Grouping class question


Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, so here it is.

Just came back after long break. Had 5 accts, chars between 65-75.

New computer can handle running 6 at once, so bought new anniv edition for 6th acct.

Unsure as to best class to pick. This is what i have.
These three all GM DoN cultural armor and max DoN augs from merchants
75 druid 400+ aa (heal aa) (GM halfling tailor/smith for making don armor)
75 warrior - 11khp/2kac unbuffed (400+ aa all defensive in nature)
75 shammy (100+aa)
These 2 little or no gear as of yet
75 Necro (no aa's, just got him there)
75 Mage (100+ aa)

Want to start working TBS asap. Willing to take the time out to pl a new class. So far, druid healing in the past with shammy backup has been more then sufficient. Wondering, since not gotten any 75% ch upgrade spells.. if that is enough now? Or, should i just go more dps? I kinda want to avoid another tank, as all but the warrior are on macros.. and safer only having 1 toon in striking range to the mob.. but am open to another melee if worth it.
Was thinking either a wizzy for pure dps.
Or could go a cleric for bigger heals.. and then be able to put the druid into a primarly dps role with all our new dots and use him for backup heals.
I remember rangers being awesome dps with bow at range.. how has that changed? still viable?

Open to suggestions.. Tired of jumping back and forth not being able to decide
Berserker or Rogue, and I'd opt for the zerker for max dps unless you need SoS/lockpick bs for any reason.
I'd go with a bard, you don't really have a puller or CC and bards can do both, everyone in your group will also become better via songs.
I'd go with a bard, you don't really have a puller or CC and bards can do both, everyone in your group will also become better via songs.
I would assume then you would suggest to switch the warrior to a bot macro (been using him on manual to date) and run the bard manually? Bards are the only class i have never tried in EQ. Much to learn on them.

Berserker or Rogue, and I'd opt for the zerker for max dps unless you need SoS/lockpick bs for any reason.
Can a zerker or rouge out dps a pure caster like a wizzy?
I'd go with a rogue. Rogu helper will pretty much run him for you and you can never have enough DPS.
I take it since not mentioned.. that ya'll think the healing by the druid with shammy backup is good enough for my boxing purposes?
I don't see why it wouldn't be. Been in lots of high level groups with a druid as the sole healer and haven't had a problem. Shammy just makes it that much easier.
Ok on the healing part, thanks.

Valid point was brought up though.. don't have any mezzing, CC or true puller.

Mostly just pulled with warrior, trying to get single or just tanking both. Sometimes if able, using druid to harmony.

I know as i go into tbs.. cc/pulling will be crucial.. though more important then higher dps.. prob.. just not sure. Most likely bet would be a bard, but they scare me, heh (plus no idea best way to PL one, know they so different)

IMO monk or rogue... monk for pulling and top end monks pretty good DPS probably 3rd on list after rogues and zerkers... or rogue, just because they have clicky illusions..and zerkers are only dumb races anyway...

assling rogue ftw
Lots of input, thanks guys. So i have narrowed it down to Monk or Bard. I agree zerker or rogue would be good for dps.. but i can't leave be the fact that i need either more reliable single pulling (monk) or ability to CC adds (bard). Was hoping to avoid a melee class for safety with macroing 5/6 toons.. but looks like there is no way around it.

I know monk will be easier to use when running 5 other bots compaired to a bard. Will be strange to not be manual controlling the warrior though, but i'll get used to it.
I do have to admit though i am suprised, always though wizards still ruled the dps game. How things change =)
Could always use necro to pull.... Thats what i've done in the past, and would allow you to add another DPS to the mix.

Personally I would use bard though.