Another Question


Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
Is there a melee dps boost macro somehwere to improve the dmg a melee class can do? Masybe something that inflicts more dmg upon attacks ? Im a Zerker was just curious if there is one or if it is posible to have one made
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Thats not physically possible
oh ok hehe i am somewhat new to this and learning. I seen alot of stuff about mq2melee but im not real sure or undertand how tht works or even how to set it up. I have seen a few post about it for zerkers but i dont undertand it and whch one is best to use. any help would be appriciated. Could mq2melee be used to gain max dps from zerkers?
Look up the wiki for it. MQ2Melee is a plugin (You said about macro) that will control the character. It will hit any discs available , so yes , as max DPS as possible without hitting main DPS discs.

As i said , check out the wiki , and do a search. There is a thread solely for MQ2Melee
kinda new also... i found a macro i want to use posted in a forum.. how do i set it up.. copy paste? to where?
kinda new also... i found a macro i want to use posted in a forum.. how do i set it up.. copy paste? to where?

Open your main mmobugs/mq2 folder.
open the macros folder
right click>new>macroquest macro

copy paste

save it as "namehere"

in EQ client

/mac "nameofsavedmacrohere"

to start the macro
MQ2Melee will not increase a chars dps more so than a single person who is paying attention will do on their own. It will however automate everything you want it to so you can concentrate on boxes if need be.

When it comes to zerks if you want to increase dps spend some time getting AA... one of the few classes that are AA dependent. Most classes benefit from aa's but zerks have a ton of activated aa's that boost their dps significantly on top of their various disc.
ok i did /plugin mq2melee,then did mmq2melee something it gave me a list of all kinds on stuf. im curius on tht part it say something something =0 and on/off what do those mean and how does it work?
what is downflag an holyflag? and if i use mq2melee can it be set to a one press key to run the macro?
Holyflags fire during combat and Downflags fire outside of combat.

If you have moveutils enabled and stickrange set then yes a simple hotkey would engage a mob and keep you on him until dead.


/pause 5, /assist *insert puller/tank's name here*
/attack on
what is downflag an holyflag? and if i use mq2melee can it be set to a one press key to run the macro?

Taken directly from the wiki, please read it.

HolyShit and DownShit

MQ2Melee now supports up to 32 macro command lines that will be executed when one of the following conditions are true:

* Holyshit:

Commands will be exectuted when in combat, no casting going on and the cursor is free.

* Downshit:

Commands will be executed when not in combat, not casting and the cursor is free.

When setting these commands, you must be careful not to fall into an endless loop or create a spam war. Make sure that when your line finishes, it will set up something that will force it to be FALSE for a while!

Any holyshit or downshit can have a note show up next to it, when listing with /melee in game. Edit the INI and put descriptions that look like:

downshit0note=Only do in POK.
holyshit5note=Only do in group.

Descriptions can be anything you like, as a note or reminder.