Updated Mage Mac!!!!

getting weapon from Summon Prime Armaments, disposing of bag after

that would be real nice

I would love to know how you would specify which weapons it would choose o

Could this work for a pet class requesting weapons for their pets?

I have been trying raiddruid and works relatively good, but I do weapons and armor manually, id love to see it in a mac
having a small problem here, no matter what i set hp to mage begins nuking as soon as mob enters camp. any ideas?

one issue

between pulls i search for a target and it spams "you no longer have a target" is there anyway to filter that to a diffrent window, or get rid of msg? thank ya
Anyone have a working version of this? Mage will engage target, ie send in pet, then says target is dead and pulls pet back. Rinse and repeat till mob is dead. Does not cast a single spell the whole time.
The first one in this thread works as of before this new expansion. I use it constantly. Just need to make sure you set the ini up correctly. IE SPELLING is a killer. So if joo spel or have baad typng skilllz like me then joo in trobule.

just go through the ini and make sure it and the mac file are both set up for your current spells and correctly spelled.
Only thing I do is use modbot to get the pet up and equipe it fully with pet toys.... even the weapons out of the prime armament bag.
Then I switch to this mac.
I don't want to encroach on anyone elses macros or anything like that, but if this macro isn't working and isn't being updated anymore I recently released a mage macro of my own. It isn't set up to really work in groups though, it's more of a stand alone afk mage. I probably could modify it to allow it to work in groups though if people wanted that. I actively work on this all the time (have been doing so for the past 2 months but just recently decided to release it). Anyway if you want to check it out and make any suggestions to changes you would like to it I have it posted here currently:


I may end up reposting here on mmoBugs if enough people want access to it that aren't VIPs on mq2's site. It would just be troublesome to update it in two seperate locations =P