EQBC Question


Jun 2, 2006
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I leave my toons online during the day, so they can get MGB buffs etc in the Guild Lobby.

I have had EQBC running on my linux server, and I can connect to it externally without any problem, and with the EQBC Windows program no problem.

Is it possible to tell a char to mem a spell via this?

What I am wanting to do is get my wizard to port to The Grounds, and request a mission (since the timer is based on when i get it, not when i finish)
Threfore when i get home from work, having requested the mission 4 hours before hand, i can then redo the task 1.5 hours to 2 hours after, not waiting another 6 hours to redo :)

I can issue the /saytarget and /alt act etc ok, but not sure how to get my wiz to gate to grounds, if the spell is not already memmed.
you can issue any / command to any toon that is connected using

/bct toonname //say hi

that would make whatever toon say hi

/bct toonname //memorize shielding

that toon would memorize the spell shielding

Check out the wiki for it here
you CAN do it all manually via eqbc.. but..

To do what you are saying... I would make a macro with a recorded path or /moveto spots, or /navigate if you are lifetime member. It would be quite easy. then you can just /bct toonname //mac macroname.

For that route I would make your macro do something like:

Port to grounds
move to quest npc
uninvis if only 1 npc nearby
request task
if activate task window/task, then reinvis or gate to bind
end the macro or keep it running with an event to /bc current task name on demand to verify you have task via eqbc. or just put a confirmation dialog as part of your macro.
think what hes saying is he can get to his bc from work. yes u can manually load it and cast though bc u can also target the mob. then do a saytarget with phrase. i know my partner know how to echo char loc etc in bc. however i dont know if u can echo players target. could also set a simple events file that did a note in bc when the task is assigned. so u know when u got it.
You guys make it to complicated.

If you can connect to your eqbc server from any location you can do anything mq2 related remotely.

If you can do it sitting at your pc you can do a command line from your workstation to your home pc just need to know your syntax or have macros / aliases worked out like Pete suggested.
The easiest way I can think of to set it up would be to make a spell set with the grounds port in whatever slot you want it to mem in, and nothing else in any of the other slots. Save this spell set as whatever you want to call it.

Then you can use /memspellset <name>, or /bct <toonname> //memspellset <name> though EQBC, and it will load your ground port in the slot you saved it. This is a native EQ command. I'm sure there's some way to do it using MQ2 commands, but I always prefer to use the standard EQ command if it's possible and will achieve the same results.
This brings up a question for me as well, are ALL missions in EQ based on when you REQUEST a task not when you FINISH a task, or just some of them?

If they are all like that then the OP has inadvertently given me a good tip along with his question lol.
based upon request time, yes. all that i know of for tasks.

expedition are on completions (raids)
Is there a { } setting for tasks?

While all of this is great in theory, I dont actually know if i received the task.

I need to be able to echo some response back to the EQBC UI.

I think i might work on a macro for this.

I think the #Event might help with this.
plugin is mq2mmotlo


Task Members

The TLO members are as follows:

  • string Name The char name in task
  • Task Leader The leader of the task
  • Task Member[#|name] The task member # or name
  • int Members Current number of characters in the task
  • bool IsLeader Is the char the task leader?
  • spawn Spawn Object for this player if available (must be in zone)
  • To String Same as Name
Task Examples

  • ${Task.IsLeader} Am I the task leader?
  • ${Task.Name} My name
  • ${Task.Members} # of members in task
  • ${Task.Member[3].Name} Name of 3rd task member
  • ${Task.Member[2].IsLeader} Is 2nd task member task leader?
  • ${Task.Member[Razza].IsLeader} Is Razza task leader?
  • ${Task.Member[Razza].Spawn.Level} Razza's level (must be in zone)
As you can see, members can be indexed by name or #. # is member 1 through x. If name is used, and is not in task, NULL is returned (as expected).

Using that you can just do a ${Task.Members} and if it doesnt return NULL, then youre in a task.
Thanks for that.

I was just going to use a #Event# waiting for you have been assigned etc etc.

Either way should work :)