Arthicrex 1

May get "fixed" at some point but that snare is suppose to be unresistable. Which right now means it lands on alot of mobs that are immune to snare.
The only snare wizards have that could land is the ground-target snare; anything else would not circumvent the pc check. Shadowknights also have a 35% snare that lands on everything. However, if this raid is giving you troubles snare is not going to be your major concern as it will not alleviate any damage a tank is going to receive kiting it. The best option) 3 tanks pull the 3 bugs, all 3 bugs are lurched at a pre defined location. The raid choses one to beat down first, tank this one range the others & continue to build aggro. Around 8% call dots and other melee. While range tanking beat down the next bug again until around 8%. Finally, again, while ranging, engage the final bug until 8% at this point make sure all bugs are low. After the next shroom pop is dead, burn the bugs and win.