How to make a Hud.ini


Just Some Noob
Sep 30, 2005
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Here is the Hud.ini that I use. Its nothing special just small and to the point of what I wanted. Hunger and thirst was to allow me to check and make sure mq2feedme is working properly with a 5000 threashold. I added the ability to show who group leader and raid leader was so I did not constantly have to open up that big ass raid window when I needed to know, these only show up when you are grouped and/or in a raid. There is also a number of people in raid counter that shows up when your in a raid just telling you the number in your raids. The stuff you see in yellow is the 4 closest rare spawn mobs starting with the closest at the top of the list to the 4th closest at the bottom. Basicly a rarespawn tracker without using track.

Now the "HOW TO MAKE THIS WORK" part.

1) Copy all of this below to a text file.
2) Click File tell it save as...
3) Save it as MQ2HUD.ini, >AND< Change the "Save as type to ALL FILES.
4) Tell it to save inside your release folder for your mq.*
5) In game type /loadhud cleric (or whatever the name of your hud is) then you are good to go and finished. Using the F11 key in game toggles the hud on and off.

If you did everything correctly in game you should see the image from the attachment on your screen.

*If you use Frys copy of MQ2 there is probably already a hud.ini there. You need to tell your computer YES to replace that one to use this one if you want this one.

One more thing to comment on, if you scroll down to the bottom of the code you see a seting called "Skipparse" I have mine set on 10. This seting is for how fast you want the hud to refresh/update. If you change that number to a 1, then it updates constantly. For some of us using older computers that causes alot of lag. At 10, the refresh rate is not constant but its almost faster than you can notice with the eye and does not cause nearly any lag.

Post if still cant figure it out and we will see if we can get you a hud going be it mine or someone elses. :)


Time=3,5,68,0,255,0,Time: ${Time}
LastTell=3,5,80,0,255,0,LastTell - ${MacroQuest.LastTell} 
RegExp=3,5,92,0,255,0,EXP - ${Me.PctExp}%
AAExp=3,5,104,0,255,0,AAExp - ${Me.PctAAExp}%

FM=3,5,116,0,255,0,Full Mana in - ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)/10]}]}m${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)%10*6]}]}s

Spawn1=3,5,128,255,255,0,${If[${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn2=3,5,140,255,255,0,${If[${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn3=3,5,152,255,255,0,${If[${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn4=3,5,164,255,255,0,${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]} 

GMInd3=3,27,176,250,0,0,${If[${Spawn[gm].ID},GM In Zone!,]} 
GMInd4=3,27,176,0,250,0,${If[${Spawn[gm].ID},,None In Zone]}

GroupLeader=3,5,188,0,255,0,${If[${Group.Members}>0,GroupLDR - ${Group.Leader},]}  
RaidLeader=3,5,200,0,255,0,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,RaidLDR - ${Raid.Leader},]}
PPLinRaid=3,5,212,0,255,0,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,In Raid - ${Raid.Members},]}




  • MQ2HUD.ini
    1.9 KB · Views: 205
  • Hud.JPG
    6.3 KB · Views: 1,772
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I can't figure out how to compile files for my MQ2 i am a noob to this program. Can someone help me out
You are completely in the wrong area for that question.

anyway to add a counter of how many there is in the zone ?
i know this just adds more spam to your hud, but i would love it insted of doing /w every 2 sec if i do faction in FC or have to warp around in none instance zones
anyway to add a counter of how many there is in the zone ?
i know this just adds more spam to your hud, but i would love it insted of doing /w every 2 sec if i do faction in FC or have to warp around in none instance zones

For PC check you'd want to add ${SpawnCount[pc]} in your HUD somewhere.

So something like.
Players=3,5,68,0,255,0,Players In Zone: ${SpawnCount[pc]}

For the numbers in the code.
3= display when
5,68= x/y position on screen for your HUD
0,255,0= color of text

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i would like to display my current AC on my hud can you help me with the code.

thanks all
i think

i think it is

 AC=3,5,68,0,255,0 ${}

nope didnt work
This will return your AC.

In case anyone wants their clickies in their HUD, you can add something like this to it:

HoTBP=3,5,296,0,255,0,HoT BP - ${If[!${FindItem["Breastplate of the Harmonious Soul"].Timer},Ready,]}
HoTBPNotRdy=3,5,296,255,30,0,HoT BP - ${If[${FindItem["Breastplate of the Harmonious Soul"].Timer},Available in ${FindItem["Breastplate of the Harmonious Soul"].Timer.TotalSeconds}s,]}

Will show "HoT BP - Ready" in green if no timer, or "HoT BP - Available in ##s" in orange if reuse timer is still ticking down.
I saw someone awhile back with their current level of hunger and thirst anyone have that code to put it on the hud?
I saw someone awhile back with their current level of hunger and thirst anyone have that code to put it on the hud?

Here is example:

HungerLevel=3,175,244,0,240,0, ${Me.Hunger}
ThirstLevel=3,175,256,0,240,0, ${Me.Thirst}

What is the hunger/thirst level for?

Basicly just for people that want to monitor food/drink consumption. Or possibly to make themself force junk food instead of $ food. (Though feedme is good for that).
Hud help (Range to tgt)

I have been looking all over in hopes of finding out how to get Range to/from target in my hud. Can anyone help with this?
TargetMaxRange2=3,585,735,255,255,255,${If[${Target.Distance}>0,Melee Dist.,]}
MaxMeleeBG=3,575,735,000,000,000, ${If[${Target.Distance}>0,||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,]}
Any one have the code for any of the following?

-Showing aa's ready/ time left until ready.
-Showing clikies ready/ time left until ready.
//Fellstrike Discipline
Fellstrike Disciplinetext=3,350,81,255,234,8,Fellstrike Discipline : 
Fellstrike Disciplinereadytext=3,470,81,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Fellstrike Discipline]},Ready,]} 
Fellstrike Disciplinenotready=3,470,81,255,0,0,${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Fellstrike Discipline]},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Fellstrike Discipline].TimeHMS},]} 

AETaunttext=3,172,131,255,234,8,AE Taunt : 
AETauntreadytext=3,235,131,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Area Taunt]},Ready,]} 
AETauntnotready=3,235,131,255,0,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Area Taunt]},${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Area Taunt].TimeHMS},]}

//Superior Divinity
	Superior DivinityText  = 3,140,131,255,234,8,${If[(${FindItem[=Breastplate of Superior Divinity].ID}),Superior Divinity :,]} 
	Superior DivinityReady = 3,235,131,0,240,240,${If[(${FindItem[=Breastplate of Superior Divinity].ID}),${If[(${FindItem[=Breastplate of Superior Divinity].Timer}==0),Ready,]},]} 
  	Superior DivinityNotReady = 3,235,131,255,0,0,${If[(${FindItem[=Breastplate of Superior Divinity].ID}),${If[(${FindItem[=Breastplate of Superior Divinity].Timer}>0),Will Be Ready In ${FindItem[=Breastplate of Superior Divinity].Timer.TimeHMS},]},]}

something like this