Bloody Kithicor -


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Jul 25, 2007
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Just a straight dps test for the Priests / Ritualists or is there any tricks to it? The dps requirments seem impossible but I really can't believe its just that.
For those that haven't done it, starts with 3 kyvs you balance to kill or they regen/share health. After about 8 minutes from zone in. 4 camps of 4 rituallists and Each camp damages one npc by "aging" them if any npc dies the event fails. The camps all age them no matter what, but every 30 seconds or so they call a direction they are building power, in like 30 seconds from the call if you don't kill at least 1 npc in that camp they'll kill off a npc. Other then doing nearly 200k dps to all these mobs, is there a nother way? To either protect the NPC's or perhaps slow the againg / re-heal the npcs?

P.s. I know this is a new event but if you don't want to post you don't have to! but spare the sermon please!
3 kyv assassins initially. Need to balance kill them within 5%
at every 25% they despawn and a few secons later respawn on a different combatant. (75, 50 and 25)
They have cleared debuffs, so need to debuff them again. Balance kill within 5% still
Kill these quickly

When lanys kills her normal combatant, (which happens after a set time (10 mins???))
4 groups of 4anueks spawn, if left alone they age combatant and cause us to lose the raid.
need to keep aggro on us not the NPC's.
Split the riad into 4 groups each of 2 groups (N, S, E, W). Enage the anueks, kill the priest first and the ritualists after

After all dead a mob spawns from plane of Hate. General

Kill it

My guild been trying this and its a royal pita....We cant even get the kyvs down in time we dunno if to burn the kyvs down to give us more time or what lol.
From what I'm seeing either your raid has to have some massive DPS or you need to have 2 solid mana heavy healers per a group. The kyvs seem to get on average around 30% if your DPS isn't godly before aneuks spawn. Now as stated the aneuks spawn in groups of 4 right around the camp NE NW SE SW. When these spawn they spawn non aggro so you can leave them be until the emote is called for each specific camp of aneuks to become active. Again the issue is DPS or mega healing....unless I'm missing some thing. The kyvs aren't a big deal they can be off tanked easily, the aneuks however have high DPS and massive AE's. I'm not sure if there is a special trick to this or it's just one of those events that's going to suck fat horse cock.
Anyone want to give up the trick to controlling the AE's?
i was curious of what emote = each direction exactly. the emotes seem pretty well bland
No real " Trick" to the ae's Just burn down the mobs asap, the ae's are viral dots mostly so cure everyone at once or don't cure at all. Curing can cause you to reget it sooner and take more damage. Lotta mgb heals ect help
Been trying this event the Kyv's seem to easy at 30 % the ritualists spawn. We cant seem to win the ritualists just kill one of the NPC's and its over.

I see it was mentioned that all 4 groups be tanked at once ...anyone else win this a diffrent way or can i get some confermation on this ?
well our dps was around 100kdps at casual.
ive no idea about controlling the AE's, sorry :(
this event is not so bad once you get the hang of it took us about a week or so of realy trying before we beat it. as others have said its just ballanceing the kvys once thats done we have the 4 offtanked and clear N E S W one at a time burn them down then u get a pita named to deal with if i remember correctly
We just OT the kyvs and wait for the emotes from the aneuks. Raid runs to the direction of the emote. Kills the Priest. Leaves a Cleric and SK behind. Then raid goes to next emote spot and kills next Priest. rinse and repeat till they are all dead.

Pretty sure Kyvs can be rooted after aneuks are up.
Yea in the last patch they finally fixed it to work right so you dont have to kill all 4 at once. The emotes they were giveing out were throwing me off. Odviously when a direction is called in yellow typically its a clue. This wasn't working but now it should. Thanks for the imput for shure.
Still problems with this. We balance the kvys, get on the Ritualists as called. Do they need to be killed Priests first or Ritualists first? We tried both ways, and then some. Also, if you are on a Anueks group such as North was called, but not all are dead when the next emoted side is called. Do you A) head to that other direction asap or finish killing the one you started with ?
My guild is in the midst of trying this... does anybody just offtank the kyv assassins and wait for the aneuks to spawn? We found it was easier to have the tank groups in position from the start, and the raid ready to dps whichever camp became active, without worrying about balancing the kyvs. Their dps output is pretty low so 1 sk and a healer were fine OTing them.

Only tried it a couple of times, but our main problem was people weren't ready for the AEs, panicked, died, anueks got loose, fail. Just curious if it's necessary to kill the kyvs. Our dps isn't so hot, so if they can just be OTd until Bahgresh spawns, all the better.
My guild is in the midst of trying this... does anybody just offtank the kyv assassins and wait for the aneuks to spawn? We found it was easier to have the tank groups in position from the start, and the raid ready to dps whichever camp became active, without worrying about balancing the kyvs. Their dps output is pretty low so 1 sk and a healer were fine OTing them.

Only tried it a couple of times, but our main problem was people weren't ready for the AEs, panicked, died, anueks got loose, fail. Just curious if it's necessary to kill the kyvs. Our dps isn't so hot, so if they can just be OTd until Bahgresh spawns, all the better.

No its not necessary to kill the kyvs. If u like u can just wait for the aneuks to pop.
Still problems with this. We balance the kvys, get on the Ritualists as called. Do they need to be killed Priests first or Ritualists first? We tried both ways, and then some. Also, if you are on a Anueks group such as North was called, but not all are dead when the next emoted side is called. Do you A) head to that other direction asap or finish killing the one you started with ?

Well it should have been fixed like 3 weeks ago, so that u only have to deal with 1 pack of ritualists at a time. At current state you need your raid spread out and kill them at every location once they spawn. Start with ritualists then finish the priests, just ignore the emotes about directions for now until it fixed properly.
Well it should have been fixed like 3 weeks ago, so that u only have to deal with 1 pack of ritualists at a time. At current state you need your raid spread out and kill them at every location once they spawn. Start with ritualists then finish the priests, just ignore the emotes about directions for now until it fixed properly.

We are actually at an impass with this raid. We lack the DPS to kill the assassins outright getting themto around 30% before the anueks spawn. So we have decided to just to OT themoff to the side and basically ignore them. OUr problem lies with the 4 groups that spawn. We have tried every mechanism we know in order to deal with them but the end result is still the same, either a tanking grioup dies or the raid dies while DPSing down the current targeted group. I guess my question is, how do people handle the AEs? Ranged DPS seems to be too slow as usually an OT group dies. We are also having problems with the stun/FD which even happens when themobs are engaged at their spawn point.
Try having your pld(blind)/rng(snare) work the assassins and just forget them.
Try having your pld(blind)/rng(snare) work the assassins and just forget them.

Thank you for the suggestion. The assassins are not really an issue, just used them as a metric for people to gauge our DPS as a raid.
I guess my question is, how do people handle the AEs? Ranged DPS seems to be too slow as usually an OT group dies. We are also having problems with the stun/FD which even happens when themobs are engaged at their spawn point.

You need to control the group placements very carefully...It's critical that you not get cross-dotted, and the OT group shouldn't get any dots at all...