Fuckton of free Exp potions!

Servers back up, just checked one account, potions all there but now marked as no trade.

They also took heirloom off of them. I'm still sitting on 4 bags of them in my regular bank. Hopefully they dont do some roll backs :)
thank you

thanks again for the heads up on this sweet deal.
they removed heriloom flag, nothing is now, not even illusions/fang.
its no trader now btw so the next server update that they do will be bound to what ever toon you put it on is the warning am getting when i try to do this again
wonder if someone left a potion in shared would it flag up as hack like nodrop in shared an get you suspended?
wonder if someone left a potion in shared would it flag up as hack like nodrop in shared an get you suspended?
No. Because it wasn't no drop or non heirloom when you put it there. The no drop in shared bank bans were due to items that were never flagged trade-able showing up in places they had no reason to be.

All it does is say that if you don't move it before the next server update it will be moved to the first character that logs into the account.
its no trader now btw so the next server update that they do will be bound to what ever toon you put it on is the warning am getting when i try to do this again

nah your error is from having it in your shared bank slot. next server update it will automatically go to the first toon you log into.
its no trader now btw so the next server update that they do will be bound to what ever toon you put it on is the warning am getting when i try to do this again
The warning you're getting is a move it or lose it message. Move it or lose the choice of where it goes, more correctly.

You have till the next server update to put them on the character of your choice. Otherwise the first character that logs into that account will get them automatically
Looks like ones on toons are still there.

Ones in shared bank are still there as well - will check later to see if they poof when taken out.

They certainly *could* track it...but that would seem to take a fair bit of coding, and looking at all of the other shit that they have left up for weeks and let people keep I would be surprised if they went to the trouble.

Best solution would have been to simply make the potions granted by the satchel a new item ('potion of adventuring legacy' or the like) and no trade, leave the LON items heirloom. Oh well - it's SOE, why bother with better solutions when they can use a wrecking ball. It's their world, after all.
They're still there after moving them

Yes they could trace them but it would mean a lot of extra work since the ID is the same as the LoN ones and, to be honest, exploit or not, they were acquired legitimately. it may not have been what they intended to have happen, but it wasn't a hack either.
you were right

ive got item display up , and you were right , they are not 10% they are 50% ,,,, im way stoked that i was wrong though
300 each on 2 toons. I should be good to go for awhile till soe makes another "mistake" =)
300 each on 2 toons. I should be good to go for awhile till soe makes another "mistake" =)

Is that 300 total ie. 15 stacks or is that 300 stacks ? Holy create/delete cycle batman!
300 each on 2 toons. I should be good to go for awhile till soe makes another "mistake" =)

Is that 300 total ie. 15 stacks or is that 300 stacks ? Holy create/delete cycle batman!

It will be 300 Clicks per toon... I got pretty good for a while there and had it down to about 2min 20seconds to Create, Claim, Camp and Delete a toon...

Ended up with about 400 before I decided 200 hours of EXP potions should do me ;)
I wasnt greedy and just did 80 :)
I got 60 for the main on the one account that could claim and 40 for the little weird troll beastlord I made just because someday I may actually have a high level crocodile pet. :)