

Lifetime Member
Sep 26, 2006
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What am I doing wrong?

/cast "Hobble Spirits III" alt

doesn't work for me, any ideas?

beast lord aa
rank 3 purchased,
worked before patch
since patch can see that name has changed when using hot button, , but cannot get cast to work

/casting 126:alt works and casts Hobble Spirits III (rank 3 is purchased)
but when using bot.mac I cannot use

PetBuffName6=Hobble of Spirits III
PetBuffSpell6=Hobble of Spirits III

Does Mq2Cast not yet handle the new alt aa ranks?
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If it's a spell I always /cast #XX for what number that spell is memmed on the spell bar. If it's an alt, I /alt act the #of that alt, which you can find by looking on your aa window, highlighting whichever activatable alt and reading the description.
/cast is an EQ command. /casting is from MQ2Cast

The ranks then might just overwrite. Have you tried:

/casting "Hobble of Spirits" alt

If that casts it, put it in your .ini as just Hobble of Spirits

no reason to use /casting or /cast for an AA.

/alt act 126
Read the post above mine, that info was already given (and yes, I read it, wow!).

I clarified the OP's comment/question with the difference between the two.

Which command, or route, he decides to take is up to him.

3 days ago maybe he was using the old zip? I put in support for new ranked aa's in the zip released on the 30th but since I don't know which version he was running it's hard to know why it fails...
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Thanks for all the suggestions

After a couple of days away and reading the comments it got it to work again as normal with the new changes in alt ranks

PetBuffName6=Hobble of Spirits III
PetBuffSpell6=Hobble of Spirits

I did try some variations originally, I thought I had tried this combination before, guess not... oops!
I was also trying straight command /casting "Hobble Spirits" alt which was failing but /casting 126:alt was working

Sorry I didn't post any versions, they were just the "Current" Loader versions, but I see that's important due to posts ageing.

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