How to stop auto casting in bot


Lifetime Member
Dec 5, 2006
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my mag wants to cast velocity but it fails timer resets he tries again constantly some time while resting but sometimes it keeps him from fighting.

Can I stop it?
I expect there is a command something like "doability ####=0"
but I don't know the context or where to put it
PetBuffIf#=0 to turn it off. or you can create a specific condition like: (!${XTarget.Total}) or something
it is not a custom ui I don't know what to change
reloading the default UI (only one I have) fixed the problem yesterday but not today.

I would really like to understand what is happening and how to fix it
Pete was referencing the INI for [MQ2Bot] section for your character.

In the macroquest2 directory there will be an ini file named as such: server_charname.ini

In that ini file will be a section labeled [MQ2Bot] and under that you would add the condition that was specified by Pete. PetBuffIf#=0

Where # is the number of the pet buff when you /bot on.

When you /bot on you should get a message PetBuff#=Velocity

That's the number you need to change. Lets say PetBuff1=Velocity, then PetBuffIf1=0 would turn it off.

While I realize that the problem is with the plugin casting it when it shouldn't, you can disable it till someone fixes it, assuming they will fix it.

This is not UI related.
Thank you VERY much Chat for taking the time for an explanation even this tech illiterate dummy can follow
I found the INI
I determined Velocity was PetBuff2
I did not have a section title {MQ2Bot] so i made one

it fixed it for a short time and now it is doing it again. I am so confused
I found the INI
I determined Velocity was PetBuff2
I did not have a section title {MQ2Bot] so i made one

it fixed it for a short time and now it is doing it again. I am so confused

to be honest a lot of people have complained about the functionality of the PetBuffIf#=

I believe also that the PetBuff# will be based on your currently memorized spells. So if you previously had PetBuffIf2=False or 0, and you have since memorized your spells in a way that it is no longer the 3rd Pet Buff and instead PetBuff3=Velocity, then your if statement will no longer be valid.

If that is the case I recommend you save your spells as sets and always load saved spell sets to avoid reording your spell#

Some people have reported it working, some have reported it not working. I'm really not sure how I can help more than I have as I've never used the plugin. The majority of the time I'm working on some macro that will 100% conflict with mq2bot, thus I don't use the plugin at all.

Sadly I cannot look at the code and expect to have any level of understanding any time soon as my C++ skills are shit.
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velocity is and alternative achievement and as far as I can tell it is always PetBuff2

maybe at some point the devs will look into it
Does yours not show up twice? I assume you are 100+, so you would have the level 58 spell in your spellbook, and the AA (which you are saying you definitely have).

If so, then when you show /loadbot and see the PetBuff# list, for each time it shows it (twice, presumably), does it show PetBuffIfX=0 ?

I found the INI
I determined Velocity was PetBuff2
I did not have a section title {MQ2Bot] so i made one

it fixed it for a short time and now it is doing it again. I am so confused

to be honest a lot of people have complained about the functionality of the PetBuffIf#=

I believe also that the PetBuff# will be based on your currently memorized spells. So if you previously had PetBuffIf2=False or 0, and you have since memorized your spells in a way that it is no longer the 3rd Pet Buff and instead PetBuff3=Velocity, then your if statement will no longer be valid.

If that is the case I recommend you save your spells as sets and always load saved spell sets to avoid reording your spell#

Some people have reported it working, some have reported it not working. I'm really not sure how I can help more than I have as I've never used the plugin. The majority of the time I'm working on some macro that will 100% conflict with mq2bot, thus I don't use the plugin at all.

Sadly I cannot look at the code and expect to have any level of understanding any time soon as my C++ skills are shit.
Here is some code since this can be a teaching moment!

It is not based on memorized spells. Velocity is hard coded in, as are all spell lines highlighted in yellow. The spells it searches for as additional pet buffs are the lines highlighted in green. Since spell icon and spell names often dont match i stored them in 2 separate vectors: vPetBuffName and vPetBuff. Then when the spell is being cast, it tries casting AAs first so even if you have both spells and AAs the AAs should always cast first.

