Turning Features off?


New member
Oct 12, 2008
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How can I turn /warp and /zone off? I run my own EQemu server and I don't want these features on as they can take people to zones that will crash my server.
as an eqemu server administrator, there really is nothing you can do besides detecting when they are doing this and not letting them do it.

since /warp and /zone are client side commands, there isn't much control you have over somebody else's client when they use them
I know that... but I am distributing MQ2 no one has it yet and I want to make sure the copy I am giving out can't use /warp and /zone
If you're distributing a precompile to them, you could either remove the plugins that do things you don't want them to do, or add in stuff to MQ2Main that blocks those things, similarly to what nilla MQ2 has to block active stuff.
ahhh crap... im screwed if I knew C++ I wouldnt need to get pre-compiled stuff from here
So you don't have the source to the compile you're giving your users?

Quick question, to you as well as MMO folk: Wouldn't it be against policy for you to take EMU precompile from here and pass it out to non-members.

Quick question, to you as well as MMO folk: Wouldn't it be against policy for you to take EMU precompile from here and pass it out to non-members.

yes kinda, i dont believe that mmobugs actually puts out an "official" mmobugs emuCompile so it wouldn't necessarily go against the site so much as whomever posts the compile here.

so i'd check w/ them. but as they aren't charging anything nor gaining anything by creating it/posting it i doubt he'll mind.

also just remove warp and zone from your compile before distributing it to your memebers and there wont be an issue, till someone gets there own. that is your easiest solution.
personally removing /zone sucks as my fav computer is only a 786 and it lags all to hell.

besides warp/zone's prolly gonna be the least of ur worries if its an emu server......:cool: killstuffquickFTW......
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