How to tell if someone uses MQ?


New member
Feb 8, 2010
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Are there any clues or subtle hints that let you know "hmm, he uses MQ"
Well, if you're really bored, you can always follow him around at a distance and see if he warps or anything. But other than that, I dunno of any real ways.

If you are gonna try and petition him for using, I would suggest "hey i use
mq2, and was wondering if you also do. Want to warp around and kill non accessable mobs together?" If you are just curious for no other reason but curiosity send him a tell saying. "hey, i use mq2 too. Cool to meet other people that do, wanna hack together? But if you dont use mq2 then i dont either and all of this was a test." Otherwise its probably best to let it all go if they wanted people knowing they used mq2 in game they would tell only those they wanted to know...
stick / melee are the 2 biggest none blatant give a ways. They mimic human control but if you use them long enough you can tell the difference, if they are using /stick
The easiest way to tell if your guildmate is an MQ user is to watch the Guild Management window. People who chain zone are easy to spot because there is no way to get from Zone A to Zone B that fast.

When I use piggy zone I usually go 1 zone at a time manually and wait around a few minutes before zoning to the next zone. Either that, or go ANON.
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See the What Not to Do thread.

Or ask if he's a Friend of Fry.
Just offer to race to a zone 4 or more zones away. If you win by 5 or more minutes by chainzoning, he's not a user probably. If he wins say "Omg, hacker PoShit! I hate u fking cheaters! /petition. Then run your boomerang mac while you get much needed rest.
Just offer to race to a zone 4 or more zones away. If you win by 5 or more minutes by chainzoning, he's not a user probably. If he wins say "Omg, hacker PoShit! I hate u fking cheaters! /petition. Then run your boomerang mac while you get much needed rest.