Post your Holyshits and Downshits!

Hi all,

Trying to setup holyshits for the 1st time and I want my character to click its primary weapon when ready and in combat. Is this everything I need because it does not seem to work.

holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Item Name]}) /casting 9707 |Item

Or should I do

holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Item Name]}) /casting 9707 |Mainhand

Use holyflag0=1
I'm trying to cast Horrifying Visage on the group main tank with my enchanter. This is the holy I have written so far, which does not work.

holyshit0=/if (!${NetBots[TankName]}.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Horrifying Visage]} && ${Spawn[TankName].Distance} < 100}) /casting "Horrifying Visage" gem4 -targetid ${Spawn[TankName].ID}

I have NetBots on grab on send on on all toons. This is what the log shows during combat.

Chanter - Unparsable in Calculation: 'B'
Chanter - Failed to parse /if condition '(!TRUE.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && 100>30 && TRUE && 16.12 < 100})', non-numeric encountered
Chanter - Variable resulted in '(!TRUE.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && 100>30 && TRUE && 16.12 < 100})', causing an error

When I do an /echo of the first section, it always returns true, even if SK does not have the buff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your NetBots condition is not correct. Use this one instead:


Also, unless you turn on autoattack on your enchanter, you should use downshits instead. Holyshits only fire when your are autoattacking.
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The chanter does have autoattack on. I'll try this tonight when I get home from work. Thank you again for the help.
Where exactly does one put holy/down shits? At the bottom of the melee section of your server_charname.ini file?
Downshit for a monk

I came up with this with the help of Pussyfoot over at Redguides. It clicks the monk bracer to summon a pouch of shurikens then destroys the pouch (since it will only hold shurikens) and autoinventories the shurikens. When you get down to 5 shurikens it summons them again. I had to do the second and third downshits to handle the pouch and 4 stacks of 20 of the shurikens.

downshit0=/if (${FindItemCount[Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious]}<6 && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Combat} && !${Cursor.ID})  /casting "Silver Moon Wrist Wraps" item
downshit1=/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].ID}) /autodestroy
downshit2=/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious].ID}) /autoinventory
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need help making a holy shit tht heals pets

MMO community,

Can someone help me make a Holy shit string that heals pets from either a shaman or cleric.
Can someone help me figure out why this isn't autoinventory'ing from the cursor. Currently, that line is just leaving stuff on the cursor.

downshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[Cauldron of Countless Goods]} && ${Me.FreeInventory} && !${Me.Invis}) /multiline ; /casting "Cauldron of Countless Goods" |item ; /timed 100 ; /autoinv ; /timed 100 ; /autoinv

Yet, I don't want it to fall into a continuous autoinventory loop if mq2melee is loaded, or its going to be very hard to give pets weapons or trade etc, so not sure how to get it to auto inventory 2-3x during a period of 20 secs or so after I cast the item.
aspire2008 - I've read that multiline and timed are not compatible. I personally have never had an issue and think its likely to be something else but you could try another downshit.

Based on your description this might work:
1. Check to see if the item has just been clicked: ${FindItem[Cauldron of Countless Goods].TimerReady} > 1730 ( assuming 1800 recast )
2. AND you have something on the cursor - auto inventory it

downshit1=/if ( ${FindItem[Cauldron of Countless Goods].TimerReady} > 1730 && ${Cursor.ID} ) /autoinv
At a glance, you have semicolons for your /timed commands, and they shouldn't be there. Using what you had, but taking those out, it should look like:

downshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[Cauldron of Countless Goods]} && ${Me.FreeInventory} && !${Me.Invis}) /multiline ; /casting "Cauldron of Countless Goods" |item ; /timed 100 /autoinv ; /timed 100 /autoinv

Thanks Htw, first time writing some macro code on my own and so had no clue wtf I was doing for most part (my biggest issue in learning this seems to be the syntax placement, like the above mistake). I ended up going with what dewey suggested and broke it down into 2 downshits.
I am having trouble figuring this out.

I want this spell only to cast on my group MA or raid MA. But it has been casting on NPC's. I would be happy if it would Only cast on PC's.

It seems to trigger fine.

Downshit33=/if (!${Me.Song[Healing Twincast].ID} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Cast.Ready[Frigid Gift Rk. III]} && ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}) /multiline ; /timed 3 ; /assist ${If[${If[${Raid.Members},raid,${If[${Group.Members},group,]}]}]} ; /casting "Frigid Gift Rk. III" gem9
Seems to be working for now.

Downshit33=/if (!${Me.Song[Healing Twincast].ID} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Cast.Ready[Frigid Gift Rk. III]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[PC]}) /multiline ; /timed 3 ; /assist ${If[${If[${Raid.Members},raid,${If[${Group.Members},group,]}]}]} ; /casting "Frigid Gift Rk. III" gem9

Above doesn't work.

Downshit33=/if (!${Me.Song[Healing Twincast].ID} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Cast.Ready[Frigid Gift Rk. III]}) /multiline ; /timed 3 ; /target dps ; /casting "Frigid Gift Rk. III" gem9
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How would I setup a trigger to cast a buff on any tank classes in my raid?

I want it to only cast the buff on the tanks when they don't have it on them.

Thanks :)
Reverse DS and Mirror/Reflect Spell

So is there any way to have holyshits turn melee and spell casting off if a certain text trigger or debuff lands that causes you to have the reverse DS/spell reflect on the higher tier TDS named mobs? I'm having issues boxing 3 toons and wiping because I can't respond manually fast enough ..

If anyone else has any info/ideas i'd appreciate it..


Btw I'm using Petes bot macro
So is there any way to have holyshits turn melee and spell casting off if a certain text trigger or debuff lands that causes you to have the reverse DS/spell reflect on the higher tier TDS named mobs? I'm having issues boxing 3 toons and wiping because I can't respond manually fast enough ..

If anyone else has any info/ideas i'd appreciate it..


Btw I'm using Petes bot macro

You could use MQ2Events based on the buff text from the reverse ds etc to do /target clear

Or you could use EQBC to /bca , /target clear to the melees when you see it on one toon. although the bots would just assist again, so you may have /end or some such. I don't use the bot macro to know exactly what can be done sorry.
Need some help with discs

K, so i got alt abilities firing and he's buffing just fine, but i can't get discs to fire such as Assault and Thief's Eyes for rogue. Holyshit3 and 4 will not fire and i can't get it figured out for the life of me.

holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Dirty Fighting]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) /casting "Dirty Fighting" alt
holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Twisted Shank]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) /casting "Twisted Shank" alt
holyshit2=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ligament Slice]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) /casting "Ligament Slice" alt
holyshit3=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<99 && ${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Thief's Eyes]}) /disc Thief's Eyes
holyshit4=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<97 && ${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Assault]}) /disc Assault
K, so i got alt abilities firing and he's buffing just fine, but i can't get discs to fire such as Assault and Thief's Eyes for rogue. Holyshit3 and 4 will not fire and i can't get it figured out for the life of me.

holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Dirty Fighting]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) /casting "Dirty Fighting" alt
holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Twisted Shank]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) /casting "Twisted Shank" alt
holyshit2=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ligament Slice]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) /casting "Ligament Slice" alt
holyshit3=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<99 && ${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Thief's Eyes]}) /disc Thief's Eyes
holyshit4=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<97 && ${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Assault]}) /disc Assault
Only thing I see right off is 3 & 4, you are checking AltAbilityReady, but they are discs. So you want CombatAbilityReady
