Beta compiles - First timer


Lifetime Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
A couple of questions.

First, does the team have a timeline on when an MMOBugs version of the beta compile will begin to be distributed? I know it's a daily thing and therefore a PITA, so if you are not going to mess with it this year I understand.

Second, mainly just to see if I could get it work I, compiled my own today. I got it working and my toon logged in with out of the box functions. I was wondering, however, if there were any specific pitfalls I should watch out for while waiting on the professionals to do it right.

Thanks for any information anyone is willing to share with a noob.
looks like anti mq software from prog is turned on beta?
crahsed when load mq
It may be, I don't know enough to know better. I am however up and running the base compile. Map/Item etc are working fine.
1. I was thinking of avoiding it this year unless a few people speak up about finding it useful. Updating MQ2 every 24 hours is fairly painful. It takes about an hour a day with offical zip out. I normally wake up about 4 hours after EQMule puts out zip so with exe timing, we more than likely lose about 6 hours of that 24. If there is a demand for MQ2 on beta though, I'll do it.

2. Official version should compile fine. EQMule seems to be updating it daily.
Thanks for the update Fry.

Kinda fun learning to do it myself, I was able to get the base compile going along with adding a couple of plugins. Just don't want to screw around with anything to get banned.

I would find it useful, but I'm good with you guys passing on it as I realize the amount of work involved with doing it daily.
Sounds like a lot of work and in the end I'm sure daybreak will really hate people using MQ2 on beta server. Much rather not piss them off if we can continue to use it on live servers with little issue. :)
I have not been informed that mq2 usage is not allowed while attending on beta server therefore I'm keeping it updated every day for it. If I get a pm that they prefer I not do it I'll stop but until then it's going to be approached like the live updates.
Anytime I try log into beta with mq loaded disconnects me is it Anti mq code?
Is there a beta compile around?
It does not crash when loading beta but it's not working either (like melee, autoskills etc).
They update Beta exe every day, hence you need a new mq2 version compiled each day.

EQMule is doing a decent job keeping up with updated source, but unfortunately I didn't have the time this year to maintain it here.