Which server do YOU play on?

HAHA Saryrn myself , but you knw the server as a hole is pretty far back on legit progression.

Not that far back on Saryrn. DB has beaten TSS, which would put them in like the top 35ish guilds serverwide and I'm guessing Desc would be in top 50. Then, you have that one guild that was ghosting it's way through FC, but I don't think they got as far as Beltran.

I just moved to Saryrn a few months ago and I'm very happy. :D
Not that far back on Saryrn. DB has beaten TSS, which would put them in like the top 35ish guilds serverwide and I'm guessing Desc would be in top 50. Then, you have that one guild that was ghosting it's way through FC, but I don't think they got as far as Beltran.

I just moved to Saryrn a few months ago and I'm very happy. :D

The Warp Council - Progression masters!

brist, originally from Sol ro, move to quellious then found out everyone there sucks =P so i move back then stopped playing for the most part.
not a whole lot of toons on nameless we need to get more on nameless haha
So, of those of you on Luclin, who plays late nights PST time? Ifn y'all do PM, maybe we can hook up for some box groupage.

Teh Seventh Hammer always and forever <3
Run between 2 and 6 accounts , depending on how much $ i have that month :D
FV, wanting to move to AB. I am in europe now and FV as dead as it is doesnt have much to offer someone who plays on euro times.
i play on fennin, i run my own guild, i box up to 7 or 8 accounts depending on what i'm doing at the moment..and uh...i dont GK?
Druzzil ro looks like only 2 of us
Only 2 of us, but I do 6 box, so that counts for more right? lol
and here i was begining to think i was the only cazic player