Tradeskill Experiment Window


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Anyone know the name of the experiment window when using tradeskills? I have a recipe I need to make a BUNCH of, but it won't pop up when searched for, even after successfully making it. So the only way for me to make it is to use the experiment window and manually put in the recipe every time. Well f that. Going to write something to do it for me but I can't find out what the window is called in tradeskills after hitting experiment. Normal tradeskill window would be /notify tradeskillwnd etc. but it doesn't work for the experiment window. Thanks for any help
any idea how to drop an item in it and hit combine on it?
Alright, progress. I found the slots in the experiment tradeskill window to be enviro1 - 10. so '/notify enviro# leftmouseup' will drop the item in that slot or pick up an existing item in that slot. Now just have to figure out how to hit the combine button
i figured it out just now. It's /notify containerwindow container_combine leftmouseup

thanks for the help guys :)
i figured it out just now. It's /notify containerwindow container_combine leftmouseup

thanks for the help guys :)

For future attempts at coding in maniuplations of the UI window. Find MQ2Hud.ini and add the follow into it

	LastMouseOverText=	7,50,0,			255,0,255			,${If[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver},${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Name},]}
	LastMouse7bg=		7,50,0,		0,0,0				,${If[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver},█████████████████████████,]}

Hit save. Then in game /loadhud dev

Then when you run your mouse over a window or a section of the window it will show the name of the window on your cursor. That's how I easily access the names of windows to retrieve information from them or to output manipulate them.

NOTE: This assume you aren't using a font size.
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/notify containerwindow container_combine leftmouseup

is not working when trying Experiments with containers held in my inventory

I've tried matching the caps -- to no avail
/notify ContainerWindow Container_Combine leftmouseup

Can someone check if I'm alone in this ?

/notify containerwindow container_combine leftmouseup

is not working when trying Experiments with containers held in my inventory

I've tried matching the caps -- to no avail
/notify ContainerWindow Container_Combine leftmouseup

Can someone check if I'm alone in this ?


Which Container makes the problem?

There are a couple of different ways to use tradeskill containers and each type needs a separate way to activate.

"Personal" Container in your Inventory:
/notify ContainerCombine_Items Container_Combine leftmouseup

Tradeskill Container:
/notify ContainerWindow Container_Combine leftmouseup

Tradeskill Container Targeting:
/itemtarget <ContainerName>
/click left item

Static Tradeskill Container e.g. fixed ones in PoK, Simple Guild Hall, Crescent Reach:
- Forge
- Forge
(New Tanaan Forge, Cultural Forge)
- Brewing Barrel, Brew Barrel
- Loom
- Jewelry Table
- Fletching Table
- Fishing Table
- Tinkering Table
- Pottery Wheel
- Mixing Bowl
- Spell Research Table
- Poisoncrafting Table
- Alchemy Table
- Ice Cream Chum
- Oven
- Kiln

Cultural forge has the same item name like "Forge". So how to differentiate them - I have no clue other than analyzing the location. It targets the closest Container available.

Dynamic Tradeskill Container in the Guild Hall (placable):
-> no solution so far, they are not targetable which is really nasty because there is enough place to test macros without disturbing people
-> I had the idea to simple use a combination of
/nav ... to the location of the guild TS container
/face ... any angle down to have it in the center
/left click .. into the center

That would be a nice plugin. I know that parts worked many years before like

/left click center

but this has been borked/removed since quite a time. In MQ2VladUtils there is a "/mmouseto x y" command but I am still missing a pure

/left click
/right click -> with optional menu to choose -> Translocator Statues

The same problem is there if I want to use the Translocator Items in the Guild Hall from the Collector Edition Packs. How do I target such things and how do I activate a certain step?

Any ideas for that?
The information about using environmental TS containers is scattered all over.

       |-- Select the container
       /itemtarget Pottery Wheel

	|-- Run to it
	/nav item
	/delay 2
	/delay 120s !${Navigation.Active}

        |-- Open it
	/face item nolook
	/click left center
	|-- TO DO : If we know the reciepe we should use TS window combine stuff but for now ...
	/delay 2s ${Window[TradeskillWnd].Open}
	/if (!${Window[TradeskillWnd].Open}) {
		/echo Couldn't open container
        |-- Hit the experiment button
        /invoke ${Window[TradeSkillWnd].Child[COMBW_ExperimentButton].LeftMouseUp}
    /delay 2s ${Window[ContainerWindow]}==TRUE
	/if (${Window[ContainerWindow]}) {
		/call ClearEnvro

		|-- Load each item into Enviro
		/for I 1 to 10
			/varset S ${Ini[TS.INI,Make,MAT${I}]}
			/if (${S.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
				/varset N ${Ini[TS.INI,Make,NUM${I}]}
				/if (${N}>0) {
					/echo Putting ${N}x ${S} into container
					/if (!${FindItem[=${S}].InvSlot}) {
						/keypress ESC
						/echo Out of materials: ${S}

