Controversial Discussion - Guns

Just ordered some parts from LMT. Got any 9" M203's lying around FS? lol

Let me go check out back,

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Seems appropriate for this thread:

[ame=""]Gun Control explained - YouTube[/ame]
Plus, thousands of legal guns get stolen, "lost", sold illegally to unlicensed parties, etc. so it doesn't matter HOW responsibly the initial sale was handled, once the gun is "in circulation", those original "ultra-responsible" gun dealers have no control on what it's used for. Don't you think your "ultra-reponsible" gunstore owner relatives would have happily sold guns to this respectable and rich Connecticut homeowner whose son then accessed the guns to kill 26 innocent people??

Im Sure Eric Holder, and Fast and Furious would agree with you....but i wont dare say the Obama administration would do careless things with weapons.
All indications are Thursday’s raid was not directly related to the Newtown massacre investigation, but, as Besthoff reported, it was related to several other crimes committed at the store, including the recent theft of an AR-15 and the attempted theft of a .50-caliber long gun, both by a man with mental illness, Besthoff reported.

Let me get this straight. They are reporting that this shop wasn't raided, by ATF agents and local police, because of the mass shotting, but because of a theft of an AR-15 and at attempted theft of a .50 caliber long gun. Not only that, but they supposedly know who tried to steal the guns.

Yah I believe that 100%...sure....

Anyways, I don't think that you can hold the store responsible if the bushmaster was purchased legally. The gun laws should be handled at the state level, IMO. Gun control has worked really well in Chicago and NY City for sure.
gun laws at this point are no longer a state issue, though. Heller/McDonald saw to that with the incorporation of the 2nd amendment. The reason they are still on the books is because no one has challenged them up to SCOTUS yet.
Further, every regular poster here knows that Orion's dislike for me goes beyond the typical internet variety.

No, I think what every regular poster here knows about me is that Im an American Soldier who loves his country and believes in freedom and am likely to respond negatively to an insulting, ungrateful, clueless twit posting bullshit on this board.

As JJ said, America has plenty of our own issues that fall into the "needs improvement" category but at the end of the day the principles that form the foundation of our Nation (written in that Constitution that people keep forgetting about) are exactly on point and worth trying to hold onto.

Yes, I AM a nationalist, I love my country, I love my freedom, I respect those that came before me that established it and defended it so that its still here for me.

So, that being said, I also think you know this very well already. I think you come on here and INTENTIONALLY make inflammatory remarks and insults directed specifically at me and those who are like me because you WANT the exact reactions that your getting here right now.

Well done, you got exactly what you fished for and thats fine. But, dont sit there and cry foul and play the role of some poor innocent guy just being abused because his ideas are a different and think your going to get a sympathetic ear.

Anyway, before trolling too far back and making my own head spin, I just wanted to say a couple of things:

Kirban - You can't come in here talking the trash that you do, then blame "conservatives" when you get flamed for your opinion. That is a chance we all take when we post something. If you can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

Also, while you may feel you have a point and an argument, please also remind yourself that the person you are trying to throw shit on has flown a fucking helicopter right up the ass of a people that are hell bent on destroying you, regardless of how you feel about guns. Opinion or not, show some fucking respect for someone that has served the country and protected your right to post this bullshit on a forum. Don't be just one of those types of people that claps at parades when veterans walk down the street, pretending to be patriotic, then hop behind a computer where you have anonymity, and start to flame out.

I want to go back to a time where there was some respect for our military personnel. Where they weren't a punch line on a goddamn internet forum. They have fought for you and have asked for nothing in return. What have you done?
I heard a really interesting radio program on the way to work this morning.

Question #1They wanted someone to provide a reason as to why owning a semi - automatic assault rifle was necessary and in what scenario it could be used efficiently for good (and other means of protection would not work, glock, etc...)

Not trying to open a can of worms, but this did get me thinking and I couldn't answer it.

Since this is a forum of extremely smart men (and a few extremely smart girlies ;), I thought I'd see if anyone wants to chime in.

RULE - must answer the question as digressing

Question #2 - Should folks with mental disabilities, aspergers, autism, mental illness be taught to shoot gun for any reason?

#1 No i honestly can't see a reason where automatic assault rifle was necessary (emphasis on automatic). Getting that outta the way i don't support in *limiting rights*.

Alot of these things have to be taken in context. That back then when the constitution was drafted.. there were no cars, cellphones, taesers etc.. you get where im goin with that. So back then hell ya bearing arms was crucial for the safety of your family hell a drifter can come riding by and finish your whole family.

In light of that im for restricting automatic rifles and extended clips etc. I would also stipulate that if your out in the suburbs or something, where it would take first responders a while to get to you, law should be adjusted to let you own a weapon of that caliber. Its a slippery slope both ways you go. Then ppl can still bring that into crowded places and cause havoc.

