Auto open doors?? - brain fart

Jun 7, 2007
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Having a super complete brain fart moment.... early senility??

Remember there was a way to auto open doors via a event or some method that was posted at least 2 years ago... searched bt cant get right trigger search word.

Would be a godsensd to find it / have someone post... to allow my puller to not have to worry about clicking doors open when pulling from witin rooms to outside them.

Any feedback appreciated..

and SHHHHHH ( i was never here )
Only thing I can think of is the docrack for open doors removes them all iirc
You can use MQ2ReachIt. /doors to get the number, then /switch. e.g.: /switch 13

Not sure if its what you want, I think advpath has someway of recording a door loc point. Then when you play the path it will try to open the door if the point is marked iirr
You can use MQ2ReachIt. /doors to get the number, then /switch. e.g.: /switch 13


Yeah ... sometime long ago.. someone posted a events trigger that made it possable to automate openeing doors as you ran up to them...

event trigger took into account door distance from you and then auto /switch doorname ... to open doors for ya... loved it...

It was definately using the doorname.. and the /switch command from mq2reachit.
found it...

thank god i am totally anal retentive.... found it in a server_toonname.ini file from my old server 2 years ago.. archived 2 years ago...

it was a downshit entry.......

downshit0=/if (${Doors.Door[${Doors.Closest}].LineOfSight} && ${Doors.Door[${Doors.Closest}].Distance}<15 && ${Doors.Door[${Doors.Closest}].State.Equal[Closed]}) /multiline ; /squelch /doortarget; /timed 5 /click left door

Definately does not work.... probably TLO change... or something.... if anyone can take a crack at getting this fudger working again... would appreciate it....
Gotta test it it still works.

update: the lineofsight portion that is returning false all the time, negating the entire statement ... but even testing it without that portion of the if... it still does not click the door. ( grumble )
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There is something that's wrong with doors in core right now, I only tried it out on a sliding door but .Closed and .Open seems to be broken, I mentioned this in the changes.txt a couple zips ago and it's something I have to fix.
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Not sure about those, but I checked a bunch of doors in POK, and they all show open/closed properly.

Edit: I checked the sliding door at library, and that one doesn't. It's currently checking on Z vs DefaultZ or Heading vs DefaultHeading. Could check all 3 axes, and heading. Looking at state, if that's corrected, could use that instead.

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Tree: I recoded MQ2MMOTLO to use State. Update it, and give it a shot.

Tree: I recoded MQ2MMOTLO to use State. Update it, and give it a shot.


Nope .. still failing...

The line of sight section failed consistently for closest door... but even after removing that portion it still failed because the doortarget id it keeps pulling back is not the door i am standing directly infront of..

Will try another zone/door... was testing in unrest on the front entry doors..

Will report back.. been busy.. but tyvm HTW
I ran all around POK, buildings, all that - sliding ones, normal ones. Some would not show LOS no matter where I was at in reference to it, but I swapped in a downshit that did exactly what you have without LOS, and it got every one (I ran all over the place, activated like 50 doors).

I am not sure why it would not be doing it for you in that zone (and that switch/door), is there a possibility one was showing as closer due to Z? I really don't quite know. If I get some time, I will go to Unrest and take a look at the one you mention. Instead of LOS, perhaps you could try using within a reasonable arc of .HeadingTo, and we could try adding a Distance3D to see if that would clean up any potential Z issue. I will try some things out and get back to you.

I can confirm that in all cases I have checked so far, .Closest does indeed return the correct door index.

what downshit did you use that opened the doors successfully Htw? I cant get it to work but im sure its because i suck lol.
what downshit did you use that opened the doors successfully Htw? I cant get it to work but im sure its because i suck lol.
downshit1=/if (${Doors.Door[${Doors.Closest}].Distance}<15 && ${Doors.Door[${Doors.Closest}].State.Equal[Closed]}) /multiline ; /squelch /doortarget; /timed 2 /click left door
There is currently a bug when navigating to locations while on a mount so if it doesn't work for you /dismount until I can debug and fix it.