How to make a Hud.ini

Combat Range

i was wondering if combat range was broke for the hud..... i pasted this in my hud and it says

Meele Dist
and then 2 rows of lines after

the number is alwats 75.00 also..

EDIT: ok the Number is 16.00 and is always 16.00... i thought yesterday it was 75.00... but could be wrong on that

this is what i got in there

TargetMaxRange2=3,5,206,0,255,0,${If[${Target.Distance}>0,Melee Dist.,]}

thanks in advance
Im not a hud person but I dont think there is supposed to be a space in the TLO.

Dist=3,585,735,255,255,255,${If[${Target.Distance}>0,Distance: ${Target.Distance},]}
MaxMeleeBG=3,575,735,000,000,000, ${If[${Target.Distance}>0,||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,]}

I modified it a bit, it works for me as of Jan 1st -09.

If you wish, you can remove the If-clause completely and have it show
the distance always. As it is now, it will not show distance for you, or when
you have no target.
i am looking for the command line to put up in hud for show the actual zone id
and perhaps too tribute and if actif or not and the number of tribute left ; possible ?
i am looking for the command line to put up in hud for show the actual zone id
and perhaps too tribute and if actif or not and the number of tribute left ; possible ?



anyways to add to my HUD - to show if my attack is on or off? i'm using a custom UI and my attack indicator doesn't light up well, i would like to be able to see it on my HUD tho, how can I do this?
Combat mode

anyways to add to my HUD - to show if my attack is on or off? i'm using a custom UI and my attack indicator doesn't light up well, i would like to be able to see it on my HUD tho, how can I do this?

Thiis is what i use for mine

Combattext=3,140,48,255,234,008,Combat  :

i was wounder if online friend could be added to the hud so i could see who was on line. I know about about mq2eqim but i was wounder if it could be done.
FriendsTotal = 3,5,228,255,234,008, Number of Friends: ${Friends} 
Friends1 = 3,5,240,255,234,008, Friend 1: ${Friends.Friend[1]}
Friends2 = 3,5,252,255,234,008, Friend 2: ${Friends.Friend[2]} 
Friends3 = 3,5,264,255,234,008, Friend 3: ${Friends.Friend[3]}
Friends4 = 3,5,276,255,234,008, Friend 4: ${Friends.Friend[4]}
Friends5 = 3,5,288,255,234,008, Friend 5: ${Friends.Friend[5]}
Friends6 = 3,5,300,255,234,008, Friend 6: ${Friends.Friend[6]}
Friends7 = 3,5,312,255,234,008, Friend 7: ${Friends.Friend[7]}

found this but i also want to know if they are on line or not thanks
You could use MQ2EQIM plugin.

Then you can use the Buddy TLO, like ${Buddy[0].Name}, ${Buddy[0].Status}, ${Buddy[0].LastSeen}, etc.

It also adds the /buddies command (and Buddies TLO).

You could use MQ2EQIM plugin.

Then you can use the Buddy TLO, like ${Buddy[0].Name}, ${Buddy[0].Status}, ${Buddy[0].LastSeen}, etc.

It also adds the /buddies command (and Buddies TLO).


thank you HTW for your help. I got every thing to work also

Friends1 = 3,1,305,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[1].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[1].Name},]}
Friends1a= 3,100,305,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[1].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[1].Status},]}
Friends2 = 3,1,315,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[2].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[2].Name},]}  
Friends2a= 3,100,315,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[2].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[2].Status},]}
Friends3 = 3,1,325,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[3].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[3].Name},]}  
Friends3a= 3,100,325,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[3].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[3].Status},]}
Friends4 = 3,1,335,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[4].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[4].Name},]}  
Friends4a= 3,100,335,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[4].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[4].Status},]}
Friends5 = 3,1,345,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[5].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[5].Name},]}  
Friends5a= 3,100,345,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[5].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[5].Status},]}
Friends6 = 3,1,355,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[6].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[6].Name},]}
Friends6a= 3,100,355,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[6].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[6].Status},]}
Friends7 = 3,1,365,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[7].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[7].Name},]}
Friends7a= 3,100,365,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[7].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[7].Status},]}
Friends8 = 3,1,375,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[8].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[8].Name},]}  
Friends8a= 3,100,375,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[8].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[8].Status},]}
Friends9 = 3,1,385,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[8].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[9].Name},]}  
Friends9a= 3,100,385,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[9].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[9].Status},]}
Friends10 = 3,1,395,255,234,008, ${If[${Buddy[10].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[10].Name},]} 
Friends10a= 3,100,395,255,255,255, ${If[${Buddy[10].Status.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Buddy[10].Status},]}

here is my working copy
Say i wanted to show the Name, and level of my current target in my hud what text would i add?
Say i wanted to show the Name, and level of my current target in my hud what text would i add?

Target1=3,710,538,255,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},~${Target.Level}~ >>> ${Target.CleanName} <<< ~${Target.Level}~,]}

maybe ?
Quickie I threw together to find out if your current target is HS'able or not:

TargetHSable=3,165,76,0,255,255,Headshot Target? - ${If[${Target.Body.Name.Equal[Humanoid]} && ${Target.Level} <= 72 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]},YES,NO]}
i use the default hud that comes with the compile is there a way to edit out named mobs that show up on it
i use the default hud that comes with the compile is there a way to edit out named mobs that show up on it

Replace your MQ2Hud.ini with this one:


Time=3,5,38,0,255,0,Time: ${Time}
LastTell=3,5,50,0,255,0,LastTell - ${MacroQuest.LastTell} 
RegExp=3,5,62,0,255,0,EXP - ${Me.PctExp}%
AAExp=3,5,74,0,255,0,AAExp - ${Me.PctAAExp}%
GMInd1=3,5,86,0,250,0,GM - ${If[${Spawn[gm].ID},${SpawnCount[gm]} GM's in zone.,No GM's Present]}
GroupLeader=3,5,98,0,255,0,${If[${Group.Members}>0,GroupLDR - ${Group.Leader},]}  
RaidLeader=3,5,110,0,255,0,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,RaidLDR - ${Raid.Leader},]}
PPLinRaid=3,5,122,0,255,0,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,In Raid - ${Raid.Members},]}
what i meant was it showed only mobs i wanted it to not like quest npcs what what not or show npcs that don't normally show in it like elders in crystallos

Is there a way to show Health of Target's Target (HoTT) in a HUD? Or without health, just Target's Target?

Thanks in advance.
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Is there a way to show Health of Target's Target (HoTT) in a HUD? Or without health, just Target's Target?

Thanks in advance.

[I]TargetOfTarget1=3,5,311,255,255,255,Target Of Target
TargetOfTarget3=3,112,311,255,255,255,${If[${Me.TargetOfTarget.ID},${Me.TargetOfTarget.AATitle} ${Me.TargetOfTarget.CleanName} ${Me.TargetOfTarget.Surname},]}


This works, a bit buggy as it updates, but, basically what you are looking for.

Thanks for the Idea btw, glad I decided to sit down and figure out how to put this one together!

Edit: P.S. You MUST be in a group, and the leader MUST have HoTT purchased for this to work. Window does not HAVE to be up.
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