					/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${S}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
					|/ctrl /itemnotify "${S}" leftmouseup
					/delay 2s ${Cursor.ID} 
					/echo Want ${S} - Picked up = ${Cursor.Name}
					/if (${Cursor.Name.NotEqual[${S}]}) {
						/echo Got Wrong Item
						/goto :PickUpItem
					/itemnotify enviro${InvSlot[enviro].Item.FirstFreeSlot} leftmouseup
					/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
					/varcalc N ${N}-1
					/delay 2
					/goto :MoveItemToEnviro
		/next I
		/echo Hitting combine
		/combine Containerwindow
		/delay 2s 
		/echo Check Results
		/for I 1 to 5
			/delay 1
		/next I

Sub ClearEnvro
	/declare N int local
	/if (${InvSlot[enviro].Item.FirstFreeSlot}>1) {
		/varcalc N ${InvSlot[enviro].Item.FirstFreeSlot}-1
		/itemnotify enviro${N} leftmouseup
		/delay 1
		/delay 1
		/goto :ClearContainer
Many thanks.

I tested it:

/itemtarget Pottery Wheel

- does work on tradeskill environmental containers like Simple Guild Hall, PoK
- does NOT work on Guild Hall Environmental Containers in Palatial Guild Hall (placable items)

/click left center

- does work if the item can be targetted
-> so I was wrong in the assumption that it does not work anymore

/face item nolook

- does center the view but only in x-achses
- for a "real mouse click" in the "center"-idea this will be a problem if no "look down" is possible

Is there a method to access Guild Hall Environmental Containers which are placable?
Many thanks.

I tested it:

/itemtarget Pottery Wheel

- does work on tradeskill environmental containers like Simple Guild Hall, PoK
- does NOT work on Guild Hall Environmental Containers in Palatial Guild Hall (placable items)

/click left center

- does work if the item can be targetted
-> so I was wrong in the assumption that it does not work anymore

/face item nolook

- does center the view but only in x-achses
- for a "real mouse click" in the "center"-idea this will be a problem if no "look down" is possible

Is there a method to access Guild Hall Environmental Containers which are placable?

/click left item

Will click itemtarget

/nav item

Will nav to itemtarget

/nav loc ${Ground[Forge].Y} ${Ground[Forge].X} ${Ground[Forge].Z}

Navigates to provided Location YXZ

If you /mapfilter ground

You will find that environmental containers are ground items. Thus can be treated as such.

/invoke ${Ground[Forge].Grab}

Will open a forge if you are standing directly in front of it.

Please reference my groundgrab.mac found GroundGrab.mac

For some reference code dealing with ground items.

Treating them as ground spawns instead of items may address some issues with the guild hall.

As for Combine buttons

/combine pack10

/combine pack9

etc for 1-10, :) you're welcome.

Dealing with Enviro. I'm uncertain entirely. But the Enviro# is also 1-9 but not sure that combine works the same way for them as I can't seem to /combine Enviro# for that. Something to look into perhaps.
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Many thanks for these ideas.

I tried everything and I did treat them as items or groundspawn. I also wrote something like the macro you posted. I am familiar with that. The mapfilter only switches between hide/show for these ground spawns. But the problem is that the "Placable Guild Environmental Containers" seem to be neither a item, nor a groundspawn and the same goes for the Translocation items from the Collectors edition and all "placable" things you can buy for housing and guildhalls.

In the housing area (Sunrise Hills) there are Environmental Containers too but these are preset and are items/groundspawns. I tried other guild halls too. The results are strange:

- placable items which /map can show and are targetable via /target or /itemtarget

- Solusek Ro puppet
- Plushies (different types)
- Timorous tigeraptor
- Verdant Topiary Lion

- placable items which are NOT on the map and not targetable via /target / itemtarget:

- bought Guild Hall Environmental Containers
- houses
- all static items like walls, bank, stones, bricks, lanterns, statues, pillars, tents, ....
- Trophies (!!!)

There is no difference between items which I own and items which are owned by others. Nothing is targetable, it is not even viewable in the /map.

I assume that it has not been coded somehow in MQ2.

So a solution would be a "real" mouse click instead of sending activation information to a object. MQ2 did it in the early stages but due to too much cases of obvious interaction that has been removed. Xylobot in the early days did exact the same thing.

Do I see it right that there is the need of another tag for it like /placable or MQ2 simply needs some expansion in recoqnizing objects like these?

Any other ideas or solutions welcome.
This has still been an issue for me until tonight.

Working in EXPERIMENT MODE with environment TS containers in POK it turns out I needed to click DOWN on the mouse first and then notify a release

	/notify ContainerWindow Container_Combine leftmouse
	/delay 5
	/notify ContainerWindow Container_Combine leftmouseup

finally this is working for me.
