Almost Free Powersource

Take Unopened Orb.

Cast DA Spell or DA Clicky

Click Orb

Do you have to be able to use the orb, or can you use on a sealed that has flag req's you don't meet?
Was curious about the "pure" ones.
I did try it with elemental orbs.
neat thing, is that in Guild Lobby, invuln doesn't fade.
Filled up the bank, thinkin about filling up an alt later. Will finally have PS's to last.
Lol got a lvl 2 mule with 10 slot bags in inventory, bank and shared bank, every bag is full with the Pure Energeian Elemental Orbs, haha..I'm good on PS's for a year or so...

EDIT: Works on every Powersource from what I can tell with the DA trick...
so hows this work exactly?

have a cleric 75+ cast DA , then click and keep clickin just like before?
your saying because DA is up it won't absorb it?
Also works if you /blockspell the spell on the sealed orbs.

ie. /blockspell add me 20712

I didn't miss out on this one.

Saved up enough for good long while .. Thanks very much Kable.

~Stone Ranger
so i used a 26cleric and used da but wouldnt let me click em? trying with translucent light
Pure Orbs

I tried it with a sealed Pure metal Orb (only one for sale)... did not work, will not let me click it... I do not meet the requierments to click it, but it just will not let me click it...

Ohh well, still have a bank full from last time...
it is amazing how fast sony found out about this. Is there a spy among us?
Still working for me. Spam right-clicking. Each "cant cast spells" message nets an orb.
In lobby, with harmshield on, I could click all day long.
Emergency hotfix. Think its being nerfed. Can we get banned for this shit?
yes its possible to get banned from exploiting lol
btw since this is leaked out, it works on lon packs~