Bot lite macro testing - Feel free to participate

I let them know it needs fixed. Thanks for the report.
Also mentioned that the chars not using their clickybuffs anymore.
That is because the clickies uses .Rank, which as he showed in his error messages, is missing.
Are you on test server? I have a feeling you are...

It can be corrected, but it will be at least after fixes for patch.

I corrected the missing members, will be in next release (test).

When posting about issues, if you do play on test, it's a good idea to say so, as they are different code sets.

Doh, Sorry about that .. I will ensure to identify that in all posts going forward.

I am on Test.
unsure if this is me useing the bot wrong or an actuall error.

i use the bot lite on my warr and my wizzy, starts up ok, tanky mctankson picks up the mob when my puller comes into town kills the thing with the help of my trusty wizzy, but when the mob dies the tank keeps retargetting the corpse for no apparent reason, this confuses the shizniz out of the wizzy, and he targets it too since she is set to assist him.
i bring a new mob in tank picks it up and stops targeting corpses, however the wizzy refuses to nuke the new mob, untill i either restart the mac or hide all the corpses.

So besides from having toons with an unhealthy intrest in corpses whats going on her? am i missing something obvious?

Best regards

No, it is targeting corpses when it isnt supposed to. you can add this to the macro somewhere:

#event exp "You gain #*#experience!!"
Sub Event_exp
/if (${hidecorpseall}) /hidecorpse npc

Ive been more focused on making bot into a plugin than a macro so that is part of the reason I havent done much with this yet. I would prefer to just make your toons be mercs and use whatever spells you have loaded + whatever AAs you have if you are going to use something other than bot.mac. Too many things going on at once but c/c++ is starting to make a lot more sense and I would rather use a plugin for the heavy lifting if able.
Petesampras wrote:

Ive been more focused on making bot into a plugin than a macro so that is part of the reason I havent done much with this yet. I would prefer to just make your toons be mercs and use whatever spells you have loaded + whatever AAs you have if you are going to use something other than bot.mac. Too many things going on at once but c/c++ is starting to make a lot more sense and I would rather use a plugin for the heavy lifting if able.

either it is because english isn't my first language, or i am misunderstanding this, does this mean you are discontinuing botlite?

I was pleasently surpriced of the effectivity of it when i ran it on the wizzy, all i had to do was prune a few spells and tweak her so she cast the mindfreeze line and she was good to go.

warrior does a few stupid things i don't know how to fix, for instance he tries to cast "Rest" line skills while tanking, results in lots of spam since you can only do that when not useing a disc and are in a resting state.

Anyways thank you for all your hard work PeteSampras.

Im not saying im not going to finish it, I am saying I am focused on the plugin version right now. The plugin will hopefully use elements of botlite combod with PL.mac to automatically figure out what you should do and should function similar to a mercenary. It won't be perfect, but you also shouldnt have to do anything other than turn it on.
I think that is an excellent idea Pete.

Make them more like mercs..

Having played eqemu a fair bit with the axclassic bots I always missed them when I went back to live(test). They worked much better than the mercs in game.

Just as an idea, maybe you could leverage the bot code from the emu side?
I am not above using someone else's code, but this is also so that I can learn what I am doing. I dont want to just rip someting entirely or I won't learn anything at all. Just over the last month I can read c++ way better and understand a lot more. I should have the generic spell parsing complete today and I can toss up the mq2bot.dll for folks to test the spell parsing. it doesnt do anything but spell parse because i need to get that nailed down before i do anything else.