last exp was HOT


Premium Member
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all, I was wondering if you could help me find a place to lvl / gear up. I have a group which consists of war, rogue , ench, shamy, cleric, and merc cleric. my toons are all lvl 90 and I quit playing in HOT exp, toons gear are group T1-T3. I really do not want to do a membership. not sure If I left anything out but I would appreciate any advice!
Hi all, I was wondering if you could help me find a place to lvl / gear up. I have a group which consists of war, rogue , ench, shamy, cleric, and merc cleric. my toons are all lvl 90 and I quit playing in HOT exp, toons gear are group T1-T3. I really do not want to do a membership. not sure If I left anything out but I would appreciate any advice!

First of all, Welcome back to the "ever crack" game..............laff

what do u mean by "membership"?

Few Questions: you want to level up faster or slow?

A; Fast..........then do quests from this guy Gribble Grobblenobber :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM

B; slow.........Start in VOA ( veil of Alaris ), then do ROF ( Ring of Fear), then COTF ( call of the Forsaking ), TDS ( the Dead Sea ), TBM ( the Broken gear with the coin you receive here< i think you can buy it now @ lvl 90>), EOK (empire of kunark)
i will look into what was posted, i dont care how fast or slow i go as long as i can make some progression. when i mentioned membership i noticed tier 4 group hot gear is blanked out... meaning i dont get stats from it? so if i buy the monthly membership i get them?? anyhow thank you for the responses
so this mission has been great for exp, anyone have something after lvl 100 that would net better exp ?