Gear All Stats Listing Macro


gahh, darn cows.
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
I was wondering if there was a way to write a macro and get the stats from a char's gear. I saw the bank macro, which provides the gear name, but i have not found any way to reference a gear's ac, hp, mana, end, stats, and saves. It would be nice to get any gear bonus info, like haste, atk, mana regen, etc., but for starters, i wanted to know the basics.

A bonus to know would be the ac bonus per class, sta hp bonus per class, etc, to calculate a char's current ac, hp, mana, end, atk based on a char's level - which is also readable.

any help would be appreciated.
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/macro Showbonuses. It's included as part of the vanilla MQ2 compile I think. It gives you HP/Mana/End/Mod2s and some other information.
re: showbonus info

thanks the info on /macro showbonuses. It contains very good info on a character. I was hoping to be able to list slot, magic item, lore item, no drop (which i have seen how already) but have not seen how to get hp, mana, end, ac, atk, str, sta, agi, dex, wis, int, char, SvP, SvM, SvD, SvF, SvC, SvC, wt for the total for slot of gear, each aug, and the armor item to get a feel of what to upgrade next. I know i can make a spreadsheet by hand, and i do for my own chars, but i was hoping to write this macro so that i can get info on the rest of our guild (if they so choose to run the macro.)
Looking for the new string for coding new mods:

Damage Shield Mitigation

example :

pulls out avoidance bonus
