toggle last 2 targets sniplet


New member
Apr 20, 2006
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looking for a macro line for toggle last 2 targets on a delay back and forth untill one dies then get another target to toggle. Im hopping to place it in the AFK bard macro to be able to kill 2 at once and speed it up x2. Ive been doing it manually while running this mac and /circle on 45 with great success. looking to automate it more tho.

Thank you in advance.
If there's a key in EQ that does it, you could do it with /keypress. I don't know what the technical name of the key in EQ is, but you could at least use /keypress on the key you have it bound to with EQ. Then just drop in that keypress where you want, and it should cycle back and forth.
I have it linked to the ` key below escape and above tab. and I get a error when I try to throw /keypress ` in it. here is the mac im wanting to put it in. Short but to the point and works fine. It was on the AFKbard thread by marburyisgod. Im just wanting to add a toggle last 2 targets line with a delay so it will cast chant toggle, cast chant rinse repeat till one is dead. Gain a new target and toggle between these 2 and so on.

Sub Main  

/call GM
/if (${Target.Level}>35) /tar npc next
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /target clear 
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar NPC radius 220   
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=70) /potionbelt Activate 2
/delay 10  
/goto :loopstart  

 Sub GM  
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
Bard.mac@11 (Main): /call keypress `
the current macro has ended
should be
/keypress `

not /call keypress...