void CreatePetBuff()
    if (!InGameOK())
    if (BardClass)
    petSpell = NULL;
[COLOR=Yellow]    PCHAR szPetBuff[] = { "Aegis of Kildrukaun", "Second Wind Ward", "Host in the Shell", "Hobble of Spirits", "Velocity", NULL };[/COLOR]
    char szBuffer[MAX_STRING];
    int aaIndex;
    _ALTABILITY* aa = nullptr;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; szPetBuff[i]; i++)
        strcpy_s(szBuffer, szPetBuff[i]);
        aaIndex = GetAAIndexByName(szBuffer);
        if (aaIndex > 0)
            aa = pAltAdvManager->GetAAById(aaIndex);
            if (aa && GetSpellByID(aa->SpellID))
    int petSpellLevel = 0, [COLOR=lime]spirit = 0, iceflame = 0, aggression = 0, haste = 0, warder = 0, growl = 0[/COLOR];
    PSPELL ppetSpell, pspirit, piceflame, paggression, phaste, pwarder, pgrowl;
    customPetSpell = NULL;
    if (strlen(CustomPetSpell) > 5)
        if (GetSpellByName(CustomPetSpell))
            customPetSpell = GetSpellByName(CustomPetSpell);
            petSpell = customPetSpell;
    for (unsigned int nSpell = 0; nSpell < NUM_BOOK_SLOTS; nSpell++)
        if (PSPELL pSpell = GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->SpellBook[nSpell]))
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory>97 && pSpell->Subcategory < 106 && pSpell->Subcategory != 101 && GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class != 12 && GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class != 2 && GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class != 6)
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > petSpellLevel && !customPetSpell)
                    petSpellLevel = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    ppetSpell = pSpell;
                    petSpell = pSpell;
            if (GetSpellDuration(pSpell, (PSPAWNINFO)pLocalPlayer) < 3)
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, "Spirit of "))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > spirit)
                    spirit = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    pspirit = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, "Empowered Minion"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > spirit)
                    spirit = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    pspirit = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 70)
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > haste)
                    haste = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    phaste = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, " Warder"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > warder)
                    warder = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    pwarder = pSpell;
            if(pSpell->Category==69 && pSpell->Subcategory==71 && strstr(pSpell->Name,"Growl of the"))
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, " Aggression"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > aggression)
                    aggression = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    paggression = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, "Iceflame"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > iceflame)
                    iceflame = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    piceflame = pSpell;

    if (petSpellLevel > 0)
    if (haste)
    if (growl)
    if (iceflame)
    if (warder)
    if (aggression)
    if (spirit)
    if (!BardClass)
        PSPELL pSpell;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_SPELL_GEMS; i++)
            pSpell = GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->MemorizedSpells[i]);
            if (pSpell)
                if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 10)
    if (vPet.size())
        WriteChatf("\awPetSpell: \a-t%s", vPet[0]->Name);
    char szTemp[MAX_STRING] = { 0 }, szSpell[MAX_STRING];
    strcpy_s(szSpell, "PetBuffIf");
    if (GetPrivateProfileString(INISection, szSpell, NULL, szTemp, MAX_STRING, INIFileName))
        SpellIf.insert(make_pair<string, string>(szSpell, szTemp));
        SpellIt = SpellIf.find(szSpell);
        if (SpellIt != SpellIf.end())
            WriteChatf("PetBuffIf: %s", SpellIt->second.c_str());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vPetBuff.size(); i++)
        sprintf_s(szSpell, "PetBuffIf%d", i);
        WriteChatf("\awPetBuff%d: \a-t%s", i, vPetBuff[i]->Name);
        if (GetPrivateProfileString(INISection, szSpell, NULL, szTemp, MAX_STRING, INIFileName))
            SpellIf.insert(make_pair<string, string>(szSpell, szTemp));
            SpellIt = SpellIf.find(szSpell);
            if (SpellIt != SpellIf.end())
                WriteChatf("PetBuffIf%d: %s", i, SpellIt->second.c_str());
    if (!strstr(PetIllusionItem, "NULL"))
        char test[MAX_STRING];
        sprintf_s(test, "${If[${FindItem[%s].ItemSlot},1,0]}", PetIllusionItem);
        if (atoi(test) == 1)
            sprintf_s(test, "${FindItem[%s].Spell.Name}", PetIllusionItem);
            if (GetSpellByName(test))
                PetIllusionSpell = GetSpellByName(test);
                WriteChatf("\awPet Illusion: \a-t%s", PetIllusionSpell->Name);

So any new lines or name changes would need updated in that routine. Otherwise, you can provide more fidelity when to cast something using the PetBuffIfX= statements.
When I load mq2bot I only see 1 velocity and it has been PetBuff2 every time I have check

Pete the code might as well be Hindi I can't follow it and it makes my mind go numb. Fry spend over an hour a couple years ago holding my hand and trying to massage it into my skull to no real effect.
When I load mq2bot I only see 1 velocity and it has been PetBuff2 every time I have check

