Post your Holyshits and Downshits!

For whatever reason, you are using mq2melee but not using the prebuilt settings for the skills you want to use.


reprieveif=${If[${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Select[${Zone.ShortName},guildlobby,poknowledge,potranqui lity,guildhall,nexus,neighborhood]},1,0]}

downshit18=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[rest]} && ${Me.PctEndurance}<20 && ${Me.CombatState.NotEqual[COMBAT]} && ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}) /notify CombatAbilityWnd CAW_CombatEffectButton leftmouseup
because i am to stupid to get those things done my myself sadly. so i just use prebuild inis from others and try to get them to fit my personal needs. (next thing is, english isnt my mother tongue and its not always easy to understand everything).

thanks pete for helping!
That was a lot of reading lol .. but I made my way to the end :)

So I read a couple posts about how it flows through the downs and holy's but need some clarification.


It reads each one in the order they are listed, executes the command, then moves to the next.
-edit- If the next line is another spell and the global cool down in not refreshed, does it wait on that command or skip to the next one etc?

I have noticed that some of the holy's that where posted were out of order ie:


Will the execution order then be 1,12,2 or will it jump down to 2 then get to 12 next?

I correct the numbering to be sequential but I am just wondering how it flows if they are not sequential.

How can I speed up casting?

Example, When I manually control my beast I have 2 key binds setup. One that is bound to spell 1 to 5 and one that is bound to hotkeys 4 to 10. By pressing only those 2 keys in a nice smooth beat I can chain cast all 5 nukes as they refresh and all the aa/discs/abilities in the hotkeys. It works very well and at times I am waiting a bit for something to refresh.

Now, when I run the same thing through mq2melee via downs/holys it very rarely even makes it to the 2nd nuke and only once have I seen it move to the 3rd nuke. The hotkeys all seem to fire off as they should its just the casting that seems not to fire instantly when the global cool down is up.

How can I make it so it is chaining those spells as soon as they refresh?

I hope those questions are clear enough lol

Ah, one more question. Is there a way to turn on verbose? I would like each down/holy to output something to the mq2 window so I can look through it and see if anything is missing.

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I need some help with this one. ..

I figured I would start out on a new heroic nec I bummed up from 75 and see if I could get some down/holys working.

All my items are auto casting etc. but my spells will just not fire. Here is a spell line and an echo that was generated as well .. it should be working!
Downshit0=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 && ${Target.PctHPs}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Drain Essence]}) /casting "Drain Essence" gem1

And the echo return is this:
[MQ2] (TRUE && 100>30 && 85<95 && 85>30 && TRUE) /casting "Drain Essence" gem1

I just dont get it..

On my main character I tell this character via edbc to /killthis, necro sends pet in and then just stands there even though the down conditions are all good to go..

Any ideas?

-edit- On Test
-edit update- OK i have this working and I either dont understand the way /killthis works or something is off a bit.. I got it working by sending the nec a bct nec //pet attack as opposed to //killthis.
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no shit /stodisc is a command? :p, almost sounds too easy to be true :)
I need some help with this one. ..

I figured I would start out on a new heroic nec I bummed up from 75 and see if I could get some down/holys working.

All my items are auto casting etc. but my spells will just not fire. Here is a spell line and an echo that was generated as well .. it should be working!
Downshit0=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 && ${Target.PctHPs}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Drain Essence]}) /casting "Drain Essence" gem1

And the echo return is this:
[MQ2] (TRUE && 100>30 && 85<95 && 85>30 && TRUE) /casting "Drain Essence" gem1

I just dont get it..

On my main character I tell this character via edbc to /killthis, necro sends pet in and then just stands there even though the down conditions are all good to go..

Any ideas?

-edit- On Test
-edit update- OK i have this working and I either dont understand the way /killthis works or something is off a bit.. I got it working by sending the nec a bct nec //pet attack as opposed to //killthis.
/killthis will put the toon in 'combat' mode - even if you have the melee (i.e., fighting with weapons) option turned off for the plugin. In other words, you would then need a holyshit to do what you showed, not a downshit. Having your pet attack is not the same thing as 'combat' mode (mq2melee melee=on option), so then yeah, it would use a downshit.

