Extended target window on TLP?


Apr 20, 2009
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So, in classic EQ progression, which I don't mind really at all, they have removed a lot of the expansion specific conveniences that have been added over the years.

One of them being the extended target window. Now, I've not played EQLive to know, but dang does this window sound super convenient to know how many mobs are in camp, or for debuff classes to quickly start doing their job.

Was curious if there is an MQ2 way to get the functionality of this window back?

Granted, any shaman or enchanter mac is going to debuff all of the mobs in camp already, but if I was more a manual type player, is there a way to get this window back?

It's there, just not visable. A macro can call it, but there is no way of displaying it
If someone were so inclined a plugin could be written to duplicate the display of the window most likely (I'm not sure how MQ2 would handle a gauge on a UI element but at the very least mob names and such could be displayed). But being that it's only usefullness would be for the TLP server (unless it in some way enhanced and was more useful than the built in eq one), I'm not sure anyone would want to spend the time on it =/
Just add it to a UI piece like you would ${Me.Level} or ${Target.CleanName}
Ya, it's not worth the time to do something like that. Because I've not actually used it at all on the Live servers, I'll be looking forward to the expansion in which they release it.

Thanks for the responses guys.