Pete the code might as well be Hindi I can't follow it and it makes my mind go numb. Fry spend over an hour a couple years ago holding my hand and trying to massage it into my skull to no real effect.
So like I said.. and easy way to ensure it doesnt cast during combat is:
I'm not a freaking genius when it comes to the way C++ works. Some of the code could be in hindi and I wouldn't notice. From what was posted, the following I understand.

void CreatePetBuff()
    if (!InGameOK())[COLOR="DarkOrange"]If I'm not in the game exit this function[/COLOR]
    if (BardClass)[COLOR="darkorange"]If I'm a bard exit this function[/COLOR]
    vPetBuff.clear();[COLOR="darkorange"]vPetBuff (class or struct) clear function[/COLOR]
    vPetBuffName.clear();[COLOR="darkorange"]vPetBuffName(class or struct) clear function[/COLOR]
    vPet.clear();[COLOR="darkorange"]vPet (what does the v stand for....OhhHHHHhHhh it's a vector...duh)[/COLOR]
    petSpell = NULL; [COLOR="darkorange"]same as /varset petSpell NULL[/COLOR]

[COLOR="darkorange"]Here's it's shady...what is a PCHAR, what is an sz.
 This is clearly the declaration of an array of the type PCHAR with it's initialization strings. [/COLOR]
    PCHAR szPetBuff[] = { "Aegis of Kildrukaun", "Second Wind Ward", "Host in the Shell", "Hobble of Spirits", "Velocity", NULL };
[COLOR="darkorange"]a buffer for storage of strings of characters??[/COLOR]
    char szBuffer[MAX_STRING];
    int aaIndex;[COLOR="darkorange"]declared integer called aaIndex with no initialization value[/COLOR]
    _ALTABILITY* aa = nullptr;[COLOR="darkorange"]_ALTABILITY* pointer as a type, var named aa set to nothing?[/COLOR]
    for (unsigned int i = 0; szPetBuff[i]; i++)[COLOR="darkorange"]a for loop...obviously[/COLOR]
        strcpy_s(szBuffer, szPetBuff[i]);[COLOR="darkorange"]strcpy copies the string from the first to the last...or is it the other way around?[/COLOR]
        aaIndex = GetAAIndexByName(szBuffer);[COLOR="darkorange"]Finally initializing aaIndex but where the hell did GetAAIndex....oh it's a function,
 it's using the buffer as a paramater...I missed the proto/dec for this so I'll just pretend I went and looked for it.[/COLOR]
        if (aaIndex > 0)[COLOR="darkorange"]if the variable aaIndex initailized above with the function GetAAIndexByName(szBuffer); has a value greater than 1 do these things.[/COLOR]
            aa = pAltAdvManager->GetAAById(aaIndex);[COLOR="DarkOrange"]aa = pAltAdvManager lamda's GetAAById(aaIndex)function[/COLOR]
            if (aa && GetSpellByID(aa->SpellID))[COLOR="darkorange"]fucking lost me[/COLOR]
                vPetBuff.push_back(GetSpellByID(aa->SpellID));[COLOR="darkorange"]shit just got real..vectorPetBuff calls the function to push_back with a function as a parameter which has a parameter of a lamda /lost[/COLOR]

[COLOR="darkorange"]Ok, my brain hurts. I'll stop here haha. [/COLOR]
    int petSpellLevel = 0, spirit = 0, iceflame = 0, aggression = 0, haste = 0, warder = 0, growl = 0;
    PSPELL ppetSpell, pspirit, piceflame, paggression, phaste, pwarder, pgrowl;
    customPetSpell = NULL;
    if (strlen(CustomPetSpell) > 5)
        if (GetSpellByName(CustomPetSpell))
            customPetSpell = GetSpellByName(CustomPetSpell);
            petSpell = customPetSpell;
    for (unsigned int nSpell = 0; nSpell < NUM_BOOK_SLOTS; nSpell++)
        if (PSPELL pSpell = GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->SpellBook[nSpell]))
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory>97 && pSpell->Subcategory < 106 && pSpell->Subcategory != 101 && GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class != 12 && GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class != 2 && GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class != 6)
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > petSpellLevel && !customPetSpell)
                    petSpellLevel = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    ppetSpell = pSpell;
                    petSpell = pSpell;
            if (GetSpellDuration(pSpell, (PSPAWNINFO)pLocalPlayer) < 3)
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, "Spirit of "))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > spirit)
                    spirit = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    pspirit = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, "Empowered Minion"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > spirit)
                    spirit = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    pspirit = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 70)
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > haste)
                    haste = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    phaste = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, " Warder"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > warder)
                    warder = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    pwarder = pSpell;
            if(pSpell->Category==69 && pSpell->Subcategory==71 && strstr(pSpell->Name,"Growl of the"))
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, " Aggression"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > aggression)
                    aggression = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    paggression = pSpell;
            if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 71 && strstr(pSpell->Name, "Iceflame"))
                if (pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class] > iceflame)
                    iceflame = pSpell->ClassLevel[GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->mActorClient.Class];
                    piceflame = pSpell;

