custom plugin loader?


New member
Oct 17, 2006
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is there a way to have plugins load on a per character basis other then running a macro when you login? I don't know if its possible in the macroquest.ini or not.

Basically I have certain toons I like certain plugins for. I dont use them all at the same time, so the macroquest ini file loads a base set and this would load additional ones.

Like a plugin you can set an ini for?
[Character Plugins]
Name=Johnnie Necrodood
Sorry no
**edit so i was wrong, never knew of this feature /shrug
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One thing you could do is use the configs/[character]_[server].ini file to set up the plugins you want loaded. You can do a macro for each character that auto runs and loads the exact plugins you want. You would first of all have to have it do a /plugin oldplugin_name unload for all of the default ones you don't want loaded.

Here is my ini file for one of my characters:
/bccmd connect
/mac modbot

basically it connects to the bc server, then runs the modbot macro as soon as he logs in.
so let me understand then:

create a folder called configs in my mq folder
create a file called

/plugin unwantedplugin unload
/plugin mq2coolness
just remove all plugins from your macroquest2.ini file and make it read only. Then make your cfg files for your characters and have it load the correct plugins automatically
Yep, both ways would work, with JJ's method being the fastest by a few milliseconds I would assume. Making macroquest.ini read only will make it where it doesn't get updated.
u can use character cfg for that I think
edit : ok I didnt read JJ answer :rolleyes:
You can also have it not update macroquest.ini when loading a plugin, that lets you put it in your cfg char per char for load only, and not worry about having to unload it first.

/plugin mq2smurf noauto