But lately my faith in politicians is all but nill. I don't trust them when it comes to limiting any rights. They perverted the patriot act to no end.

#2 Thats obviously a no to any logical person. I would actually say that the house hold should be legally held accountable for that also. Ie you dont store your weapons safe and your kid under 10? or individual in your family that's challenged gets a hold of your weapons you gotta answer for that in the court of law.

I also suggest you spend more time in Nigeria, you will vanish, and your bones will be made into curse powder by some Witch Doctor.

I just wanted to address this from my angle. This did look racist to me at first But i think its just being stereotypical.. which isn't a crime. I think in the heat of things its more purposefully trying to throw a jab back and forth and i guess it can be perceived that way in the heat of this. We used to burn witches in this country too so you can hardly call these things solely from one nationality or race. That kinda thing comes from not understanding your surroundings and lacking education/School. Which alot of the 3rd world lack.

That being put aside we gotta deal with problems in this country and extend the olive branch when faced with stagnant opposition. The only alternative if we don't will be war and i don't think anyone sane wants that.

Full disclosure. I don't own any weapon of any sort. I've shot in gun ranges tho and im familiar with some weapons. I'm a Virginia resident formerly of the district of Columbia *taxation without representation*. I'm also a staunch democrat who's bit of a social conservative. I usually reside in the cities but i think if i was further in the suburbs i would probably want a pistol of some sort Just as a nuclear option if i was a victim to robbery or something.
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Opinion or not, show some fucking respect for someone that has served the country and protected your right to post this bullshit on a forum. Don't be just one of those types of people that claps at parades when veterans walk down the street, pretending to be patriotic, then hop behind a computer where you have anonymity, and start to flame out.

I want to go back to a time where there was some respect for our military personnel. Where they weren't a punch line on a goddamn internet forum. They have fought for you and have asked for nothing in return. What have you done?

The big picture is as vets we fight/fought for the rights of people to be like Kirb. That is why no matter what bullshit people throw at us about our country. We will come out on top.

As a veteran we are no better then a non veteran. Truly should not be treated any different. The right for someone to spit on a uniform or be as distasteful as burn our American flag. Those are the rights that our young boys and girls die for. Most of them do not do it for people to give them respect, though they deserve it. They do it so tomorrow you can wake up and talk shit without fear of a death squad running down your family as recourse.
The right for someone to spit on a uniform or be as distasteful as burn our American flag. Those are the rights that our young boys and girls die for.

Lets just clarify that real quick JJ. There sure as fuck better not be a soldier IN that uniform when you spit on it! God have mercy on your ass if IM in it and you decide to spit on it.

However, if you want to go down to the surplus store and buy some flags and uniforms and spit on them, set them on fucking fire, or do whatever the hell you want to do (without causing harm or injury to anybody else)....more power to you, that is indeed your right.

Looking at those stats impresses one thing on me...Gun Manufactures need to get off their asses and crank up productions! We are so close to have one firearm for every single man woman and child in the country! We must press onward!!

Its kinda like that Gangnam style video, at this point people are just clicking on it to try an push that ticker to 1 billion, they dont even like the song. I kinda feel like that right now. ;-)

Oh shit! I just clicked on my Gangnam Style link to check the count and it already broke 1 Billion! Ok, thats back to cranking out them GUNZ!
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The right for someone to spit on a uniform or be as distasteful as burn our American flag. Those are the rights that our young boys and girls die for.

Lets just clarify that real quick JJ. There sure as fuck better not be a soldier IN that uniform when you spit on it! God have mercy on your ass if IM in it and you decide to spit on it.

However, if you want to go down to the surplus store and buy some flags and uniforms and spit on them, set them on fucking fire, or do whatever the hell you want to do (without causing harm or injury to anybody else)....more power to you, that is indeed your right.

If they REALLY want to make a statement. Put on the uniform and then burn it. Better yet, If they hate the US that much, they can leave put on another country's uniform. In this case, I might even help them burn that one; with them in it of course.
Looking at those stats impresses one thing on me...Gun Manufactures need to get off their asses and crank up productions! We are so close to have one firearm for every single man woman and child in the country! We must press onward!!

I've done my part!

This year I picked up an LCP (for the wife, although I carry it a lot :cool:), a 10/22, and 2x Mosins (one for my pops).

Going to be picking up a Mossberg 930 soon too :eek:
ar15 lowers are now going for 350/each. insanity. I picked mine up for like $99 or so a few years ago. I have an unbuilt ar10 lower that i'd love to build except to get a proper upper will set me back about $1500. I'm sure with the current hysteria, it would set me back 2k+ =(