AFCleric Macro

this change should fix the double exp messages i believe.

Sub Event_Exp 
[COLOR="Red"]  /if (${lastexp}) /return
  /if (!${Defined[lastexp]} /declare lastexp timer outer
  /varset lastexp 5[/COLOR]
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** XP-Delta: REG (${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exp}]}%), AA (${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]}%), LDR (${Math.Calc[${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp}-${LDRExp}]}%) 
  /varset LDRExp ${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp} 
  /varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp} 
  /varset Exper ${Me.PctExp}
open up the macro and under the program notes you will see a section that reads

|------------READ THIS SECTION AND EDIT IF NEEDED-----------|

/declare myhealchannel int outer Sheepheal
/declare usegroupchat int outer 0
/declare useircchat int outer 0
/declare autohealmode int outer 3
/declare healspell string outer Complete Healing
/declare healspellrange int outer 100
/declare patchheal string outer Pious Remedy
/declare patchhealrange int outer 200
/declare hotspell string outer Pious Elixir
/declare hotspellrange int outer 100

change it to the correct number. is how i do it.
Hope this help
If you are using my version

/setautohealmode <0,1,2, or 3>

Any other version you have to modify the INI file and reload the MAC

and As Necro pointed out there is a section that tells you the commands.... his is out of the original AFCleric.... mine is more detailed and is the ingame commands.
error cant find in your macro folder!!! Need you to post this.
here you go


    26.9 KB · Views: 175
Having some trouble keeping up clickies that need to be mq2exchange and so on... the scenario is: it takes the item from the backpack..equips it...starts clicking...and then interrupts just as the casting is about to finish o_O OR it auto moves the normal inventory back and clicks this if this is a clickie as well AND then interrupts that as well just as it is about to finish o_O

2nd "problem" is the grouphealing bit... it's really poor for groupheals atm least from what i've tried out..tried fixing what i can..but doesn't seem to be much room for adjusting groupheals (?). Any advice / ideas ?
try adjusting your delays a little. Or it could be that all the spell info structs changed and this needs to be updated a bit more.
Going to give this a go in a little bit. Thanks for the auto cleric mac. This should help on my missions that i am having to do to get closer to TOB access.
hi everyone have a stupid ? i was wondering is there still an afk cleric for the oct 4 patch if so can someone point me in the right way ??? thx in advance
Same as Raymerc, but I use the modded version(AFC2.mac). Working as of tonight!
What am i doing wrong i have never had any problems with trolls macro but now it will not cast any heals it just cancels over and over and over i am running the right plugins and what not what am i doing wrong?
afc2 works fine for me, though the buffing part is kinda wacky. Doesn't cast the buff unless its memmed, but works fine if its up.
What am i doing wrong i have never had any problems with trolls macro but now it will not cast any heals it just cancels over and over and over i am running the right plugins and what not what am i doing wrong?

What is the class of the person you are trying to heal? Could it be a necro or monk? Notice there is an option near the top of the macro, about only healing if FD? :D

When the macro is not working as you think it should, one thing that helps a little bit (not every time, but sometimes), is to look for the options in the macro section near top that deal with "spam", turn those on, to get a little more info from the cleric in group chat, about why he's doing what he's doing.

Actually there is something bugging me on the afc2 one, how do I stop it from attempting to CH a corpse? As an example puller dies, and soon as corpse gets in range cleric starts CHing corpse, and chains it until the person clicks back in from rez. Would be nice to have something to check the range and not spam CH message if target is out of range, but I can live with that one.
It shouldn't be tryin to rez a corpse over and over. Now if the healer dies when they rez back if the macro is still running it does try to heal him/herself which can spam. I never had a problem with it tryin to rez corpses.

Personally I my regular group didn't like the heal spams which is why I built in the ability in AFC2 to have the multiple announce fields. You had Group and then the private channel. I typically had my private channel running so I could watch and make sure nothing funny was going on and others didn't have to watch it OR it would run with the group stuff and I would just deal with seeing dup msgs.

I would think if yours is tryin to rez a corpse you have a setting somewhere that is not configured properly and as a test you might want to try and delete the INI file for that character and let it rebuild it from scratch and test it out. It won't try to heal until it is range though which IIRC is also a variable specified in the INI file. But once again shouldn't try a corpse.... just FD/Pets/Living if those options are enabled.
Its not actually trying to rez the corpse, it casts CH, as if it doesn't recognize that the target is dead. I usually just send the rezthis tell right as I get near camp, and he only gets off one ch. Its not really all that critical, just puzzling.

As to the channels, I just stuck with group since he wouldn't send anything to a chat channel or bc. Thats pretty minor there.
LOL I said rez and I really meant CH....

Um, interesting.

Also, IIRC the reason it might not be sending to channels right is because of when they switched the way the work and how you send them I might not have changed the syntax from the /1 or ;tell commands to the whatever it is now... like [ or something. Just something to look at if your interested.