Favorite books / What are you reading now?

Quote" Some of the stuff I read tends to be a little obscure, but I like finding old series that I've never heard of and discovering a new fantasy world that isn't well known. Ok, that's geeky, but it's the best form of escapism I know that doesn't involve partaking of illegal substances. :p "/Quote

Then perhaps you would like to read the Lensman series by Doc E E Smith. Very old series, but quite excellant read. I read it nearly 40 years ago, and still get it out every now and then.
Heh, some of the stuff that I've got on that list isn't obscure, but a lot of it is -- I mean, I don't even think that I've *ever* met someone that had heard of Thomas Covenant, and as far as I'm concerned, it's some of the finest literature that I've ever read.
Heh, some of the stuff that I've got on that list isn't obscure, but a lot of it is -- I mean, I don't even think that I've *ever* met someone that had heard of Thomas Covenant, and as far as I'm concerned, it's some of the finest literature that I've ever read.

Read em in high school. Actually had to wait for the last 2 books, as I started reading the series before the last couple were out. I read somewhere that Donaldson is writing a third Chronicles.
i never finised it but did start it and if i could find another set i would love to finish the story ... (find meaning not have to order and pay $ for) its not every day the main character has leprosy and rapes someone right off the bat.
He is, Gnobody -- there are two books out from it, and another two intended. He actually has been quoted as saying that the only reason that he wrote the Second Chronicles was to set up this Final Chronicles.
"Fellow nerds." Yes, that's why I hang out here. As far as your "reading too much" comment, there's no such thing!

I don't think I have a favorite author anymore. I DO hate fantasy polyologies that consist of epic, "he gets into trouble, he triumphs, repeat ad nauseum."

I read for new ideas. I like Varley, Card, Brin, Palmer (the sequel to Emergence was in the last 3 Analogs).
He is, Gnobody -- there are two books out from it, and another two intended. He actually has been quoted as saying that the only reason that he wrote the Second Chronicles was to set up this Final Chronicles.

Hmmm. The first two of the Last Chronicles are available at the local library. Now I have to decide whether I want to start them now - and have to wait until 2010/2013 for the last two books to be released - or wait until all of the books are out.
Hmmm. The first two of the Last Chronicles are available at the local library. Now I have to decide whether I want to start them now - and have to wait until 2010/2013 for the last two books to be released - or wait until all of the books are out.

read them now and then just re read them in 10/13
Recently picked up the alternate series from Jim Butcher ( the dresden files guy ) Starts off with the furies of calderon, good book.

Though honestly if you must read a book my all time and will always be no.1 favorite is The Deed of Paksenarrion which is actually an Omnibus from elizabeth moon combining three books.

The Sheepherders Daughter
Divided Alliance
Oath of Gold.
Recently picked up the alternate series from Jim Butcher ( the dresden files guy ) Starts off with the furies of calderon, good book.

Though honestly if you must read a book my all time and will always be no.1 favorite is The Deed of Paksenarrion which is actually an Omnibus from elizabeth moon combining three books.

The Sheepherders Daughter
Divided Alliance
Oath of Gold.

Probably one of the best books ever written imo! I have read them (I have each book not the omnibus) like a gazillion times. Totally awesome!

And I would like to recommend anything from The Black Library (Warhammer and Warhammer 40k) if you like raw violence and big guns!
Gotrek & Felix is one the best fantasy novels ever written and Ultramarines and Space Wolf omnibuses are redicolous good!

In fantasy way I find Tolkiens world and Terry Pratchetts world the most entertaining. Shannara is really good too. All of em'!

Being deployed, I basically read anything I can get a hold of. Typically that is either military themed books, sci-fi, or fantasy.

Specifically I absolutely love these:

Jim Butcher: Codex Alera is hands down one of the best series I've read in a long time. I haven't tried his Dresden series though.

Paul S. Kemp: His Erevis Cale stuff is pretty good, I like the darker tones of it compared to a lot of the FR materials.

Terry Brooks: Seems to be a love/hate with people, I like most of his stuff, except for the high druid arc. The current series fascinates me though, I like seeing word & void mesh with shannara.

Naomi novak: Her Temeraire books are pretty decent, I think the main character is a little too dutybound but its definitely a different style series.
Jim Butcher: Codex Alera is hands down one of the best series I've read in a long time. I haven't tried his Dresden series though.

I just picked up the first book and I gotta agree I'm going back for the other three today.
Heh, some of the stuff that I've got on that list isn't obscure, but a lot of it is -- I mean, I don't even think that I've *ever* met someone that had heard of Thomas Covenant, and as far as I'm concerned, it's some of the finest literature that I've ever read.

I have never really thought of Covenant as obscure, but I guess it all depends on the time and era you're reading them. I read the first chronicle a long time ago, and as another poster mentioned, had to wait on the 2nd chronicle. If I had my way to live life, I'd definitely be one of the Unfettered. ;)

Anyway, most of Donaldson's stuff for me is hit or miss. Some I don't care for, some reallly sucks me in. Been reading the George R.R. Martin series again lately (A Song of Ice and Fire series). Enjoy it quite a bit, although it seems to be meandering in strange directions.

What do you guys think about the Jordan fiasco? Really not sure what to expect regarding the last book that will come out posthumously. It's a shame that series got so convoluted--the first 3 were the best fantasy I'd read in years.

As for some of the stuff mentioned by the last few posters, I appreciate the info on what you're into atm. I have a few new books to pick up from the sound of things, and that's something I look forward to.
Oh, meant to mention, did anyone mention the Lankhmar books by Fritz Lieber? Old school fantasy right there. Also Fred Saberhagen's Swords novels are all decent reads.

Ok, I'm done rambling. :p
Sword of Truth
Wheel of Time (last book comes out in 09)

Sadly Robert Jordan Died in Sept of 07, so I don't have high hopes that book 12 in the Wheel of Time series will be as good. The author that will ghost write for Jordan (drawing a blank on his name atm) said he planned for book 12 to finish the series. Jordan was guessing it would take 2 maybe 3 more books to finish his excelent epic tale. Jordan was able to impart a guide line of how he wanted the story to go before he passed on, but considering the fan base that Jordan has gathered, the ghost writer has some very big shoes to fill.
Jordan was guessing it would take 2 maybe 3 more books to finish his excelent epic tale.

Entirely false.


Jordan had repeatedly said that the main sequence would conclude with the twelfth book, with a working title of A Memory of Light. Numerous times, including most recently at ComicCon 2006, he said he would hold to this statement even if it has to be 1500 pages long. Before his death Jordan had planned to write two more short prequel novels, an encyclopedia, and possibly two or three other side-plot novels.
Sadly Robert Jordan Died in Sept of 07, so I don't have high hopes that book 12 in the Wheel of Time series will be as good. The author that will ghost write for Jordan (drawing a blank on his name atm) said he planned for book 12 to finish the series. Jordan was guessing it would take 2 maybe 3 more books to finish his excelent epic tale. Jordan was able to impart a guide line of how he wanted the story to go before he passed on, but considering the fan base that Jordan has gathered, the ghost writer has some very big shoes to fill.

More then once Jordan stated he would make on last book. 2k pages if needed but only 1 more book

As for the last book his wife is still editing it so it should still have the feel of Jordan. Near 75 % of the book was on audio tape / notes so I think MoL will end up being pretty good.