Wizard DPS / Burns


The Immortal
Jul 23, 2006
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I was trying to research wizzy nuke rotations, dps line up, and burns...but the graffe forums seem to be over taken? Is there another place I can find all the class information for wizards?

Thanks! :)

Or if anyone can give me rotations and spell line ups for a 95 wizard, that'd be great too. I'm looking for max dps in a short amount of time (regular mobs in current group last 18-24 seconds) in a group setting and burns as well.
very small forum limited input

I dont play wiz much anymore but had this

modified it alot

the jest of it was to take advantage of procs (originally wildmagic would proc gom then u would do big nukes) up to hot expansion, in the end I had it set up to take advantage of procs that would do more dmg

started w brainfreeze
then went into big nukes
then alternating proccing nukes tll big nukes were up (thrice, denunciation, also flashpyre)
then back to big nukes
concussion here and there

I had a good crew (b4 i got my time out....... but to be honest didnt have room for a wiz (20 sec fights non stop are hard for any caster to keep up chain pulling)

Ill see in future if i bring a caster grp back (no moving around....) but ive gone melee route (sk bard zerk monk), they never need to med (endurance is a non issue (respite or what ever new one is)
in hot, i had a 9 spell rotation macro to take advantage of all the wizard bonus procs. it worked flawlessy.

chaining ethereals, with or without brainfreeze, was more dps.

i haven't done extensive parsing of voa spells yet but given the cut-and-paste approach of SOE i would be surprised if something has changed.

with voa you now have 3 havocs that can proc a twincast so cast those and hope you get lucky to burn ethereals on a pure burn. you'll have to buffblock negative shit.

you can chain the latest two wildmagics (voa and hot) and burn the latest two ethereals (voa and hot) off mana procs forever. and i do mean forever.

beimeth's site has all the relevant burn info.
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