Any ideas? I can still start eq if I use innerspace as it can bypass the LPad. But I'll be shit out of luck when they patch next time. I get this same error on two different computers. ((
isboxer is not a violation of the EULA any GM who says so is full of shit. When we were parsing alpha/beta for each expansion we were given a link to an auto key press program so we could parse abilities in the arena on test dummies and they told us it is not against the EULA as long as you're at the screen. In regards to isboxer I can name at least 4 devs who use it and have told me it's not a violation of the EULA.
isboxer is not a violation of the EULA any GM who says so is full of shit. When we were parsing alpha/beta for each expansion we were given a link to an auto key press program so we could parse abilities in the arena on test dummies and they told us it is not against the EULA as long as you're at the screen. In regards to isboxer I can name at least 4 devs who use it and have told me it's not a violation of the EULA.

Thanks William for the info....i kind of thought the same when "jim" the sony rep told me he was using...I think im gonna give it a try.
is it safe to load eq with mmo running or wait to load at char select instead with the new launch pad?
is it safe to load eq with mmo running or wait to load at char select instead with the new launch pad?

I used to load MQ first then load my toons load the accounts to the character select screen, then load MQ....paranoid? perhaps...just makes me feel better, but I am curious as to what others think on the matter.
So, I guess I am alone in having problems with the new launcher??
I too am having problems with the launcher. I can't get the game going at all using it..
The new launcher does raise some issues for the mmobugs community. Things to keep in mind...EQ has relied on code written into EverQuest to detect hacking programs that inject themselves into the game. Now things are a little different, in addition to those protections (which we bypass), they are also beginning to use LP4 as a way to inspect the eqgame.exe process from outside, thereby giving them access to loaded modules inside the process that are hidden from them by MQ2 code... So in other words, they have the ability to detect MQ2 via LP4. This means that you would be well advised to use a shortcut to eqgame.exe and add the patchme parameter...
To do so, open your everquest folder and locate eqgame.exe. Now right click on it and hit Send to Desktop Create Shortcut... Now on your desktop, right click the shortcut and click properties... In the Target Field, if the stuff there is not in qoutes like this "C:\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" then you need to put it in quotes... and change it to look like this
"C:\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme

This will start EverQuest directly without using the patcher. Please note, you still need to patch the game on patch days, but once done patching, log out and close the patcher then start the game with the new shortcut you made. If you forget to patch, you will see "You've been disconnected" when trying to go from server select to character select. That is your reminder to go patch. Any questions please ask!
So my shortcut target looks like this "C:\Program Files\WinEQ2\WinEQ2.exe" /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "lazric". Why is it still opening the patcher up?
So my shortcut target looks like this "C:\Program Files\WinEQ2\WinEQ2.exe" /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "lazric". Why is it still opening the patcher up?

If you are using WinEQ, be sure that under Preferences, in the profile that you are using, Patch is set to FALSE.
I still can't start up the patcher using LP4. I have nothing running (no MMO, no InnerSpace, no MySEQ, nothing but windows). Has anyone gotten the same error as I listed in my other post a couple posts higher?