yes another mbot pull question...


Lifetime Member
Oct 17, 2008
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The below is what I use for pulling. When there is a mob with the 150 distance, he runs out to the mob, gets aggro, and runs back. What I would like to see, is that he simply pulls from the camp (all mobs are close enough for the spell to hit). Also, what does PullingMaxz=30 (or any other number) do? Any suggestions?


PullSkillName=Virulant Darkness Rk. II
PullingMaxz=30 is height above or below your character.

Here is code that sets PullSkillDistance from a spell.
	if (PSPELL pSpell = GetSpellByName(PullSkill))
		PullSkillDistance = (int)pSpell->Range;
		pPullSpell = pSpell;
		WriteChatf("PullSkillName: %s, Range: %d    PullingDistance: %d", PullSkill, PullSkillRange > 0 ? PullSkillRange : PullSkillDistance, PullingDistance);
		strcpy_s(PullSkillName, PullSkill);
		PullSkillAmmo[0] = 0;

In theory it should be reading the range of the spell and setting that as PullSkillDistance. Try a different spell or AA or skill to see if that fixes anything?

Also check out the output when you start puller, it should tell you what PullSkillRange is set at.
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PullingDistance=150 : This is the max your char will move from their current position in a straight line to the target. This is nothing to do with the method actually used to pull.

PullingMaxZ=30 : This is the max +/- from your character's current Z position that the mob being considered to pull can be.

PullingLOS=1 : This means the mob needs to be in Line of Sight before using the pull method to pull (skill/spell/etc.). This relies on MQ correctly reporting LOS to the plugin.

DoPulls=1 : Whether to pull or not if bot is on.

PullSkillName=Virulant Darkness Rk. II : Name of method (kick/range/etc.) or skill/disc/aa/spell to use to pull.

PullingFilter=1 : Provides a filter that evaluates whether to consider a mob as a pull target. E.g., you could check for a mob minimum level, or some other value(s).

PrePullIf=1 : Provides a filter that has to evaluate to true before doing a pull. E.g., you could check min hp, or mana, or that all chars are alive, or whatever you want really.

MaxNavPathDistance=500 : This is the maximum MQ2Nav path distance from you to the target that will be allowed in order to pull a mob being considered for the pull.

PullSkillRange=0 : This is the range used to stop and pull the mob, it should be setting automatically (you can see this info when you use /loadbot).

MaxCampReturnDistance=15 : This is the max distance from the pull origin that the puller should be considered back at camp and able to pull the next mob.

You can create log file(s) to help you if you wish with
Debugging=1 plus one or more of the following options to log the logic of the routines:


Don't forget to /loadbot after any manual edit/save of your INI file.
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