Twiking my sk holy shit, i need community to go oveer line by line nd hightlight in GREEn any a\errors u see so i can fix


downshit0=/if (${Spell[Illusionary Spikes VII].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Illusionary Spikes VII].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /casting "Cloak of the Lawkeeper" |back
downshit1=/if (${Spell[Myrmidon's Skill XI].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Myrmidon's Skill XI].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Myrmidon skill VIII" |Shoulders
downshit2=/if (${Spell[Form of endurance XI].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Form of endurance XI].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /casting "Form of endurance XI" |face
downshit3=/if (${Spell[Form of Defense XIII].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Form of Defense XIII].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Defense" |Finger
downshit4=/if (${Spell[Expanding Mind VII].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Expanding Mind VII].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Expanding mind VI" |Waist
downshit5=/if (${Spell[Might of stoneVII].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Might of stone VII].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Blue coral stud" |Ear
downshit6=/if (${Spell[Geomantra IX].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Geomantra IX].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Nimbus of the Burning Prince"
downshit7=/if (${Spell[Soothing Breath III].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Soothing Breath III].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Beast king Claw"
downshit8=/if (${Spell[Shroud of the Darksworm Rk. III].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Shroud of the Darksworm Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Shroud of the Darksworm Rk. III" gem10
downshit9=/if (${Spell[Grelleth skin Rk. III].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Grelleth skin Rk. III].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting " skin" gem4
downshit10=/if (${Spell[Grelleth Horror Rk. III].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Grelleth Horror Rk. III].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting " Horror Rk. II" gem9
downshit11=/if (${Spell[Distillate of alacrity IX].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Distillate of alacrity IX].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Distillate of alacrity IX"
downshit12=/if (${Spell[Grelleth Skin Rk. ].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Grelleth Skin Rk. ].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>20 && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Grelleth skin" gem10
downshit13=/if (${Spell[Scorpion's Agony Poison XVI].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Scorpion's Agony Poison XVI].ID} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Scorpion's Agony XVI"
downshit14=/if (${Me.Height}>2) /casting 86735 -targetid|${Me.ID}
downshit16=/if=${If[${Zone.ID}!=344 && ${Zone.ID}!=345 && ${Zone.ID}!=219 && ${Zone.ID}!=463 && ${Zone.ID}!=202 && ${Zone.ID}!=151 && ${Zone.ID}!=203 && !${Me.Feigning} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis},1,0 && ${Me.Standing}]}
downshit17=/if (${Me.Pet.ID} && ${Spell[Gift of Falsin Rk. II].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.PetBuff[Gift of Falsin Rk. II]}) /multiline ; /target ${Me.Spawn.Pet.CleanName} /casting "Gift of Falsin"
downshit18=/if (${Cast.Ready[Falhotep's Covenant RK.II]} && ${Spell[Call of Gloomhaze RK.II].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Call of Gloomhaze Rk. II].ID}) /casting "Call of Gloomhaze"
downshit19=/if (${Cast.Ready[Drape of the FallenRK. III]} && ${Spell[Drape of the Fallen RK. III].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Drape of the Fallen RK. III].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>20) /casting "Drape of the Fallen"
downshit20=/if (${Cast.Ready[Steadfast Stance RK. III]} && ${Spell[Steadfast Stance RK. III].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Steadfast Stance RK. III].ID}) /casting "Steadfast Stance"
holyshit1=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 30 zradius 10]}<2 && ${Cast.Ready[Repugnant bargain Rk. II]}) /multiline ; /mpop "Single Aggro !!" 15 ; /casting "Terror of Poira"
holyshit2=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 30 zradius 10]}>=2 && ${Cast.Ready[Repugnance Rk. II]}) /multiline ; /mpop "AE Aggro !!" 15 ; /casting "Repugnance"
holyshit3=/if (${Me.PctMana}>25 && ${Me.PctHPs}<40 && ${Cast.Ready[Touch of Falsin Rk. III]}) /multiline ; /mpop "!! TAP this !!" 15 ; /casting "Touch of Falsin"
holyshit4=/if (${Me.PctMana}>20 && ${Me.PctHPs}<40 && ${Cast.Ready[Dire insinuation Rk. III]} && !${Target.Buff[Dire insinuation Rk. III].ID}) /casting "Dire "
holyshit5=/if (${Me.PctMana}>40 && ${Cast.Ready[Spear of Grelleth RK. III]}) /casting "Spear of Grelleth"
holyshit6=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<30) /multiline ; /mpop "!! FEIGNING NOW !!" 13 5000 ; /disc Terminal Breath
holyshit7=/if (${Cast.Ready[Frightweave Breastplate of the Revenant]} && ${Me.Buff[117169].ID}) /casting "malfic"|Item
holyshit8=/if (${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundment: First spire of the Reavers]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<70) /casting "Spire"
holyshit9=/if (${Me.SpellReady[Gift of Lanys Rk. II].ID}) /casting "Touch of Lanys"
holyshit10=/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Vicious Bite of Chaos]}) /aa act Vicious Bite of Chaos
holyshit11=/if (${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Harm Touch]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<96) /casting "Harm Touch"
holyshit12=/if (${Target.Named} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Leechcurse Discipline]} &&${Target.PctHPs}<92) /disc Leechcurse Discipline
holyshit13=/if (${Target.Named} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundament: Second Spire of the Reavers]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90) /aa act Fundament: Second Spire of the Reavers
holyshit14=/if (${Target.named} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Cast.Ready[Innoruuk's Dark Blessing]} && !${Me.Song[48136].ID}) /casting "Innoruuk's Dark Blessing" item
holyshit15=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<96 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Visage of Death]} ) /casting "Visage of Death" alt
holyshit16=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Ageless Enmity]} && !${Melee.GotAggro},1,0]}) /alt act 10367
holyshit17=/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Projection of Doom]} && !${Melee.GotAggro},1,0]}) /alt act 3215
holyshit18=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50 zradius 10]}>1 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Explosion of Hatred]} && ${Melee.AggroMode}) /multiline ; /alt activate 822 ; /bc Multiple mobs - AE Aggro fired
holyshit19=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50 zradius 10]}>1 && ${Me.SpellReady[Loathing
holyshit20=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<99 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>2${Spell[Bond of Korum Rk. III].Mana} && ${Me.SpellReady[Bond of Korum Rk. III ]} && !${Me.Buff[Bond of Korum Recourse II].ID}) /casting "Bond of Korum Rk. II" gem3
holyshit21=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<30 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Encroaching Darkness]} && ${Target.Speed}>05) /casting "Encroaching Darkness" alt
holyshit22=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<=99 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.CurrentMana}>=${Spell[Demand for Power Rk. III].Mana} && ${Me.SpellReady[Demand for Power Rk. III]} && !${Me.Song[Demand for Power Recourse Rk. III].ID}) /casting "Demand for Power Rk. II" gem5
holyshit23=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<1 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /disc Defy Rk. II
holyshit24=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<20 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /disc deflection
Can anyone troubleshoot this one for me?
I'm assuming because the small AC buff that's added is not present?
The name of the effect is: Illusion: Siren Sorceress
The name off the buff is: Siren Spellshield