    if (petSpellLevel > 0)
    if (haste)
    if (growl)
    if (iceflame)
    if (warder)
    if (aggression)
    if (spirit)
    if (!BardClass)
        PSPELL pSpell;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_SPELL_GEMS; i++)
            pSpell = GetSpellByID(GetCharInfo2()->MemorizedSpells[i]);
            if (pSpell)
                if (pSpell->Category == 69 && pSpell->Subcategory == 10)
    if (vPet.size())
        WriteChatf("\awPetSpell: \a-t%s", vPet[0]->Name);
    char szTemp[MAX_STRING] = { 0 }, szSpell[MAX_STRING];
    strcpy_s(szSpell, "PetBuffIf");
    if (GetPrivateProfileString(INISection, szSpell, NULL, szTemp, MAX_STRING, INIFileName))
        SpellIf.insert(make_pair(szSpell, szTemp));
        SpellIt = SpellIf.find(szSpell);
        if (SpellIt != SpellIf.end())
            WriteChatf("PetBuffIf: %s", SpellIt->second.c_str());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vPetBuff.size(); i++)
        sprintf_s(szSpell, "PetBuffIf%d", i);
        WriteChatf("\awPetBuff%d: \a-t%s", i, vPetBuff[i]->Name);
        if (GetPrivateProfileString(INISection, szSpell, NULL, szTemp, MAX_STRING, INIFileName))
            SpellIf.insert(make_pair(szSpell, szTemp));
            SpellIt = SpellIf.find(szSpell);
            if (SpellIt != SpellIf.end())
                WriteChatf("PetBuffIf%d: %s", i, SpellIt->second.c_str());
    if (!strstr(PetIllusionItem, "NULL"))
        char test[MAX_STRING];
        sprintf_s(test, "${If[${FindItem[%s].ItemSlot},1,0]}", PetIllusionItem);
        if (atoi(test) == 1)
            sprintf_s(test, "${FindItem[%s].Spell.Name}", PetIllusionItem);
            if (GetSpellByName(test))
                PetIllusionSpell = GetSpellByName(test);
                WriteChatf("\awPet Illusion: \a-t%s", PetIllusionSpell->Name);
second edit after several fights he cast velocity when I did not manual cast he seems to have stopped casting Velocity!

[edit] I tried this and he still casts velocity. He has played well for years and has just started this issue after getting back online after 6 months off


is this complete as typed?

Put it i the MQ2Bot section of the Server_name.ini?
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update on this very inconstant problem

I did a 6 hour grind yesterday. left mage on bot because when he is not his pet won't stay on target. I am fortunate to have a machine for each toon and I just kept jabbing the nuke button. pretty much one nuke a cast of velocity then another nuke.

without doing anything else he started functioning properly for the last half an hour. very frustrating
update on this very inconstant problem

I did a 6 hour grind yesterday. left mage on bot because when he is not his pet won't stay on target. I am fortunate to have a machine for each toon and I just kept jabbing the nuke button. pretty much one nuke a cast of velocity then another nuke.

without doing anything else he started functioning properly for the last half an hour. very frustrating
Future protip: Provide us a list of your debug log and a list of what spells you have. We dont know when something changes because none of the developers play the game. Looking up velocity in the database reveals that the mage AA was renamed to Velocity I and Velocity II. This means it probably isnt storing the AA correctly and is storing it as "Velocity." It also means the other pet buffs that were renamed are doing the same thing and spamming casting. Would be helpful if someone can confirm what the actual AA name is. Is it just "Velocity" or is it something else? If it is just "Velocity" then i am back to square one as to what would be causing the issue without knowing what buffs are on your pet. Additionally, if this is the only one that is messed up then just disable it because honestly who cares about pet runspeed when you are in a static camp.