Is there a dream team?


Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
I've not played EQ in ages, but I come back here to browse every now and then for some nostalgia. I used to run a pally / bard / beastlord 3 way with mercs, and it was fun ish, but for purely nostalgia's sake, if you guys were going to be playing EQ starting with new chars, what would they be?

ie. How would you make a group that would be able to do everything from old time raids up to killing group named in the latest expansion, using 3, 4, 5 or 6 accounts, with or without mercs?

Just idle curiousity, not sure I can dedicate the time to EQ anymore.
I myself use a crew of 6
warrior/Paly (I swap out when needed)

Its a blast and i see alot of 3 mage groups using 2 caster mercs and a healer merc. Mage pets are just killing it atm.

There is not much you cant do with 3 regular toons and 3 mercs. With merc gear and AA's they are pretty tough these days.
I am not a caster type so i stick with melee. Just have to pick what you like and go for it

nothing will beat the dps of that group really.
Hmm. Wish I could remember my account names / passwords. Might have to troll through some 5 yr old emails to see if I can find them out. Bst / Brd I think were 100 / 5k AA, but also had a Ber on another account that might have been 100. or 95. Can't remember now. Pally had 7k AA and was well geared (grouping wise). Had a crappyish druid at 100 too on a different account.

Must... Resist...
I've brought a load of teams up from level 1 to max together, so here are some of my thoughts...

I prefer War or Shd for my tank (unless using Mage pet) due to Pal having weaker AE aggro capabilities.

Clr is a powerhouse healer, but Dru and Shm can both get the job done with added benefits to caster dps and melee dps (respectively)

If you are going to do older raids, go with more melee dps than caster dps (old raid mobs have annoying resists).

Some fun 6-box teams I've had have been...

Dru/Enc/Wiz/Mag/Mag/Mag was a real interesting powerhouse of dps which would also keep most any mob perma stunned with air pets. There wasn't any group content I couldn't do minus a few named that have aggro swapping (no real melee and/or tank was a pain).

War/Clr/Brd/Bst/Rng/Ber was an all around well balanced team. I never encountered a single element of group content that I couldn't tackle and even did some fun older raids up through SoD.

Pal/Shm/Brd/Mnk/Rng/Bst is my current team, and my only complaint is it is harder to run CC than if I had a War/Shd (for AE aggro) and/or an Enc for mezzing rather than a bard.
i run a Sk, Clr, Shm, Ber, Ber, Bard and have no issues killing anything now they all have eok raid gear and raid weapons but zerk dps is hard to beat these days even without raid weapons
i run a Sk, Clr, Shm, Ber, Ber, Bard and have no issues killing anything now they all have eok raid gear and raid weapons but zerk dps is hard to beat these days even without raid weapons

From my parses my group zerkers out dps everyone but raid zerkers. Not even raid wizards keep up.
i run a Sk, Clr, Shm, Ber, Ber, Bard and have no issues killing anything now they all have eok raid gear and raid weapons but zerk dps is hard to beat these days even without raid weapons

From my parses my group zerkers out dps everyone but raid zerkers. Not even raid wizards keep up.

Have you parsed War/Clr/Brd/Ber/Ber/Ber or War/Clr/Bst/Ber/Ber/Ber by chance William with only group gear??

Nothing in grp content stands a chance, had this crew for years now.

Double CC, haste, overhaste, puller, adps
Porter - For us lazy folk
Healer/rezzer (not that anyone ever dies)/buffer
Caster deeps - self explanatory
With this set-up you have HP aura, TC aura, mitigation aura and rune aura all at the same time, and then overhaste aura in there too.

Some days I will get bored and swap out some for kicks and roll with: SK/Bard/Clr/Mag/Mag/Mag. Mages are still quite crazy with /pet swarm nowadays.

Or, if very bored - FM with Rng/Mag/Mag/Mag/Mag/Mag
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Nothing in grp content stands a chance, had this crew for years now.

Double CC, haste, overhaste, puller, adps
Porter - For us lazy folk
Healer/rezzer (not that anyone ever dies)/buffer
Caster deeps - self explanatory
With this set-up you have HP aura, TC aura, mitigation aura and rune aura all at the same time, and then overhaste aura in there too.

Some days I will get bored and swap out some for kicks and roll with: SK/Bard/Clr/Mag/Mag/Mag. Mages are still quite crazy with /pet swarm nowadays.

Or, if very bored - FM with Rng/Mag/Mag/Mag/Mag/Mag

This is pretty much the same team i've run for few years now, it's quite durable and very good overall. I've tried many combos but this one is the best for me. Although i must admit i do swap the mage or wiz for a zerker these days as the zerker is just OP as hell atm.
SK, cleric, chanter, and 3 mages.

The mages pretty much only need one item, EM.
Chanter doesn't really need gear. Cleric doesn't need much.
SK is expensive to gear.
SK, cleric, chanter, and 3 mages.

The mages pretty much only need one item, EM.
Chanter doesn't really need gear. Cleric doesn't need much.
SK is expensive to gear.

1 zerker will out dps that entire group :rolleyes:
1 zerker will out dps that entire group :rolleyes:

Are they really that savage? If you don't mind could you post a parse from your group? I never really gave zerks a chance, but maybe it is time to...

To answer OP's question: I run a pal, mag x 2, ench, shm, cleric.

I love mages...just b/c there are times where my pal will get mezzed or murdered when I'm not paying attention and the mag pet easily steps in to tank--that's probably the reason I haven't swapped mages for any other dps in all the years I've played.
1 zerker will out dps that entire group :rolleyes:

Are they really that savage? If you don't mind could you post a parse from your group? I never really gave zerks a chance, but maybe it is time to...

To answer OP's question: I run a pal, mag x 2, ench, shm, cleric.

I love mages...just b/c there are times where my pal will get mezzed or murdered when I'm not paying attention and the mag pet easily steps in to tank--that's probably the reason I haven't swapped mages for any other dps in all the years I've played.

Group zerker is 150k + sustained with bard/bst. Raid one is 250-300k +
Personally I don't like mages, because swarm pets are dot dmg, and each expansion the setup is different.

In EoK the mobs get annihilated in 12-18 secs in tier 1. Swarm pets aren't doing shit for your dps in that much time.

You need burst dmg for EoK. With 1/8th of the mage dps being swarm pets, doesn't make sense to use them in a setup other then coh bitches and maybe out of group play.

Doesn't make sense to use mage/necro currently with how fast mobs drop, except maybe for those 40 million hp giants.

Even a warrior will outparse a caster on sustained atm.
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Listen to William12, I run sk, bard, zerk zerk zerk, healer. The team is unstoppable. All group gear, and there is nothing in the group game I cant walk through with ease. Pretty easy to break 1 million dps.
Listen to William12, I run sk, bard, zerk zerk zerk, healer. The team is unstoppable. All group gear, and there is nothing in the group game I cant walk through with ease. Pretty easy to break 1 million dps.

That's nutz.
I broke 160k dps with bard bst zerker and 2 merc rogues. Still died to the t1 named, but... when they all hit 105 I imagine I won't suck so hard. Or if I ever figure out settings in mq2bot so that they actually do the right thing at the right time.

I see people with 20k + aa's, at 12k aa on beastlord, I can't see how the hell I can even SPEND that much aa. Do they get stupid expensive in EoK or something?
Yep, things in EoK are highly expensive, there were ~10k AA added per class. About 2k AA just to max the tradeskill AAs out.