MMOBugs Wiki

* Welcome to the MMOBugs Wiki

The MMOBugs wiki is your hub of information on MQ2 and Plugins.

Remember, a wiki is only as good as the community that supports it, please make sure to contribute if you are able to. In order to edit, please ensure you Log In.

New to MQ2? Check out Beginners Guide To MQ2.

* Links to Get you Started

+ Wiki MQ Plugin List

* Plugin Documentation

For a list of the plugins available to use with our MacroQuest2 release, and documentation on how to use them, please visit the Plugin Listing wiki page.

Please keep in mind that just because the plugin is available by another provided does not mean that they are the same. MMOBugs has a variety of plugins with improvements from their base versions. Please read each Wiki for the plugins you intend to user to find features that you may not have known were available. If we're missing a feature that you would like added, be sure to bring it up as we may be able to get it added.

* Macro Documentation

For a list of the macros available to use with our MacroQuest2 release, and documentation on how to use them, please visit the Macro Listing wiki page.

Random Somewhat Useful Pages

What MMOBugs Offers.

MMOBugs History.

MacroQuest2 History.

* Help Wanted

WIKIs are a living document, and we need your help to fill it full of information! in the Help Wanted section is a list of topics or areas that need work or improvement.

* Discussion Pages

Each wiki page has a link at the top entitled discussion. If you would like to discuss the content contained on a particular page, you can use that link to create a discussion thread on the MMOBugs forums. You will then be redirected to the forum where you can add a post to ask a question or add to a preexisting discussion.

Please use common sense, unnecessary or unhelpful discussion threads will be deleted.