I have downflag0=1 listed in MQ2melee

downshit0=/if (${Spell[Illusion Siren Sorceress].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[ Illusion: Siren Sorceress].ID}) /casting "Polymorph Wand: Siren Sorceress"|item

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well, typically you want the name of the buff, not the illusion, but you have a space where there shouldnt be between "[" and "I".

!${Me.Buff[ Illusion:
downshit0=/if (${Spell[Illusion Siren Sorceress].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Siren Spellshield].ID}) /casting "Polymorph Wand: Siren Sorceress"|item

Is what I have now.. still nothing.

downshit0=/if (${Spell[Illusion Siren Sorceress].Stacks} && !${Me.Buff[Siren Spellshield].ID}) /casting "Polymorph Wand: Siren Sorceress"|item

Is what I have now.. still nothing.


try Illusion: Siren Sorceress
Anyone know why this wont fire? I have 5 of each.

downshit10=/if (${FindItemCount[Burned Black Bread]} < 20) /multiline ; /casting "Wee'er Harvester" item ; /timed 100 /autoinv
downshit11=/if (${FindItemCount[Murky Globe of Water]} < 20) /multiline ; /casting "Bigger Belt of the River" item ; /timed 100 /autoinv
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I'm trying to set up a holyshit on my chanter to keep Horrifying Visage on my groups main tank. Would something like this work?

holyshit0=/if (!${TankName.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Horrifying Visage]} && ${Spell[Horrifying Visage].Stacks}) /multiline ; /target ${TankNam.CleanName} ; /casting "Horrifying Visage" gem4

The tank is in group and running netbots plugin.
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I am trying to set up a holy shit to take care of multiple mobs on my monk.

would this Holyshit5=/if (${SpawnCount[ NPC radius 50 zradius 10]}>2 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[276]} && ${Me.AggroMode} /multiline ; /alt activate 276

thanks in advance
holy help plz

Hi all,

Trying to setup holyshits for the 1st time and I want my character to click its primary weapon when ready and in combat. Is this everything I need because it does not seem to work.

holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Item Name]}) /casting 9707 |Item

Or should I do

holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Item Name]}) /casting 9707 |Mainhand
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Checking buffs on group members

Is there a way to check if a buff on a group member? I have been searching here and on other sites for three days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Chanter trying to cast buff on MainTank

I'm trying to cast Horrifying Visage on the group main tank with my enchanter. This is the holy I have written so far, which does not work.

holyshit0=/if (!${NetBots[TankName]}.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Horrifying Visage]} && ${Spawn[TankName].Distance} < 100}) /casting "Horrifying Visage" gem4 -targetid ${Spawn[TankName].ID}

I have NetBots on grab on send on on all toons. This is what the log shows during combat.

Chanter - Unparsable in Calculation: 'B'
Chanter - Failed to parse /if condition '(!TRUE.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && 100>30 && TRUE && 16.12 < 100})', non-numeric encountered
Chanter - Variable resulted in '(!TRUE.Buff[Horrifying Visage].ID} && 100>30 && TRUE && 16.12 < 100})', causing an error

When I do an /echo of the first section, it always returns true, even if SK does not have the buff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.