default bot on


New member
Jul 25, 2006
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I've just started using mq2bot and I like it, but one think quirks me. I like to leave the plugin loaded sometimes but /bot off, but when I zone into a new instance or a different zone, the bot defaults to /bot on.

Is there a line in the .ini or command to stop this? I suppose otherwise I just need to unload it.
I've just started using mq2bot and I like it, but one think quirks me. I like to leave the plugin loaded sometimes but /bot off, but when I zone into a new instance or a different zone, the bot defaults to /bot on.

Is there a line in the .ini or command to stop this? I suppose otherwise I just need to unload it.
I can look into it.

For now, you can resolve it:

1) In your MQ2 directory, create a Configs directory if one doesn't exist.
2) In the Configs directory, create a new file called zoned.cfg (unless one exists, in that case, edit it).
3) Add this line to it and save:

/if (${Plugin[MQ2Bot].Name.Length}) /bot off

On another note, why does MQ2Bot not load automatically? I have to "/plugin mq2bot" every time.
because it never /unloads properly. like if you manually /bot plugin unload and then try to reload it, it wont work. i could never figure out wtf was up with that. something is not freed from memory correctly.
Should be fixed next release - delayed a bit so far, thanks to my system crashing a few days ago. :/

I also noticed if I dont /bot off before I camp, when I try to re-enter the world from char select it crashes. So I unload the plugin everytime before I log out.
Thanks for the tip on the config
I also noticed if I dont /bot off before I camp, when I try to re-enter the world from char select it crashes. So I unload the plugin everytime before I log out.
Thanks for the tip on the config
You should ALWAYS stop any macro or bot before camping. MQ2Bot tries to do it by itself, but can miss it - e.g., if fast camping, or instant camping, it ain't gonna see it before it happens.

Should be fixed next release - delayed a bit so far, thanks to my system crashing a few days ago. :/


after i updated it now its spamming this.. not sure why lol i haev mq2melee to manage my jboots but its got jboots buff on. this is on TLP, i dont have any modrods or anything.

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